The University of San Diego fellowship to study in Europe for the summer is based mainly on a competitive, blind-graded, written examination. The date of the examination is Friday March 5, at 19:00 at the offices of Pericles ABLE Project, Pervie Miusskaya Ul. 22-3, Moscow, Russia.
If there are many people signing up for the exam, we will have a second sitting. To apply to take the exam, you need to provide to Pericles the following items on or before March 2, 2010 at 8:00 pm:
1)This application form, completed, with contact information for two references. You should save it with your last name, first name, and the word USDapp (ie:kouznetsov_vladimir_USDapp.doc), and provide it both in printed form (black & white is fine) AND on email or flash drive (flash drive files will be saved to our server and the drive will be returned to you).
2)An up-to-date resumé/CV also both printed out AND on email or flash drive. Please save your resume with your last name, first name, and the word CV (ie:kouznetsov_vladimir_CV.doc or kouznetsov_vladimir_CV.pdf)
3)A copy of your foreign travel passport indicating that your passport is valid at least through November. (This is not needed if you are only applying for the Russia Program scholarship.)
4)A recent passport style and size (approximately 5cm x 5cm) photograph—(digital provided on email or flash drive is preferred but as an alternative a regular passport photo is acceptable). Please save digital photos with your last name and first name and in jpg or tif format. (Digital photos in gif or doc format will not be accepted.)
5)A completed, printed and signed Single FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) Form authorizing information to be released to Marian Dent at Pericles and whomever else you might want to list.
6)A printed and signed USD Agreement (which becomes accepted by USD and valid only if you are awarded a scholarship).
7)A REFUNDABLE 1000 ruble fee (refundable to you when you come to the examination on time).
Students who live and work outside Moscow and are coming to Moscow just to take the exam can email items 1 & 2 above to prior to March 2 with the Subject Line: “Attention Summer Program Coordinator”, and can bring items 3-6 when they come to sit for the exam. For such students the application fee can be waived upon request.
When you apply you will receive an examination number (which you must remember), an examination ticket, and a study guide to help you prepare for the written examination. We recommend that you apply early in order to get this study guide as early as possible.
You can get more information about the scholarship program by looking at the University of San Diego Scholarship Program Info file available on the web site , and from there you can download a PDF with detailed program information. You can also check for general information on Pericles ABLE Project and its programs.
You can get more information about University of San Diego study abroad programs by going to However, you will not find information on this scholarship exam at this web site, and you should not attempt to apply for the USD program through this website. This scholarship is offered on a cooperative basis between Pericles ABLE Project and University of San Diego; it is only open to lawyers who are citizens or residents of the former Soviet Union and to non-US citizen students who are currently studying in Russia. This scholarship is not advertised abroad, and thus is not located on the University of San Diego website.
The application form begins on the next page.
Pericles-USD Summer Law Fellowship Application Form
This form is for Russian based students and Russian and former CIS lawyers applying for the Pericles/University of San Diego (USD) scholarship exam. Do not fill out USD’s web based form, nor send this form to USD. You should fill out this form by tabbing through the blanks and entering the appropriate information. Then
(1) print it out and bring it to Pericles along with an emailed copy or flashdrive version as mentioned above by 8pm March 2, or
(2) if you live outside Moscow just send it via email BEFORE March 2to
If a field does not apply, do not leave it blank, please enter N/A.
Fields to be completed are in blue. Instructions are in maroon color.
Please write your name EXACTLY as in your Foreign Travel Passport. (If your visa invitation is incorrect because of a difference in name spelling between this form and your passport, you will be removed from the program)Mr. Ms.
