At a meeting of the Leisure and Community Safety Policy and Scrutiny Committee held in the Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Rickmansworth, on Tuesday, 3 June 2008 from 7.30pm to 10.40pm.

Present:Councillors: Steve Drury (Chairman), Susan Bartrick (Vice Chairman), Tony Barton, Mary Connolly, Brian Norman, Keith Peutherer, Phil Redshaw, Peter Ray and Russell Smith.

Officers:Chris Hope, Head of Leisure Services

Patrick Martin, Leisure Performance and Contracts Manager

Alison Phin, Leisure Development Manager

Alison Page, Environmental Protection Manager

Charlotte Masters, Active Communities Officer

Andy Stovold, Community Partnerships Manager

Marjorie Fox, Partnerships Officer

Chris Fagan, Committee Manager.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Susan Bartrick and Phil Redshaw.

Also in attendance: Councillors Ann Shaw OBEand Chris Whately-Smith;

Nick Surman of Atkins and Des McGuckin of Gee Construction (for Minute L.PP13/08 only)

The Chairman welcomed Councillors Brian Norman, Peter Ray, Phil Redshaw and Russell Smith as newly-appointed Members of the Committee.


The Minutes of the meeting of the Leisure and Community Safety Policy and Scrutiny Committee held on 11 March 2008 were confirmed as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.


The Chairman stated that he had been given notice of the following item, which was due to have been considered at the cancelled April meeting of the Committee – Financial Position Statement and Budget Monitoring Report – February 2008 (Month 11). However, as a number of Members no longer had copies of the report, which had originally been published in March 2008, he decided that that report should be re-circulated to all Members and considered along with the corresponding report covering April and May 2008 at the meeting on 22 July 2008.


Councillors Steve Drury andBrian Norman declared personal and prejudicial interests as Members of Croxley Green Parish Council in Minute L.PP07/08 in respect of an application from the Croxley Green Society for a grant towards the Revels on the Green event. They left the meeting room during the consideration of this item.

Councillor Brian Norman declared a personal interest in minute L.PP14/08 as the Chairman of Croxley Green Parish Council.


The Committee noted the receipt of a petition in support of the Nomad Kayak Club objecting to the notice of eviction given to the Club from premises at The Aquadrome, Rickmansworth presented at the Annual Council meeting on 20 May 2008. The petition had been presented to the Executive Committee meeting on 2 June 2008. The Head of Leisure stated that negotiations with the Kayak Club were ongoing and Members of the Committee would be notified of formal meeting-dates when arranged.


The Committee was asked to consider a capital grant application from the Watford Piscators, based at Tolpits Community Angling Complex, Rickmansworth.

In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 36(b) (Representations at Committee etc) Mr J Castle of Watford Piscators spoke in favour of the application.

Members noted the conservation and community outreach work of the Club set out in its current activities and its future programme, notably projects for young offenders and disabled people.


that the Committee recommended to the Executive Committee the award of a capital grant of £13,200 to the Watford Piscators on the following provisos:

a)agreement of permanent use of the new facilities by The Friends of The Withey Beds;

b)that the society provide officers with a five year development plan to increase the usage of the Tolpits Complex by young and disabled people, before funds are released;

c)that payment of the grant or part of be made upon receipt of copy invoices; and.

d)that the society acknowledge the grant made by this Council on all relevant publications and website.


The Committee received a report detailing equipment options for an older persons’ play park pilot project as well as options for the location of the proposed pilot facility.

The Officers reported thatLeavesdenCountryPark had been identified as the preferred site for the pilot project as trainedstaff were available to monitor its usage and to provide induction. Subject to information on levels of usage, funding and Member approval it was intended to roll out the provision of equipment to other sites within the District. The Committee was asked to add a fourth recommendation, that Officers be instructed to submit an application for planning permission for the play equipment at the appropriate time.

In answer to questions, the Officers confirmed that other age-groups would be able to use the equipment.

Councillor Tony Barton supported the initiative in principle, but expressed reservations about aspects of the pilot project. He considered that the proposed location was too close to the Woodside Leisure centre which had similar facilities and that it was less well-frequented than other sites, notably the Aquadrome, where there was an established need for additional facilities. With regard to the amount of expenditure involved, he wished for the equipment to be installed on the most-frequented site available. He asked for information to be provided on the usage of established sites elsewhere in the country. Other Members supported these comments and in particular the location of the pilot project on an alternative site such as the Aquadrome,or on more than one site.

