February 2007
District Day and Jubilee Celebration will be in July
The District Day and the celebrations for the jubilarians will be on Saturday, July 28th this year. The events will be hosted at Lewis University. This year’s jubilarians include the following: 75 years – Brother Leo Keindel; 60 years – Brothers Patrick Craine, Alfred Marshall, Raymond McManaman; 50 years – Brothers Konrad Diebold, Leon Leba, Louis Rodemann, Raimond Rose, Leonard Stoffel, Joseph Zastrow; 25 years – Brothers Michael Kadow, Michael Quirk, Larry Schatz.
New elections have been scheduled
Once the ballots have been counted affirming Brother Tom Johnson as the next Auxiliary Visitor, an election will be conducted for the members of the 2007-2011 Midwest District Council. Following that, other details will be announced for the selection of delegates to the Midwest District Convocation, the District Chapter and the Mission Congress.
Personnel changes will take place in Burr Ridge
During the coming year the Provincial Offices in Burr Ridge will have several changes in personnel serving the Midwest District. Leo Hirsch, Director of Development, has announced his retirement. Karin McClelland-Anderer, Director of Formation and Accompaniment, has announced her decision to move on. Following a review of their job descriptions, two searches will begin in March to identify new people for these positions. Brother Martin Spellman will retire as the Director of Senior Brothers after six years. At the invitation of Brother Frank, Brother William Clarey has accepted the invitation to serve as the Director beginning this summer. Thank you to these staff members for a job well done.
Brother Frank sent Lenten booklets
Brother Frank Carr mailed the Lenten reflection booklets to all the Brothers and communities. “From Darkness to Light” by Joseph D. Creedon offers prayers and reflection for each day of the Lenten season. Watch for them.
Offices will be closed for the holiday
The Provincial Offices in St. Paul and in Burr Ridge will be closed for the President’s Day holiday on Monday, February 19th.
Brother Louis will assume newduties at Saint Mary's
On February 9th the Board of Trustees of Saint Mary's University of Minnesotaasked Brother Louis DeThomasis, Chancellor, to assume the duties of President until a new president is selected. It also announced its intention to commence immediately a presidential search process. Brother Louis served as President from 1984 to 2005 and was then named Chancellor. Following the resignation of Brother Craig Franz in December 2006, the Board asked Dr. Jeffrey Highland,Provost, to serve as interim President until official action could be taken at the February board meeting. Dr. Highland will now continue his responsibilities as Provost.
LTIP program started in January
The Lasallian Teacher Immersion Program started on January 14th. By the time the two Brothers and six young men who committed to this initial LTIP arrived in Wildwood, ice storms had created havoc with power sources, and the opening session took place by candlelight. This pioneer group will pray, study, serve, play, and live in community in Wildwood, Kansas City, Chicago and St. Louis, as well as at other ministries of the Midwest District. Congratulations to Brothers Pat Conway and Stephen Markham, and to Albert Escanilla and AndrewKnobbe of Lewis University, and Spencer Macklin, Adam Runge, Jim Trebisovsky, and Tim Uselman of Saint Mary’s University.
Brother James Miller Day was celebrated in Stevens Point
On Sunday, February 11th, Brother James Miller Day in Stevens Point, WI, marked the 25th anniversary of his murder in Guatemala. The main address was given by Bishop John Manz of Chicago, a member of the Bishops’ Committee on Migration and Refugee Services. Those in attendance celebrated his legacy and his Christian witness to the people of Central America. The Midwest District prepared memorial cards, posters and a CD/DVD set with information and prayers to mark the anniversary.
Regional Task Force met at Burr Ridge
The members of the Regional Task Force from the Salt Lake City Assembly met at Burr Ridge from Feb. 8-10. Their task was to follow up on the Assembly by planning for the implementation of the major directives of the Assembly. Members from the Midwest District were Michael Anderer-McClelland and Brother Louis DeThomasis.
