Knights of Columbus

Council #3458 107 Texas Ave. San Marcos, TX (512) 878-8262

November/December 2009

Almost the Holiday season!

With the holiday season upon us, please reflect on how you can help the council fulfill our commitment to the Catholic community and San Marcos community as a whole. We have performed numerous projects and given thousands of dollars in financial support to St. John’s, various groups and individuals this year. We do not want to cut back on the great deeds we do each year. Your help is needed in working projects, representing the council and helping raise the needed funds to continue the council’s work.

Volunteers are needed for all council projects. Please consider devoting your valuable time to the council to raise funds in order to perform council functions.

Also, get involved with council planning by attending the monthly meetings. Please contact Bro. Tony at (512) 665-6915 or

1st Degree Exemplification / November 12 / KC Hall / 7:30
Home Association and
Officer’s meeting / November 18 / KC Hall / 6:30/7:30
Craft Fair / November 21 / St. John’s / 8:00 to 4:00
Business meeting / December 2 / KC Hall / 7:30
1st Degree Exemplification / December 10 / KC Hall / 7:30
Home Association and Officers meeting / December 16 / KC Hall / 6:30/7:30
Christmas Party/Banquet / December 18 / KC Hall / TBA

1.  BREAKFAST. The last breakfast of the year was a great success in execution and a moderate success financially. More help would make it easier on everyone. Please turn in unsold tickets and money from sold tickets. Special thanks to Bros. Eloy, Jimmy, David, Robert, Jesse, Isabel and Alfred for their hard work in making the November 1 breakfast a success.

2.  CHRISTMAS MAGNETS. Help the council and spread the true message of Christmas by selling Keep Christ in Christmas magnets. Call Bro. Tony to pick up magnets.

3.  CRAFT FAIR. The council will have a booth at the Rosary Guild Craft Fair on November 21. We will sell Super Bowl raffle tickets, Christmas magnets and hand out information about the Knights.

4.  ADOPT A SEMINARIAN. The council has adopted seminarian Frank Rodriguez. We will support him financially and with our prayers.

5.  FREE THROW COMPETITION. A volunteer is needed to head the local Free Throw competition in January. Show your commitment to the youth by organizing this event. Call Bro. Tony for more information.

6.  MEMBERSHIP DRIVE. We will have a membership drive at St. John’s early in the new year. More information to come.

7.  OPEN LEADERSHIP POSITIONS. Become the Advocate. Become a Trustee. Become a Director (Youth, Council, Community, Church, and Program). Interested Knights please contact Bro. Tony.

8.  DONATION. A check for $2500 was presented to St. John’s to purchase a sound system for the church hall.

9.  FUTURE KNIGHTS. Please share information about the Knights of Columbus with potential candidates. We need at least eight new members this year to meet stated goals.

10. KNIGHT OF THE MONTH. Bro. Jimmy Hinojosa

11. FAMILY OF THE MONTH. Bro. Richard DeLeon and family

Grand Knight / Tony Grandinetti / 665-6915 /
Deputy Grand Knight / Eloy Collazo / 396-4035
Chancellor / Jesse Bosquez / 644-1892
Recorder / Frank Saucedo / 292-0951
Treasurer / Richard DeLeon / 395-5332
Advocate / Open
Warden / Joe Gonzales / 392-4906
Trustee (3 year) / James Molnoskey / 557-3333
Trustee (2 year) / Open / 353-8272
Trustee (1 year) / Stephen Velasquez / 749-3397
Inside Guard / Mario Moreno / 557-3216
Outside Guard / Jimmy Hinojosa
Lecturer / David Hernandez / 757-2559
Chaplain / Fr. Larry Stehling / 353-8969
Financial Secretary / Robert Hernandez / 353-3942 /

Home Association news

Home Association Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the Month at 6:30 pm at the KC Hall. Non-board members are invited to attend and observe.

Hall rentals call Bro. David Hernandez at (512) 757-2559

Insurance. Please contact Bro. Daniel Carmona to help you with your insurance needs. (210) 313-8358.

Newsletter. Please contact Bro. Tony Grandinetti with questions and/comments concerning the newsletter