2010 DOVE International Leadership Conference
God's faithfulness to the DOVE family now spans 30 years! Let's pursue our destiny together at this year's DOVE International family of leaders gathering March 29-31, 2010 at SandyCoveConference Center in Northeast, Maryland. Join other leaders from around the world for
this refreshing time. For more information on this exciting conference, click here.
HaitiEarthquake Relief: How you can help
A massive earthquake struck Haiti near the capital of Port-au-Prince on January 12th with extensive damage to buildings, and the number of injured or dead is estimated to be in the thousands. DOVE's four churches in Haiti (Haiti Mission, L'eglise de Shalom, Temple of the BibleChurch and Titos Disciples for Christ) are all located outside the epicenter. These four churches are certainly strategically located to be able to receive refugees and need financial assistance to care for the refugees who are without food, water, clothes and medical care. We encourage you to give toward this enormous need. DOVE International will receive funds which will be distributed through these churches and a number of reputable relief agencies like:
Life Connections Ministry, YWAM and HISG.Nelson Martin, who gives apostolic oversight to the DOVE churches in Haiti, will be the coordinator of the immediate distribution of funds send to DCFI. Send donations to DCFI, 11 Toll Gate Road, Lititz, PA17543, earmarked “Haiti Relief.” You may contact Nelson directly for details.
In the future there will be opportunities for work teams as well. We will keep you posted as it develops. In the meantime, continue to pray for those who are on the ground in the midst of the human suffering that they can minister not only physical life and assistance, but also the love of Christ.
A personal note from Larry & LaVerne Kreider
This year we enter into our 30th year as a DOVE International family! LaVerne and I were at DOVE Westgate this morning, and I told them that 30 years ago there was no DOVE. But there were two house fellowships for new believers and a group of leaders praying at our home every Saturday morning at 5 AM to birth a new church. Nine months later, in October 1980, DOVE (Declaring Our Victory Emmanuel) was birthed with about 25 brave people. Four of the couples who came to that original 5 AM prayer meeting were at DOVE Westgate this morning—amazingly faithful people for the past 30 years! Never despise the day of small beginnings! God honors faithfulness.We are so blessed that in the wisdom and grace of God, YOU have responded to the Lord and joined with us in the DOVE family to reach our cities and nations for Jesus. And we have only begun! We are looking forward to seeing so many of you at the International Leadership Conference at Sandy Cove in Maryland again this year, March 29-31. Our theme is "Celebrating 30 Years: Pursuing Our Destiny." Our friend, Joseph Umidi, from RegentUniversity, will be with us this year. He is such a father in the faith. You will love him and the Word he and lots of others bring. Brochures will be available within the next week. Sign up early and please stay for the entire conference. Wednesday night is a special "30 Year Celebration" hosted by Peter Bunton and Steve Prokopchak with lots of video and surprises and tributes from around the world.God bless you. We are honored that Jesus called us to serve with you on the same team!
Men challenged to be spiritual fathers at seminar
The response of a recent seminar for men in Bulgaria was a great surprise to us. We held a seminar for men on November 14, with Larry Kreider as the guest speaker. About 130 men came from 17 different churches and many shared that they were blessed by the spirit of Larry as a spiritual father.
A representative of one of the Christian newspapers in Bulgaria attended and mentioned that the seminar touched and challenged the men. It made us think how much we need similar events with solid teaching for men. The believers in our nation, like everywhere else, need to hear more about the role of men in the family, about healthy marriages that God wants us to enjoy and not to endure, and also about spiritual fathers and mothers mentoring others. So in the year 2010 we intend to organize events at a national level with this very purpose.
Tihomir & Dimka and Danail Tenev, DOVE Bulgaria
Ministering holistically in India
God has started doing something very awesome in DestinyCenter. Toward the end of last year God brought three Hindu families to our church. They did not know Jesus, so we prayed for them and led them to the Lord. We have been doing Bible studies and discipleship classes with them. An interesting thing about these new families is that they all have children with special needs—that is, each of them has children who are deaf and dumb. We see this as God’s way of opening a new kind of ministry in our church. We are praying for their healing but at the same time we are believing God to direct us as how to minister holistically to these children. These families do not understand a word of English but they love coming to church. We are convinced, however, that they need a service in their own language, and therefore sense the urgency to start a Kanada (local language) service. —Phillip Omondi, Destiny Center, India
Caribbean Regional Gathering
Churches desire to see "holy man" myth broken
On November 6 and 7, leaders gathered for the 2009 Caribbean Regional Gathering. Leaders were present from Barbados and the island of Canouan. We spent two days together worshiping, reporting, praying, sharing encouraging teachings, discussing strategies and casting vision for the future of this important part of the world. This dedicated group of men and woman desire to see the kingdom of God come to the islands and change lives. For this to happen, it is advantageous to see the “holy man” myth broken over the islands—a myth that only a pastor can do the work of ministry and not all believers. This myth has been perpetuated for generations and inhibits the growth and the ministry of the believers. Pray and agree with us as we ask God for growth in this region of the world and see the church built from house to house and island nation to island nation.