First Name:
Family Name:
Date of Birth: Click for MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Type date, Type year
Home Street Address in Latin Characters:
Home Street Address in Cyrillic Characters:
Apartment Number:
City: Region/State:
Post Code: Country:
Home Phone (with city code):
Mobile Phone (if any):
Home Fax (if any):
Highest Legal Education
Name of Institution/College (in Russian):
City of Law School:
Date/Expected Year of Graduation from Law School:
Law Degree Type/Expected Type: Click for List4 year diploma/bachelors5 year diploma/specialistSecond higher education diplomaLL.M./MagisterCandidate (in Russia)JD (in West)Doctor of Jurisprudence (Rus)
If you are currently in law school or graduated within the last two years
please give:
Full name of a reference we can contact at your law faculty/institute:
Phone number: E-mail:
Full name of the Rector of your law institute/dean of your faculty:
Phone number of your institute/ law faculty:
Other Higher Education (if any)
Degree: Click for List4 year diploma/bachelors5 year diploma/specialistSecond higher education diplomaMagister (Rus)Masters (Western)Candidate (Rus)Doctorate (Western)Doctorate (Russian)
Name of Institution/College (in Russian if school is Russian):
Have you ever attended a University of San Diego course before? (yes/no):
If Yes, please indicate which city(s) and which year(s):
Housing: If you win the scholarship for Dublin or Oxford, what housing do you want reserved for you. (Note, if you reserve housing, you must pay a $50 non-refundable deposit for this housing along with the administrative fee. If you change your mind about the housing this deposit is NOT refundable.) Other cities besides Oxford and Dublin do not have university housing available, so students find their own housing surfing the web and with help from lists you will be sent from USD.
Single ( $2600)
I will find my own accommodations.
This does not apply because I do not want a scholarship for Dublin.
Single ($1000 in Oxford in Lidell Building)
Single ($1400 in Jericho)
Single ($2400 in St. Giles)
Single($2400 in Oxford “New College”)
I will find my own accommodations.
This does not apply because I do not want a scholarship for Oxford.
Please state, in order of preference, the programs/cities to which you want to apply. If you win the scholarship, the choice of cities will be awarded on the basis of the highest scores, with two winners for each city. So if you have the highest score you will definitely win your first choice. If you have lower, but still successful scores, you may get your first choice or a lower choice, depending on how many people with higher scores than you picked the same city that you picked.
1st choice: Click on List and Pick OneBarcelona (May 24-June 18)Dublin (June 28-July 31)Florence (May 24-June 19)London (June 28-July 31)Moscow (May 23-June 25)Oxford (June 28-July 30)Paris (June 28-Jul 31)
2nd choice: Click on List and Pick OneBarcelona (May 24-June 18)Dublin (June 28-July 31)Florence (May 24-June 19)London (June 28-July 31)Moscow (May 23-June 25)Oxford (June 28-July 30)Paris (June 28-Jul 31)
3rd choice: Click on List and Pick OneBarcelona (May 24-June 18)Dublin (June 28-July 31)Florence (May 24-June 19)London (June 28-July 31)Moscow (May 23-June 25)Oxford (June 28-July 30)Paris (June 28-Jul 31)
4th choice: Click on List and Pick OneBarcelona (May 24-June 18)Dublin (June 28-July 31)Florence (May 24-June 19)London (June 28-July 31)Moscow (May 23-June 25)Oxford (June 28-July 30)Paris (June 28-Jul 31) / 5th choice:Click on List and Pick OneBarcelona (May 24-June 18)Dublin (June 28-July 31)Florence (May 24-June 19)London (June 28-July 31)Moscow (May 23-June 25)Oxford (June 28-July 30)Paris (June 28-Jul 31)
6th choice:Click on List and Pick OneBarcelona (May 24-June 18)Dublin (June 28-July 31)Florence (May 24-June 19)London (June 28-July 31)Moscow (May 23-June 25)Oxford (June 28-July 30)Paris (June 28-Jul 31)
Last choice: Click on List and Pick OneBarcelona (May 24-June 18)Dublin (June 28-July 31)Florence (May 24-June 19)London (June 28-July 31)Moscow (May 23-June 25)Oxford (June 28-July 30)Paris (June 28-Jul 31)
If you are selected for a scholarship, how many days before the program start do you plan to arrive in the host country? (If you aren’t sure just guess) Click on List and Pick One1 day2 days3 days4 days5 days
If you are selected for a scholarship you must pay $500 for any location for which you are accepted on or before March 12. There may be some exceptions made where hardship causes us to waive or reduce the fee.
