
Baltimore Road Culvert 0.6 mile


Engineers Estimated bid quantities

Item / Description / Quantity / Unit
1 / Mobilization/demobilization / 1 / LS
2 / Construction Sign Package / 1 / LS
3 / Tree removal/stumping / 1 / LS
4 / Erosion Control / 1 / LS
5 / Removal of Existing structure / 1 / LS
6 / Temporary drainage pipe/pumping / 1 / LS
7 / Concrete footings / 1 / LS
8 / 14’ x 4.5’ Box w/ headwalls (64 feet) / 1 / LS
9 / 8’ wingwall / 2 / EA
10 / 6’ wingwall / 2 / EA
11 / Excavation and place fill on site / 1 / LS
12 / Place and compact 12” coarse gravel / 250 / CY
13 / Place and compact 12” fine gravel / 250 / CY
14 / Place and compact surepack in drives / 50 / TONS
15 / Fine Grading / 1 / LS
16 / Sloping / 1 / LS
17 / Type 3 rip-rap / 50 / CY
18 / Seeding/mulching / 1 / LS
19 / Guard Rails / 280 / LF
20 / Re-set mailbox / 1 / EA
21 / Misc. cleanup / 1 / LS
22 / Boulders / 40 / CY
Ledge if encountered
23 / Ledge Removal / 40 / CY

NOTE: Refer to the attached description of items for further detail of pay items.

LS=Lump Sum, LF=Linear Foot, EA=Each, SF=Square Foot, SY=Square Yard, CY=Cubic Yard, TON=English tons