—Steve Prokopchak, Caribbean Apostolic Team Leader
New DOVE-HOPEWELL Training Partnership
The DOVE Leadership Training School (DLTS) has been effectively training leaders for 15 years. Now a new partnership with the Hopewell Network of Churches combines our training school with this like-minded apostolic network to train more leaders to advance the Kingdom. It is a leadership training school with an emphasis on church planting—a core value for both DOVE and the Hopewell network of churches.
The Hopewell Network of Churches is an apostolic network of churches formed in 2001 and committed to raising up leaders who can build and multiply contemporary New Testament churches in the United States and around the world.
The classes are held Friday night and Saturday of each month at Petra Christian Fellowship, New Holland, PA. This weekend intensive schedule makes it easy to handle work, family, ministry and training at the same time. The teachers come from a broad range of leadership and ministry experience. They include seasoned leaders from DOVE, Hopewell and other ministries. Classroom interaction enhances the learning experience.
For DOVE this means a new second “campus” that will compliment the Cumberland Valley DLT School started last year in Shippensburg, PA. Classes will no longer be continued at the DCFI office in Lititz, PA, but existing students can now attend one of the other sites. —Brian Sauder, DLTS Director
For more on the school and available classes, click here
New Release!21 Tests of Effective Leadership
As leaders we all face tests, and we should welcome them. The greater our call to leadership, the greater the tests will be. Problems only provide the opportunity for us to grow and become more mature as leaders. Surviving the tests teaches us humility, because we have been tested and remained faithful. No matter if we are leaders in the workforce, in our homes, our communities, our church or in a variety of organizations, this book will help us stand when the task becomes difficult and demanding. Published by Destiny Image, by Larry Kreider: Cover price $16.99
Special: Buy one, get one free!
"...In all arenas of life, we see a trend of failing leadership. This book by Larry Kreider is timely and an excellent tool to help correct this trend...” —Tony Fitzgerald, Apostolic Leader of Church of the Nations Read more
DOVE Africa Convention
Transformational message hits home!
The theme of this year’s DOVE Africa Convention, held the first week of December, was “Be Ye Transformed!" All conventions are a great blessing—but this year, for the first time, I felt that the message “hit home,” right to heart of the issues in DOVE Kitale churches. In the past we have known how to say the right words and take the right posture outwardly, but no inward transformation actually takes place.
At this convention we learned that, as leaders, the quality of our day-to-day lives and the decisions we make are a vital part of the gospel message that we are to deliver to our communities. We cannot compartmentalize ministry and separate it from the rest of our lives. The Christian life is the paramount influence in everything we do—not just in the faith that we profess on Sundays.
I have personally struggled for many years about going out to work to generate income— seeing it as a contradiction to going all out to preach the gospel. The teachings in this convention, coming from our DOVE Africa apostolic leaders and Larry Kreider, caused me to realize that "making money" is not the only reason we might go into business. It is much more. My business or professional life is not in a separate compartment. Rather, I am to be so convinced and convicted about the authority and power of Jesus Christ in the world, that my workplace or my business is just one area where my transformed mind and spirit excels.
Due to this, a burden of guilt and mediocrity rolled off me. I am thirsty and yearning for renewal in my mind so that transformation becomes visible in every area of my life. It IS possible to break the oppressive spirit of poverty off of our lives! “Jesus: Become alive to DOVE Africa and transform us into your image. Use us to change Africa!”
—Joina Munyanya and her husband William serve as apostolic leaders of DOVE Kenya, Kitale Region.
Marriage Building Weekend
The Valentine Weekend is coming up soon! While those who attend will experience worship and thought provoking sessions, couples will enjoy plenty of time to rest, relax and enjoy one another. Join us as we laugh, meet new people, and learn marriage skills! It’s a weekend designed to help good marriages become even stronger! With Steve and Mary Prokopchak and guests. February 5-7, 2010 at Bird-in-Hand Family Inn, Lancaster County, PAfor more, click here
Join us in 24/7 Prayer
Prayer is a DOVE family value. Everyone is encouraged to pray for the DOVE family around the world. The Prayer Journal Update is a monthly email that contains updated prayer information. This email is sent to Senior Elders, Prayer Generals, and anyone who requests it. To become involved or request additional information, email Nelson Martin.