Are you applying for a waiver or reduction of the $500 application fee: NoYes
Payment must be made by wire transfer to the University of San Diego. You have your choice of taking one or two law courses on most programs. We recommend that you take two law courses ONLY if your English language reading speed and legal study skills are quite good. Otherwise, you should take just one course.
Course Preferences (complete any that apply to your preference cities, and leave the rest defaulted “None”) The designation “1-2-or 3 cr” is the number of credits—in other words the length and difficulty of the course. You may take no more than 6 credits in total. Courses in each drop down list are offered at the same time as each other. Thus, you cannot take 2 courses in the same drop down list.
Please note that the Pericles LLM program may not accept your course for Pericles LLM credit if Pericles offers the same course regularly. These include some European Union Law courses and International Negotiation courses and may include some others. If you want to credit your summer courses towards the Pericles LL.M. please check the USD program brochure to be sure you can do this before listing the course.
In some cities you may also take language courses. These courses are only designed for introducing or brushing up language skills. Language is not the main purpose of the program, there are no certificates or college credits awarded for language courses, and you cannot select language courses instead of taking any law courses. Please note that the language courses are taught in the expectation that your first language is English. We recommend that you should NOT take two law courses plus a language course, as you will probably find the study load too difficult. Any language course you choose to take will cost you $85 extra.
Barcelona: NoneEuropean Union Law I (2 cr)International Corporations (2 cr) and NoneInternational Contracts (2 cr)International Litigation (2 cr) and No Language ClassesSurvival Spanish ($85)Intermediate Conversation Spanish ($85)
Dublin: NoneComparative Civil Rights (3 cr)International Human Rights (3 cr)International Negotiations (3 cr) and NoneComparative Civil Rights (3 cr)International Human Rights (3 cr)International Negotiations (3 cr) (note: Dublin courses are not offered at the same time, but per ABA rules you can select only 2 out of the three possible courses in Dublin.)
Florence:NoneInternational Art Law (2 cr)International Negotiations (2 cr) and NoneInternational Copyright Law (2 cr)Comparative Civil Liberties (2 cr) and No Language ClassesConversational Italian ($85)
London: NoneInternational Litigation (3 cr)International Business Transactions (3 cr) and NoneEuropean Union Law (3 cr)International Entertainment Law (3 cr)
Moscow: NoneTransactions with Emerging Markets (3 cr) Intro to RF Law (3 cr-only for non-RF lawyers) (there is only one course available to you in Moscow. Russian Law may only be taken in special circumstances by those who have not previously started a law degree in a Russian law school.) and No Language ClassesLegal Russian ($150) (Legal Russian is open only to non-native speakers of Russian)
Oxford: NoneEuropean Union Law (3 cr)International Environmental Law (3cr) and NoneComparative Criminal Justice (3 cr)Public International Law (3 cr)
Paris: NoneInternational Contracts (3cr)European Union Law (3 cr)International Internet Law (3 cr) and NoneInternational Business Transactions (3 Cr)International & Comparative Torts (3 cr)and No Language ClassesSurvival French ($85)Intermediate Conversational French ($85)
Passport Info. Note, you cannot apply for this program unless you have a foreign travel passport that is currently valid and is valid through November 2010. Exception—Russian citizens and current residents may apply for the Moscow program with just a domestic passport.
Foreign Travel Passport Number:
Date Issued: Click for MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Type date, Type year
Date Expires: Click for MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Type date, Type year
Place Issued:
Date of Birth: Click for MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Type date, Type year
City/Region of Birth:
Country of Birth (If born in USSR please nonetheless put the current appropriate country within the former USSR):
Eye color: Click for listBrownBlueBlue-GreenGreenHazel(light brown)
Hair color (current—for identification purposes): Click for ListAuburn (redish brown)BlackDark BlondeDark BrownGreyLight BrownLight BlondeRedWhite
Languages Spoken (including Russian and English—fluency level is not needed):
Employment Information (if currently working)
Employer’s Name in English:
Employer’s Name in Russian:
Employer’s Address in Latin Characters:
Post Code:
Phone (with city code):
E-Mail (if different from email listed under your home):
Your position there:
Years at this employer:
Approximate hours per week:
General duties:
Name of your supervisor or other work reference:
Phone number:
If you did not list a reference at both an academic institution and a workplace, please list your references below. You should also list additional references if you think one of your references might be unavailable or difficult for us to reach. We MUST have contact information for, and be able to contact at least two references for you to receive a scholarship, so it is a good idea to list additional references here if you have any doubts about the availability of anyone. The best references are immediate supervisors at your work and your professors. Clients and business associates are also acceptable. No references can be from an immediate relative (ie:mother, father, spouse, sister, brother) and no more than one of these references can be a family member or friend.