Councillor Keith Peutherer expressed concern about possible injury risk to equipment users. The Officers responded that the equipment would conform to British Safety Standards and would involve use only of the user’s body weight. Safety instructions would also be attached to each item of equipment. They agreed to seek information from other Authorities on the success of existing schemes and report back to the Committee and to obtain relevant ROSPA guidelines for operation of exercise equipment.


(1)that the Officers obtain information from other authorities which had installed older persons’ play parks on the usage of the exercise equipment and on ROSPA guidelines and report to the Committee on 22 July 2008;

(2)that consideration of whether the Officers should be authorised to seek planning permission for a play park be deferred until the next meeting;

(3)that the Executive Committee be recommended to approve the following:

  • that the ‘older persons’ play park’ would consist of outdoor gym equipment, rather than a trim trail, because it was specifically designed for the less active older person;
  • that thepilot ‘older persons’ play park’ would be located at the Aquadrome;
  • that provision be made for a revenue growth of £2,000 for the 2008/2009 financial year and £4,000 for 2009/2010 onwards for the annual maintenance of the new facility.


The Committee received an overview of the Community Safety Partnership’s priorities for 2007/08 and the progress which had been made in relation to local projects and crime reduction targets. As this was the quarter 4/end of year the report provided a full action update.

Members congratulated the Partnership on its achievement of a 26% reduction in crimes during 2007/08, compared to a target reduction of 16%. The Community Partnerships Manager advised that the Partnership had adopted a focus on key priority areas, namely anti-social behaviour, volume crime, violent crime and drugs and alcohol and had relied on knowledge-based and evidence-based working methods. Three Rivers had the lowest crime figures in the County and the performance in reducing these already low figures had been assessed as the second best in Hertfordshire.

Councillor Mary Connolly observed that the comparator crime figures set out in Appendix B did not include drug offences. Residents in her ward felt that these crimes were increasing. A small number of properties had been raided frequently.

The Community Partnerships Manager stated that there had been no BCS target for reductions in drug-related crime, but that the Police reported drug-related crimes in their monthly reports. He undertook to provide this information to Members.


that the progress made by local community safety projects and the progress made in relation to the crime reduction targets during 2007/08 as detailed in Appendices A and B to the report. be noted.


The Committee was asked to consider the first round of applications from groups and organisations for grant support from the Leisure and Community Grants 2008/09 revenue provision

Members noted that the Executive Committee on 2 June had approved a one-off grant of £850.00 subject to no adverse comments being expressed by this Committee and to a number of conditions. Members expressed support for the Executive Committee’s decision and wished to reiterate that this grant was not expected to be repeated.


that the Executive Committee decision to approve for “one-off” grant support to The Croxley Green Society in the sum of £850 subject to the conditions detailed in the appendix to the report be endorsed.


The Committee received an updating report on the development of the Woodside Leisure Centre, which would be opening to the public on 7 June 2008.

The Head of Leisure Services confirmed that discounts of 15% were available to residents of Three Rivers for casual bookings of the facilities.

Members who had visited Woodside remarked on how impressive the facilities were and expressed the view that the Council’s investment there would prove excellent value for money if Three Rivers residents took advantage of them. They asked for feedback to a future meeting on the usage of the Leisure Centre by Three Rivers residents.


(1)that the current position on the redevelopment of the Woodside Leisure Centre be noted; and

(2) that a report be made to a future meeting on the usage of Woodside Leisure Centre by Three Rivers residents.


The Committee received a report on the Leisure Service Plan for quarter 4 and the 2007/08 year end.

The Head of Leisure reported that the initiation of a GP referral scheme at The Centre, South Oxhey had been achieved during quarter 4. The new venue for the Safe Communities Project had been established at the Shepherds Day Centre. In general, usage figures were up and the Service plan targets had been achieved or exceeded, although the William Penn Leisure Centre’s unavailability had affected the free swimming programme. Some slippage had occurred on holiday play schemes, which would be addressed in the next quarterly report. The Service was implementing outreach programmes to involve hard-to-reach groups. In answer to a question, he confirmed that QUEST was an industry-wide quality standard for leisure centres run by Sport England.

