The School Sport Australia, Boys 16 years and under Hockey Championships will be held in
Melbourne, Victoria from August 6th to August 13th, 2016.
Anticipated cost/levy per student will be in the range of $1000 - $1100 based on present cost factors.
Players must not attain the age of 17 during 2016 and attend school in NSW.
1. The attached nomination form, birth certificate copy and levy of $40.00, is to be received by Friday 25th March, 2016.
2. All HNSW affiliated players over the age of 15 will be required to participate at the HNSW U/18 State Championships to be held 29th April – 1st May in Bathurst in accordance with tournament exemption protocols to be considered for the squad.
3. Athletes who attend school in NSW, and play for teams/clubs NOT affiliated with HNSW (and are not attending the HNSW U/18 State Championships) may be considered for selection based on the information from the nomination form and State Hockey personnel. These players must have gained selection to their home State Team in the previous year to be considered.
4. Players who are aged U/15 and not attending the Hockey NSW U/18 titles may be considered for selection based on the information from the nomination form and State Hockey personnel. These players must have gained selection to their home State Team in the previous year to be considered.
5. A squad of 38 boys will be chosen to participate in the Hockey Talented Athlete Program to be held at Narrabeen from 14 – 17 June, 2016. The final team will be selected and announced at the conclusion of this event to attend the School Sport Australia Boys 16 years and under Hockey Championships.
A photocopy of the athlete’s birth certificate along with a nomination fee of $40.00 is to be sent with the nomination form.
Cheques payable to: “Grafton High School”
Scott Smith
Grafton High School
PO Box 458
Grafton NSW 2460
Nominations are to be received by Friday 25th March, 2016.
Please Note: Send a stamped self-addressed envelope along with the nomination fee and completed form to receive confirmation of nomination and receipt.
Scott Smith / Paul Baxter
NSW under 16 All Schools Boys Hockey
Please print
Name: Date of birth:
Home Address:
Phone: Mobile:
Medicare no.: Health Insurance no.:
School: Association/Team at 18’s: ______
School Address:
School Telephone: School Fax:
Principal’s signature:
Playing positions (in order of preference)
1. 2. 3.
Playing Experience (State, Region, Association, Club):
Coach’s comment:
Important Information: In the event of injury, no personal injury insurance cover is provided by the NSW Department of Education for students in relation to school sporting activities, physical education lessons or any other school activity. The Department’s public liability cover is limited to breaches by the department in its duty of care to students that result in claims for compensation.
Parents and caregivers are advised to assess the level and extent of their child’s involvement in the sport program offered by the school, school sport zone, region and state school sport associations when deciding whether additional insurance cover is required. Personal accident insurance cover is available through normal retail insurance outlets.
Parents who have private ambulance cover need to check whether that cover extends tointerstate travel and make additional arrangements as considered appropriate.
The NSW Supplementary Sporting Injury Benefits Scheme, funded by the NSW Government, provides limited cover for serious injury resulting in the permanent loss of a prescribed faculty or the use of some prescribed part of the body. The Supplementary Scheme does not cover medical expenses or dental costs .Further information can be obtained from www.sportinginjuries.com.au
Further information regarding student accident insurance and private health cover is provided at:
Privacy Notice: The personal information provided on this permission note, will be used and disclosed by the Department of Education for general administration, communication with parents or carers and matters relating to the health safety and welfare of your child in connection with your child’s participation at this event or for any other purpose required or permitted by law. The provision of this information is voluntary but your child may not be able to participate if it is not provided. This information will be held securely and disposed of securely when no longer needed. You may correct personal details recorded on the form at any time by contacting the team management.
I have read the information issued on behalf of the NSW CHS School Sport and hereby consent to my son participating. I also consent to my son being administered medical treatment and authorise hospitalisation if deemed necessary in the event that I cannot be contacted or an emergency arises.
Parent/Caregiver signature: Date:
Please return this form - photocopy of Birth Certificate, $40.00 levy and stamped, self-addressed envelope
(Cheques made payable to Grafton High School) to:
Scott Smith
Grafton High School
PO Box 458
Grafton NSW, 2460
Nominations to be received by Friday 25th March, 2016
Scott Smith / Paul Baxter
NSW under 16 All Schools Boys Hockey