BARDNEY HERITAGE GROUP / Bardney Heritage Centre
Station Road
Researching, developing and recording the history of Bardney, and surrounding area, for the benefit of all.

Minutes of the meeting held at 7pm on Monday 13th May 2013, at Bardney Heritage Centre.

Pre- meeting:

Barry showed the contents of the three display boxes created by Cathy Holland under the BAR project. The artefacts were brilliant and thanks were expressed, by the Group to Cathy and all who had helped produce the boxes. The secretary would also send a letter of thanks to her. Barry and Lynn were also thanked for agreeing to store the boxes at Bardney Heritage Centre.

Also pre-meeting, Barry expressed dismay that it had been suggested that he’d set up a website – Bardney Heritage Group- to ‘take ownership’ of the name. In fact, he had purchased that website in 2006.

Barry then distanced himself from the Group, holding no interest in whether the Group disbanded or changed its name. This was dealt with later (see A.O.B.)

Present:R Knight, D. Miles, D. Letts, J. Benton and P. Rennie

Apologies:K Walker and L. Goforth

Minutes of the last meeting held on 8th April 2013:

All had read and agreed the minutes and the chairman signed them.

Matters Arising:

1. Audio Posts & map: Rhys had been in contact with Dave M. regarding the audio posts and map. Rhys had received the narratives and the text and images prepared for him by Dave M.

The Audio posts were made and the map was being made. He estimated 4 weeks to get them both up on site.

2. BAR Booklet: Sue Unsworth, from APS, had re-done the draft booklet to include all the changes the Group had requested. The new price, for a 32-page booklet with cover, was 500 copies – £1126; 750 copies - £1258; and 1000 copies - £1410. Rod proposed we order 1000 copies, seconded by Dave M. and agreed by all present. As soon as the audio post and map were in place Dave M. would take photographs of them in situ and send them off to be included in the booklet.

3. Learning Resource Pack ~ see above. All agreed it was well worth the wait for such a professional job.

Correspondence / Email:

08.04.13Email Brian Porter (internal church graffiti). Visit to be arranged for Saturday 26th June.

16.04.13Email Gavin Bassie looking for information on Morrells.

26.04.13EmailSue Unsworth (APS) with booklet prices.

30.04.13EmailBardney W.I. requesting cross web links. Dave M. had put this in place.

02.05.13Emailinformation from Bardney Gala Committee. Sent to Kim.

Websites: Hits in AprilBardney - 486BSF - 135Southrey - 19

Projects/interests: June had found a picture of a 9th century abbey in Kent, which was mostly constructed from wood. She was working on the assumption that Bardney’s Saxon abbey would unfortunately be similar to this southern example (a wooden construction on stone foundations). Dave M. had a slide of a northern example (in Eskham) built from recycled Roman stone.

June also showed a map of Bardney Abbey site and Armstrong’s farm, pointing out the corner of the field / trees to the left of the abbey site entrance, identified in about 2000 by Catherine Healy with possible buried rubble.

Any Other Business:

1. St. Oswald’s Day service: Dave M. suggested that the Group contact Pete Atkins for information about the intended programme for this service as the Group had intended this date (4th August) for the launch of the BAR booklet. Rod offered to liase with Pete.

A venue for the launch was discussed and it was agreed that, if Barry and Lynn were in agreement, the Southrey Village Hall marquee could be hired and erected at Bardney Heritage Centre. Rod to ask Barry.

All the original volunteers needed to be contacted re. times, place etc. once arrangements were settled.

2. Woodhall Spa Show: Dave would be representing the Group with his presentation about Bardney Sugar Factory at the show. He had been advised that he would need Public Liability Insurance. After discussion, it was agreed by all that Dave insure himself (at BHG expense) and look to insure the Group as a whole after the AGM in June.

3. Notification of Constitutional changes: The following constitutional changes would be sought at the AGM in June, with the appropriate 28 days notice of intention.

  • Dave M. proposed, seconded by Pat, that the Group continues but locates to another location. All


  • Pat proposed, seconded by Rod, that the Group adopt a new name. All agreed.
  • Dave M. proposed, seconded by Rod, that the aims of the Group should read ‘researching, developing, recording and promoting the history of Bardney etc (addition in italics) All agreed.
  • Dave M. proposed, seconded by Pat, that the BHC address should be substituted with the Group’s secretary’s address and phone number. All agreed.
  • Dave M proposed, seconded by Pat, that in paragraph 5.1 of the constitution another agreed venue should replace the BHC. All agreed.

Date and time of next meeting:

AGM Monday 17th June 2013 at 7pm at Bardney Heritage Centre.

Meeting closed at: 9.00pm

Minutes signed as a true record:

………………………………………………………………………………………….. Date ……………………………………..

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