The International Apostolic Council has decided to publish one issue of the Prayer Journal this year to be good stewards of the finances the Lord has provided. The Prayer Journal is available on the DCFI.org web page and can be printed or downloaded on your computer. Click here
Africa Center for Transformation receives design document
After 2 ½ years in the making, an extensive Design Package Report was presented to DOVE Africa this November from Engineering Ministries International (EMI).* This valuable document represents the culmination of two EMI trips to Nairobi (June 2007 and March 2009) as well as an estimated 1500 hours of professional design work. DOVE Africa is very grateful for this sacrificial blessing.
The AfricaCenter for Transformation project is one of the largest even undertaken by EMI. The design report includes aspect such as geotechnical evaluation, design rationale, drainage, structural proposals for foundation, walls and roof, water systems, and architectural designs. EMI recommends that a building committee be established that would identify a Project Director as well as appoint a Lead Consultant in Nairobi. After a design and bid phase, construction could begin.
A verse given to DOVE leaders at the beginning of this year was Ephesians 3:20, “Now to him who is able to do exceeding above all that we can ask or imagine, according to His power at work within us....” Yes, seeing this project realized does seem beyond what we can imagine. The more immediate need (of paying back loans that were used to purchase the property and having an initial building to use for office and celebration) is challenging enough! DOVE Nairobi continues to meet on the property in a tent that has been extended several times now. (In rainy weather we experience a few showers of blessing inside the tent also!) But regardless, it is great to have a place of “our own” after 18 years of rented meeting places. And the Word from Ephesians reminds us that God IS able!
The report concludes: “It has been EMI’s great pleasure to serve DOVE Africa and the people of Nairobi on this project. It is our hope and prayer that the AfricaCenter for Transformation will become a reality and will be a resource for DOVE to continue reaching the people of Kenya and all of Africa for Christ, training them to be agents of renewal in the communities.”We couldn’t have said it better! The project certainly looks good on paper—please pray for DOVE Africa and the Africa Transformation Initiative Task Force to have the wisdom and provision to bring this vision to reality!
* EMI is a non-profit organization whose vision is to mobilize design professionals—including architects and engineers—to provide free design assistance to ministries in developing nations. For more information visit —Diane Omondi
School of Global Transformation heads to Brazil!
The SGT students are in the "Deployment phase" of their training. This time, it is an 8 week cross cultural assignment to Brazil. During this outreach, students partner with local churches and experienced leaders to help build vision and faith for future ministry both at home and abroad.
It has been quite a journey for the SGT Team thus far. They have just left for Brazil! They have “conquered” their journals, experienced “hands on” conflict resolution issues and devoured hours of intense teaching…all in preparation for the days and weeks that lie just ahead.
As the Resident Advisor for this wonderful group of young people, I have grown to love each of them. Individually, they are unique; together they are a team. They have different gifts, calling and personalities, but they have learned to function as a team. Allow me to introduce the team to you:
Jaime is a treasure. God has brought her on an incredible journey through SGT, but this is her story to tell. However, I do have the liberty to declare…it is a success story! Jaime experienced a transformation in the very depths of her being. She is a different person from the inside out. God answered every prayer she breathed as she took the giant step of faith to enter this school.
Tricia has discovered that God has given her a wonderful gift. She can sing! Really sing! She did not know this before she came to SGT. She struggled in music theory in college. She did not understand it and every attempt to play the piano failed. However, she now sits at the keyboard and plays and sings beautifully to the Lord. The Lord has a special anointing on this one for song.
Daniel is a young man who is comfortable in the “warm climate” culture. He builds relationships with young people and adults easily. Relationships are important to him. He laughs easily and often, but when he cries in intercession for others or releases a powerful prophetic word, it rends the heart of those around him. Daniel has a gentle, approachable spirit and he loves on people.
Jeff is an amazing person. His spirit devours the Word and he has a true servant heart. Many times, I watched him rise from the table first and begin to wash the dishes. He will make a wonderful husband to some special young woman. He takes every aspect of the School seriously, giving it his all. SGT has enabled Jeff to grow in the confidence of who he is in Christ.
It has been both a privilege and a joy to serve beside these young people. We have laughed together and God has bonded my heart with each and every one of them. —Sharon Weaver, Reading DOVE, For more on the school click here