Big Sandy Area Lakes Watershed Management Project

Executive Council & Technical Team Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2016

Attendance: Melanie Bomier, Carlton County SWCD; Ray Gurske, Tamarack River Watershed Team; Barb Dahl, Carlton Co SWCD Supervisor; Dianne Knoben, SWHIM; Lindsay Lally,Cromwell Island Lake; Gary Peterson, Carlton County Commissioner; Janet Smude, Aitkin Co SWCD; Frank Turnock, Aitkin County SWCD Supervisor; Bill Zelazny, Tamarack River Watershed Team Island Lake.

1. Themeeting was called to order at 2:35 pm. Introductions were made. The agenda was approvedwith the additions of newsletter and Board of Water and Soil Resources discussions. M/S/C Dianne Knoben / Ray Gurske.

2. The Octobermeeting minutes were reviewed and approved as presented. M/S/C Ray Gurske / Lindsay Lally.

3. A financial report for the month of Octoberwas shared. Expenses totaled $ 524.92 and were from the EPA Section 319 Grant and the Aitkin County AIS Grant. Funds were spent on water quality monitoring and reimbursing mileage spent on AIS prevention material distribution. The report was approved as presented. M/S/C Lindsay Lally /Dianne Knoben.

4. Old Business:

4.1. Potential Public Meeting / Fall Seminar: Options for a public meeting were discussed. Bill Zelazny has been talking with the MnDNR about a program on bat houses / bats. Bill will set something up for ether March or April. The Land Departments of Aitkin and Carlton County should also be invited to share information at this.

Janet Smude has been in contact with Courtney Kinnett from the US Army Corps of Engineers Recreation Area on Big Sandy Lake. She is interested in speaking with us and working to renew a partnership between our groups.

The Audubon Center of the Northwoods (Sandstone) is hosting a Waterways Exhibit from the Smithsonian Institute. Janet Smude will see if our Section 319 Grant can pay for a field trip for students in McGregor and Cromwell.

Beaver Damage / Control continues to be a topic of concern. State Representative Mike Sundin is introducing a bill for removal of wild animals causing damage. If passed, the cost of removal would be reimbursable. Many factors, including water quality would need to be considered.

4.2. 2017 Aitkin County AIS Grant Application: Ideas for the AIS Prevention Grant application were refined. The Group decided to request funding for placemats and reusable grocery / tote bags. A sub-committee consisting of Carmen Rinta, Dianne Knoben, Barb Dahl, and Janet Smude was formed to develop this application. Frank Turnock made a motion that this committee be granted the authority to submit a grant application on behalf of the BSALWMP. The motion was seconded by Lindsay Lally and passed.

4.3. Cost Share Projects – Status / Updates: Janet Smude shared that the nice fall weather has extended the construction season. Contractors have been working on the dirt moving portions of two projects. The Garrison project on Prairie Lake has begun stabilizing the water’s edge. Planting will happen next spring. The Smith’s on Big Sandy Lake have begun the dry creek bed and rain garden that are part of their overall project.

5. New Business:

5.1. Lake Water Quality Monitoring Summary, 2016: A summary of lake monitoring in the Watershed during the past summer was shared. Eleven lakes were monitored through local partners and volunteers. Results were mostly as expected. It does appear that heavy rains and high water did have some effect on the water quality of the lakes. Data has been submitted to the MPCA for storage and use in their assessments of water quality for the Mississippi River Grand Rapids Watershed. Sampling of several lakes will continue next year, with funding through the EPA Section 319 Grant.

6. Working Session:

6.1. Sub Watershed Project Reports:

6.1.1. SWHIM: The “black dots” on the bottom of Round Lake were questioned again. No information was available at this time.

6.1.2. Sandy Lake: No report was available.

6.1.3. Sandy River: No report was available.

6.1.4. Tamarack River: This Group will begin meeting again in the early spring.

6.1.5. Prairie Lake / River: Merritt Linzie has received information from the Minnesota DNR regarding Mystery Snails. Chinese and Banded Mystery Snails are listed as “regulated invasive species” in Minnesota. This means that they are legal to possess or transport – but it’s not legal to introduce those species into a new lake or river.

6.2. New Project Submissions:

6.2.1. Tom and Barb Bashaw, Round Lake: The Bashaw’s are experiencing erosion on their shoreline. A plan to stabilize this include 4 components: Resetting the existing rip rap to the toe of the slope, adding a row of 12” curlex bio-logs to create a gentler slope, adding 3 slope breaks to slow and capture runoff, and planting native trees, shrubs, grasses and flower on the slope. A motion approving $ 2,630.48 in cost share funding for this project, not to exceed 50% of the total eligible project costs, was made. M/S/C Gary Peterson / Ray Gurske.

7. Agenda Additions: Newsletter: The BSALWMP will be sending out a watershed wide newsletter again this spring. Ideas were brainstormed and included: beaver issues, the Floe Tour, Different types of project – installed projects, flood recovery, septic system (maybe Carola and Melanie could assist with this one), buffer strips. Janet Smude hope to begin work on this before the next meeting. Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources: Project cost share funding was requested through a BWSR Community Partners Grant Application. We should hear in the middle of December if this is approved.

8. The next meeting will be held on January 11th at 2:30 pm at the Tamarack Sno-Fliers Clubhouse, if the meeting room is available. The meeting adjourned at 4:20 pm. M/S Frank Turnock / Gary Peterson.