Brother Basil honored with scholarship
A 1959 alumnus of Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota has established the Brother I. Basil Rothweiler Tomorrow’s Leaders Scholarship. Brother Basil has requested that the scholarship be tied to the Lasallian Teacher Immersion Program. Starting in the 2007-2008 academic year, the scholarship will be available to students accepting entry into the LTIP. In the event that the program should be discontinued at some future date, or in the event that no eligible students have matriculated at Saint Mary’s, the scholarship will be designated for male students pursuing a degree in education and service. The scholarship has already realized gifts in excess of $50,000. The first award will be at least $2,500.
Thank you to the Corboys
Phil Corboy and Mary Dempsey recently made a generous $500,000 contribution to the retired Brothers housing fund. Mary is the President of the Corboy Foundation. Phil is St. George ’42; Mary is Saint Mary’s University (Winona) ’75; Mary’s father, Don Dempsey, is St. Mel ’35, and will be 90 in June! Thank you for the donation!
Chapter delegates attend meeting in Guatemala
In preparation for the General Chapter two delegates from the Midwest District traveled to Guatemala. Brothers Frank Carr and Thomas Johnson are among ten delegates from the U.S. who will meet with RELAL and some representatives from PARC and Spain on February 12th and 13th. The focus of the gathering will be to strategize for the Chapter and to discuss common issues.
Brother James Miller Social Justice Fund Grants Awarded
On January 10th the members of the Brother James Miller Social Justice Fund committee met to review twenty-one applications and selected twelve of them for grants totaling $10,600. Those projects funded included the following: Capacity Building Social Justice Workshop for Lay Partners (Nigeria); Books/Computer Materials at Centro Educativo SJBDLS (Homestead, FL); Library books for St. Joseph School (Nazareth, Ethiopia); Heroin Addicts Clinics at House of Hope (Karachi, Pakistan); Summer Camp Program at Dunrovin (Marine on St. Croix, MN); Neighborhood Night at Su Casa (Chicago); Retreats at Brother David Darst Center (Chicago); Accelerated Math Program at San Juan Diego School (Racine, WI); Study/Rest Room at B.J.T. Jr. College (S. India); Nutrition Education Project at Almost Home (Saint Louis); Alternative Power Supply at St. Joseph Boys Village (S. India); Classroom Furniture at St. Joseph's High School (S. India). The members of the committee are Brother Thomas Hetland, Sister Marlene Schemmel CSJ, Brother Christopher Kavanaugh, Brother Martin Spellman, Mrs. Lori Dressel, and Brother Charles Kelly.
Mercy Home (Chicago) is seeking Brothers
The Mercy Home for Boys and Girls (homeless and needy youth) in Chicago has two opportunities available for Brothers looking for part time employment in Donor Relations, part of the Development Office. Their role would be primarily responding to calls from donors who may have questions or want information related to Mercy Home or events. The hours are flexible, working two or three days or afternoons/evening each week at the main campus at 1140 W. Jackson in Chicago. Both are paid positions. For details: Rita Garvin (312.738.9564) or Dan Pritchard (312.738.8334).
Catholic Schools Week was January 28th to February 3rd
Our schools celebrated during National Catholic Schools Week at the end of January. This year's theme was "Catholic Schools: The Good News in Education." The National Catholic Education Association offered support, guidance, and professionally designed marketing materials to Catholic schools for increasing awareness, promoting student enrollment and teacher recruitment, and celebrating with current students. Learn more at
De La Salle/Minneapolis will connect with Kenya
As part of De La Salle’s long-standing commitment to diversity education, the Lasallian Ministry Department will sponsor a five-week immersion trip to Kenya during the summer of 2007. The students who will participate will live, serve and study side-by-side with students in two Lasallian schools in Kenya. Peg Hodapp, Vice President for Mission, is organizing the trip. Brother Chuck Gregor will lead the group of seventeen students and three staff members. He worked in Kenya for five years and is familiar with the country and the language.
Brother Superior appointed Brothers to the General Chapter
Brother Álvaro and his Council have appointed several Brothers to the General Chapter this year. They include Brothers Antonio Botana (Associates Secretary), Michael French (Director of C.I.L.), Francisco López (Econome General) and Frederick Mueller (Secretary of MEL). Among the young Brothers appointed to the Chapter the only one from the Region is Brother Michael Sanderl from the San Francisco District.
