Fundación VERA-CRUZ
Departamento de Idiomas / INGLÉS
Ejercicios refuerzo
Fecha: ______

Alumno/a: ______Curso:______


1.- Usa pasado simple o pasado continuo para completar oraciones:

-  Jane ______(wait) for me when I ______(arrive).

-  What ______(you/do) this time yesterday? I was asleep.

-  ______(you/go) out last night? No, I was too tired.

-  Was Carol at the party last night? Yes, she ______(wear) a really nice dress.

-  How fast ______(you/drive) when the accident ______(happen)?

-  John ______(take) a photograph of me while I ______(not look).

-  We were in a very difficult position. We ______(not/know) what to do.

-  I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last ______(see) him, he ______(try) to find a job in London.

-  I ______(walk) along the street when suddenly I ______(hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody ______(follow) me. I was frightened and I ______(start) to run.

-  When I was young, I ______(want) to be a bus driver.

2.- Completa las conversaciones con past simple o past continuous:

-  What ______(you/do) when the accident ______(happen)? I ______(be) at the bus-stop. I ______(wait) for a bus. ______(you/see) the accident? No, because I ______(read) the newspaper.

-  I ______(telephone) you at 9:00 o’clock last night but you were not at home. 9.00 o’clock? I ______(sit) in a café, ______(drink) hot chocolate. ______(be) Jane with you? No, she ______(work) in the library. Where ______(you/go) after the café? I ______(go) home.

-  Oh no! My beautiful new plate. What happened? I’m really sorry, Mum. I ______(break) it when I ______(wash) it. How? My hands ______(be)wet and I ______(drop) it on the floor.

-  ______(you/think) yesterday’s exam ______(be) difficult? No, not really, but I ______(not/write) very much. Why not? Because I ______(dream) about my holidays.

-  There ______(be) a crash outside my house yesterday. What ______(happen)? I don’t know. It ______(rain) but the drivers ______(not/go) fast. Were they hurt? One man ______(break) his arm and the other man ______(cut) his head.

-  Pardon? I didn’t hear you. Could you repeat that, please? I ______(not/talk) to you. Who ______(you/talk) to? Sarah. Oh, sorry.