Engineers Construction Cost Estimate: $150,000

Description of Bid Items

Item# Description of work

1 / Mobilization/Demobilization
2 / Construction Sign Package: The contractor shall install road closure signs, detour signs and “No Pedestrian” signs. All other signs for complete road closures or partial road closures shall be installed by the contractor and conform to the MUTCD Standards. A traffic control plan shall be submitted to the Town prior to start of the project.
3 / Tree removal/stumping: The trees/stumps to be removed will be flagged prior to the pre-bid meeting.
4 / Erosion Control: Erosion control shall conform with the Agency of Natural resources “The Low Risk Site Handbook for Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control”.
5 / Removal of Existing structure: It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to remove the existing pipe and headwalls. The contractor may use the existing pipe as drainage bypass during construction. Upon completion the contractor will take the pipe to the Weathersfield Town Garage located on Stoughton Pond Road.
6 / Temporary drainage pipe/pumping: The contractor shall provide temporary piping and/or pumping to maintain flow to the existing stream. This piping/pumping shall be removed by the contractor after the new drainage structure is prepared to accept the stream.
7 / Concrete footings: This shall be for the excavation, anchoring, forming and pouring of the concrete footings for the precast 3-sided box culvert. The concrete shall be State of Vermont Class A concrete with 5% air and 4” maximum slump. Four concrete spreaders shall be installed at the inlet, outlet and equally spaced in between. The spacers shall be 3’ in width, 30” in height with no reinforcement. These spacers are part of the concrete footing installation.
6” perforated HDPE underdrains shall be installed on the back side of the footings and drained through the downstream wingwalls and a maximum of 1’ beyond the outside face of the wingwall. The 6” underdrain on top of the footings shall be encased in ¾” stone and wrapped with filter fabric (the 6” underdrain pipe shall be 2” above the top of the footing, the stone shall be a minimum of 2’ wide x 2’ height).
8 / 14’ x 4.5’ Box w/ headwalls (64 feet length): This work will include all work associated with the installation of the new precast 3-sided box culvert. The culvert shall be designed for the controlling HL-93 loading as defined in the LRFD Specifications, certified by a Vermont Professional Structural Engineer and approved by the Towns Engineer. The precast box culvert shall be supplied by the contractor and include excavation, 1’ headwalls, installation per the details on the drawings, crane for placement, external hardware tying the precast sections together (2 per joint), anchors tying the structure down to the concrete footings (2 per sections), stream bed placement, granular backfill and compaction to 95% standard proctor. All joints shall be mortared inside and out. Joints on the ouside of the box shall be covered with 2 layers of road stabilization fabric or 1 layer of bridge membrane prior to backfilling. All gravel and fill materials and will be supplied by the CONTRACTOR. Gravel material with a maximum stone size of 4” and a minimum stone size of 2” shall be placed within a 4’ width of the outside of the box culvert.
The inlet of the box may be manufactured to be either plumb or battered back at 6.25% (slope of the box). The outlet of the box shall be manufactured plumb.
9 / 8’ Wingwalls: Contractor shall excavate and provide the concrete footings, wingwall and compaction to 95% standard proctor. Wingwalls shall be U-wall type construction or approved equal. Wingwalls shall have 5” concrete walls 1- 4” x ¾” SS 304 anchors into the wingwall and 1- 4” x ¾” SS 304 anchors into concrete footing. The two outlet wingwalls shall have an 8” core two inches off the bottom to accept the 6” underdrain pipe.
10 / 6’ Wingwalls: Contractor shall excavate and provide the concrete footings, wingwall and compaction to 95% standard proctor. Wingwalls shall be U-wall type construction or approved equal. Wingwalls shall have 5” concrete walls 1- 4” x ¾” SS 304 anchors into the wingwall and 1- 4” x ¾” SS 304 anchors into concrete footing. The two outlet wingwalls shall have an 8” core two inches of the bottom to accept the 6” underdrain pipe. The vertical joints of the wingwalls shall have 2 layers of road stabilization installed.
11 / Excavation and Place fill on site: Fill will be required along the edge of the road. It is anticipated that excavated material not suitable for placement around the new box culvert can be placed in the fill areas along the edge of the road.
12 / Place and compact 12” course gravel: Base crushed gravel shall be placed in all locations where the road is being widened or where the road is being elevated by more than 12”. Gravel shall meet the State of Vermont Specifications 704.05A.
13 / Place and Compact 12” Fine crushed gravel: The final crushed gravel surface shall have 12” of compacted crushed gravel in locations where the road has widened. The gravel shall be compacted to 95% standard proctor. Gravel shall meet the State of Vermont Specifications 704.05A.
14 / Place and Compact course surepak in drivways: There is an estimated 2,200 SF of driveway area that will have to be raised to match the road. The driveway at 1+00 left will only require blending the edge of the proposed road into the existing drive. The driveway at 2+50 right will require a fill of course gravel in the 12” + lifts and a fill of fine crushed gravel directly under the course surpak (3/4”). The surpak shall blend in with the look and size of existing material. Course surpak placed directly on the crushed gravel shall be 4” minimum compacted thickness.
15 / Fine Grading: The final grades shall be as shown on the attached plans. The gravel surface shall be fine graded to within 1” of finish gravel grade.
16 / Sloping: Sloping shall include cut and fill slopes on the project. Slopes shall be stabilized with ditching material in remote areas and topsoil in lawn areas prior to seeding and mulching.
17 / Type 3 rip-rap: 50 CY of type III Rip-Rap shall be supplied and installed at the inlet and outlet ends of the box.
18 / Seeding/Mulching: Conservation mix shall be applied in all areas other than lawn areas. Lawn quality seed mixture shall be applied in all lawn locations. Hay Mulch shall be used on bank restorations. Straw mulch shall be used in all lawn locations. Straw mulch/lawn quality seed may be used in all locations.
19 / Guard Rails: 280’ of Steel Beam Guard Rail shall be installed as part of this project. The Town may elect to install additional guard rail beyond station 3+50 left. The guard rail over the box shall be double nested beam with cut off posts located a distance of 3” above the top of the box. A 3’ wide x 3’ wide x 1’ thick concrete pad shall be poured directly on top of the precast box to secure the posts into place. The concrete shall be poured on top of a sheet of plastic or stabilization fabric. There shall be no anchoring into the precast box. Refer to VTRANS standard drawings G-1 and G-1B. Three anchors are to be included.
20 / Reset Mailbox: The mailbox located at station 2+20 right will have to be set to final finish grade upon the installation of the gravels in the driveway. The bottom of the mailbox shall be placed at 40” above the gravel surface. Contractor to coordinate this work with the landowner.
21 / Misc. cleanup: Cleanup of construction debris throughout the project.
22 / Boulders: A boulder is defined as any rock larger than 1 CY.
23 / Ledge Removal: It is not anticipated that ledge will be encountered in the excavation area for the box culvert. If so, ledge shall be removed by hammering with a hydraulic hammer or drilling/blasting. Any ledge removed will be measured prior to removal and paid for by the Cubic Yard. The pay limit for ledge removal shall be from the top of ledge to 1’ below the bottom of the footing and 1’ wider than the outside edge of the footing. An estimate of 40 CY has been used. Ledge removed from this project shall be either used on the project ot trucked to the Town of Weathersfield Highway Garage.