Brother Pat Conway sent a message
“Thank you so much for your cards, prayers, and support after my mother's passing. My family could not get over the number of cards and also the number of you that were present at the wake and funeral. You may be aware that the memorials are going to the Lasallian Teacher Immersion Program (LTIP) and something I am sure she would be proud of. My mother's childhood was anything but easy. She attended 13 schools in ten years and was often dependent on Catholic Charities for food, clothing and, at times, shelter. She loved the Church and was very grateful for the Sisters of St. Joseph and the Christian Brothers who reached out to assist her in raising her younger siblings. She was acutely aware that in order to break the cycle of poverty, education was to be a priority. It is a privilege, therefore, to work with the young men in the Lasallian Teacher Immersion Program. I can think of no better way for me to honor my mother. Thank you. Pat.”
High School Administrators will meet in San Antonio
The regular meeting of the regional High School Administrators will be held in San Antonio, TX, from February 27th to March 2nd. Those from the Midwest District will include Brother Frank Carr, Karin McClelland-Anderer, and Brother Kevin Convey. The keynote speaker will be Sister Clare Fitzgerald, SSND. Brother Bill Mann, Vicar General, will also give one of the presentations.
De La Salle Institute Welcomed Jamail Larkins
Jamail Larkins, the youngest African-American air show aerobatics pilot in America, was at De La Salle (Chicago) in January to speak to students as part of his third national Dream Launch tour in which he encourages students to achieve their dreams and provides information about possible careers in aviation. On February 2, 2005, Larkins was appointed the first Ambassador for Aviation & Space Education for the Federal Aviation Administration by Administrator Marion C. Blakey. In this capacity, he acts as an official representative of the FAA, promoting aviation career opportunities to youth, as well as the benefits of aviation to mainstream America. His accomplishments have been recognized by many organizations, including the FAA, Experimental Aircraft Association, Organization of Black Airline Pilots, and The Franklin Institute.
Harvey House needs a piano
If any of the communities or schools have a piano around that is collecting dust, Harvey House, the community that serves the Gary Comer Campus in Chicago, is looking for either a good deal on one or a "for the hauling" give away. If in the Chicago area, they would be pleased to arrange for the moving of the piano. If anyone has one available contact Ross Nodurft at the Harvey House (708) 386-9635 or at work (773) 726-3675.
Buttimer IV program announced
Buttimer IV is a special weeklong session intended to serve Buttimer graduates only. "The Spiritual Journey Continues" will follow a retreat-like format and provide participants with an opportunity for input in Lasallian vocational themes, discussion, prayer, reflection, socializing, and spiritual direction. Mrs. Mimi MacCaul and Brother Donald Mouton are the presenters and guides for Buttimer IV, which begins on June 24, 2007, and lasts through June 30, 2007. Departure is on Sunday, July 1, 2007. Tuition is $1,225 for each participant. Contact the chief administrator regarding payment arrangements and submit a completed registration form by March 15, 2007. Registration materials are located on the Christian Brothers Conference website at
Religious Brothers Conference will offer two retreats
The Religious Brothers Conference (formerly NARB) will conduct two retreats. From February 27th to March 4thSister Mary Hopkins, OP, will be the presenter for “Celebrating and Living our Elder Years.” The retreat will be held at the San Pedro Retreat Center in Winter Park, FL. The cost is $535 for the five night program and includes fees, materials, room and meals. From March 27th to April 1st Sister Mary Hopkins will offer the same program at the Redemptorist Retreat Center in Tucson, AZ. The cost is $500. For details and registration: Religious Brothers Conference, 5420 South Cornell Avenue, Chicago, IL 60615-5604. (773) 493-2306.
Health Updates
- Brother Louis Rodemann is having cataract and glaucoma surgery on February 19th.
- Brother Martin Spellman was treated for early stage prostate cancer with radium seeds, was discharged from LaGrange Hospital, and is doing well.
- Brother Chris Kavanaugh is receiving radiation treatments at Loyola for the three new spots on his vertebrae visualized on his MRI.