The Chairman asked that future reports include figures for 2007/08 as a comparator.


that the report be noted.


Members considered the Committee’s work programme.

In relation to item 4, the effect on Leisure services after the Housing stock transfer, a Member asked about trees on housing sites. The Head of Leisure replied that these were now managed by Thrive Homes under a service level agreement. Members had been briefed by e-mail in March. A further report could be provided if desired. He stated that a progress monitoring report on the Leisure Management Contract should be added to the work programme.

Members noted that the programme now included an updating report on usage of older people’s play parks meeting and financial monitoring reports for February 2008 and April/May 2008to the 22 July meeting.

Councillor Tony Bartonrequested reports on the trees adjoining the MasonicSchool grounds and on possible future leisure uses of RickmansworthPark. The Head of Leisure stated that his Department’s resources were currently committed to delivering the targeted programme; however position statements could be prepared for a future meeting.


that the amended in the work programme be noted.



“that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined under paragraphs 3 and 5 of PartI of Schedule 12A to the Act.” It has been decided by the Council that in all the circumstances, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


The Committee received an updating report on the refurbishment of the William Penn Leisure Centre. For this item the meeting was attended by representatives of the Council’s design team consultants, Atkins and the main contractor, Gee Construction, who answered Members’ questions.

Councillor Tony Barton left the meeting before the entrance of the design consultants and the contractors’ representatives.

Members expressed concerns on a number of issues relating to:

  • claims for successive extensions of time, with possible consequential increases in project costs
  • the lack of a projected completion date and
  • the apparent disagreements between Atkins and Gee Construction over project management issues.


(1)that the parties be asked to update the Committee on progress at the Committee’s next meeting on 22 July 2008;

(2)that a site visit for all Members of the Committee be organised on 21 or 22 July, prior to the Committee’s meeting, for Members to view the state of construction;

(3)that the Leisure and Community Safety Policy and Scrutiny Committee recommends to the Executive Committee that:

a)Officers continue to aim to ensure that the project was completed as soon as is practicable, within the fixed project budget and the Council’s quality requirements; and

b)Officers report to members on any cost implications associated with any further delays to the project, as soon as these were available;

(4)that public access to the report be denied until the issue is resolved;

(5)that public access to the report’s recommendations be immediate.

Note:A site visit has been arranged on Monday 21 July 2008.


The Committee received a report on the final draft specification for the Grounds maintenance Contract and a select list of tenderers, for which approval was sought.

The Environmental Protection Manager tabled a series of amendments to the draft Grounds Maintenance Contract Specification and requested Members to peruse the specification and the proposed amendments and send her any comments by 20 June 2008. These could be incorporated into the report to be made to the Executive Committee on 21 July 2008. The Environmental Protection Manager would re-circulate to all Members of the Committee the report and Minute of the Committee meeting on 15 January 2008, which had previously considered the Contract.


(1)that Members consider the draft specification and the proposed amendments to the Grounds Maintenance Contract and submit any comments to the Environmental Protection Manager by 20 June 2008;

(2)that the Leisure and Community Safety Policy and Scrutiny Committee recommend to the Executive Committee:

(i)that they agree the respective tenders circulated as Appendix A;

(ii)that the prospective tenderers, Kier Street Cleansing, Sodexho Land Technology, Three RiversDC, Continental Landscapes, Enterprise, Connaught Landscapes & Amey Lafarge be invited to submit tenders for both environmental maintenance and grounds maintenance contracts;

(iii)that Glendale, English Landscapes & John O’Conner be invited to submit tenders for the grounds maintenance contract only;

(iv)that the remaining tenderers be written to and advised that the Council will not be inviting them to submit a tender;

(v)(for Public Services and Health Policy and Scrutiny ` Committee only)

that PSHPSC recommend to the Executive Committee that tenderers submitting bids for the Environmental Maintenance Contracts, be asked to submit two prices as detailed in Section 2.5 of the report.

(3)that public access to the report be denied until the Executive Committee minutes publication; and

(4)that public access to the decision be denied until the Executive Committee minutes publication.


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