Additional Reference 1:
Full Name:
Years you have known this person:
How this person knows you: Click for ListProfessorCollege/Institute AdministratorManagement at current employerFormer employerClient/Work Related ContactFriend of Family
Telephone Number:
Does this person know you gave him/her as a reference?: Yes No Not yet but I will tell him/her.
Additional Reference 2:
Full Name:
Years you have known this person:
How this person knows you: Click for ListProfessorCollege/Institute AdministratorManagement at current employerFormer employerClient/Work Related ContactFriend of Family
Telephone Number:
Does this person know you gave him/her as a reference?: Yes No Not yet but I will tell him/her.
Emergency Contacts
- Is there someone living at your HOME ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE who can be contacted in an emergency? Yes No
Full Name:
Relationship: Click for ListMotherFatherGrandmotherGrandfatherSisterBrotherAuntUncleSpouseSonDaughterRoommate/Friend
Work Phone (with city code):
Cell Phone (with city code):
Does this person speak English, French, Spanish or Italian (state languages-if none, write none)?
II. If an emergency occurs while you are on the program, USD may need to contact your closest relative to authorize medical services. That would be your spouse, parent, or sibling. Grandparents are OK if you have no spouse, parent or sibling who does not live with you. This information cannot be the same information as the second Emergency Contact, NOR someone who lives at your home address. It MUST be a close relative. If you have no close relatives who do not live with you, you will have to obtain a medical power of attorney for someone and will have to list that person.
Full Name:
Address in Latin Characters:
Address in Cyrillic Characters:
Apartment Number:
Post Code:
Home Phone (with city code):
Work Phone (with city code):
Mobile Phone (if any):
Home Fax (if any):
What relation is this person to you? Click for ListMotherFatherSpouseCivil PartnerSisterBrotherGrandmotherGrandfatherPower of Attorney
If you chose “Power of Attorney” you must attach a medical power of attorney to your application. Examples are available in the Pericles Office if you need them.Please be aware that “Civil Partner” means someone you live with in a relationship recognized by the state where the parntership was formed as being legally equivalent to marriage.
What language(s) does this person speak?
Second Emergency Contact
In addition please provide the contact information of an alternate emergency contact-- relative who does not live with the person named in Emergency Contact I and who does not live with youas an alternate emergency contact. If you have no such relative, you may give the name of a friend or work colleague, but please make sure, if this person is not a relative, that he/she has the power of attorney to act for you in an emergency, and that he/she has contact information for your relatives. If possible, choose someone who speaks English or the language of the country to which you will travel.
Address in Latin Characters:
Address in Cyrillic Characters:
Apartment Number:
Post Code:
Home Phone (with city code):
Work Phone (with city code):
Mobile Phone (if any):
Home Fax (if any):
What relation is this person to you? Click for ListMotherFatherSpouseCivil PartnerSisterBrotherGrandmotherGrandfatherPower of Attorney
If you chose “Power of Attorney” you must attach a medical power of attorney to your application. Examples are available in the Pericles Office if you need them.
What language(s) does this person speak?
Height in cm: in inches:0.0 (1 cm = .393 inches—conversion is automatic if you click your mouse in the inches field, right click and hit “update field”)
Weight in kg: in lbs.: 0.0(1kg = 2.2 lbs.—conversion is automatic if you click your mouse in the lbs field, right click and hit “update field”)
In some cities USD gives participants a souvenir T-shirt.
T Shirt size (pick the closest that applies): L (36-40) XL (42-46)