- Brother Edwin Dupre is recuperating at home and getting plenty of exercise walking up three flights of stairs.
- Brother Bernard Zacheis is having the hip replacement surgery on Feb. 19th at Baptist Hospital in Memphis.
- Brother Justin Lucian has metastatic lung cancer to the bones and lymph nodes. He is on oxygen therapy and having fluid drained from his lungs on a periodic basis to control the symptoms of shortness of breath.
- Brother John Johnston is continuing with therapy twice a week to strengthen his leg muscles. He has the fatigue associated with chemotherapy.
- Brother Richard Gerlach had cataract surgery on January 30th and because of a complication he had eye surgery at the Mayo Clinic on February 2nd.
- Helen Ford, mother of Brother Christopher, now has cancer in her lymph nodes and bones. She has begun chemo and radiation, but realistically the best that can be hoped for is more time.
- Brother Rob Veselsky recently had a prostate biopsy and the results were benign.
- Brother David Paszkiet was discharged from Ballard Health Care Center on February 3rd after receiving rehabilitation for his total hip joint replacement done in January.
Congratulations to
- Brother Martin Spellman and Brother Paul Joslin who will each receive the Presidential Award for Outstanding Merit on February 27th at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota during the Founder’s Day convocation.
- Brother Finbar McMullen, who was featured in a January 20th article in the Winona Daily News titled “Finbar McMullen: Brother of invention.”
- George J. Pratt, Jr., Dean of Students at CBHS, who received the 2006 Distinguished Alumnus Award form the CBHS Alumni Association at the November 9th National Honor Society induction assembly.
Rest in Peace
- Brother Robert McCann, 76, (New York) died on January 31st in Pawtucket, RI. He entered the Institute at Barrytown, NY, in 1948 and began teaching in Albany, NY, in 1953. He was the executive director of Christian Brothers Conference in Romeoville, IL, and served as president of the National Assembly of Religious Brothers, now the Religious Brothers Conference, from 1975 to 1979. Brother Robert was Director of Education at the National Office in Romeoville, IL, from 1988 to 1992. The Mass of Christian Burial was on February 3rd at Our Lady of the Star Chapel in Narragansett with burial in the Brothers’ Cemetery.
- Valentine Poska, 88, former Brother Roger, died on January 18th in San Antonio, TX. He was educated in the parochial schools of Chicago and graduated from St. Mary’s College in Winona in 1940. He was a professed member of the Christian Brothers for twenty-six years. He later married Mollyann Howell Pierini in 1967. He was a teacher and librarian for sixty years, including 25 years at San Antonio College. A Mass of Christian Burial was on January 24th at St. John Neumann Catholic Church with interment in Holy Cross Cemetery in San Antonio.
- Anne Blease, 85, aunt of Brother John Blease, died on February 5th in Grand Haven, MI, following a short illness.
February 2007 Health Notes from Maureen Guillou, RN
We would like our feet to last us a lifetime. Proper foot care can make a big difference in warding off foot problems. May we never have to say, “Oh my aching feet!” Do you know that the average pair of feet travels 70,000 to 115,000 miles in a lifetime?
General Foot Maintenance:
- Exercise your feet: To help strengthen each foot, gently flex the arch and curl the toes. Hold this position and count to ten. Walking is also an excellent exercise for the feet.
- Rest and relax your feet every day.
- Massage your feet. It exercises muscles and encourages blood flow.
Foot Hygiene:
- Inspect your feet daily. Look for cracked skin, redness, or other signs of trouble.
- Check your shoes. Loose objects inside a shoe can injure the foot. Use your hand to feel inside your shoes for things like pebbles, loose stitching, or rough areas that could irritate your skin.
- Trim your toenails as often as necessary, cutting straight across to prevent ingrown toenails.
- Wash and then dry the feet thoroughly, including between toes. You may find it helpful to apply foot powder, cream, or lotion.
- Change socks and shoes frequently to help prevent fungus infections. Socks should be changed daily and shoes should be aired until dry. Socks of a soft absorbent material, like cotton, are best.
Choosing Shoes That Fit Correctly: