Character: Sgt. Clay Masters / Player:
Character Archetype: Big Bruiser / Juncture: 2056
Wealth: Working Stiff / Experience:
Quote: If brute force isn’t working you aren’t using enough.
Melodramatic Hook: Clay hates the Boro with a violent passion
Background Story: You’ve always been too smart for your own good. The Boro likes their citizens compliant, so your options were
limited from the start. After joining their “Peacekeeping” forces you were assigned to one of their high-attrition monster-hunting squads.
After discovering the secret war and learning the real history of your time you disappeared into the Netherworld as soon as possible. After briefly hanging with the Jammers you set out on your own, resolving to change things for the better.
Physical Description: Clay is a massive man, about 6’3” and over 100 kilos of muscle and anger. He keeps his head shaved but has begun
sporting a beard. Since he’s been in uniform almost his entire life he dresses like he’s colorblind, mostly modern clothing.
Body (BOD):______11_ / CHI (CHI):______0_ / Mind (MND):______7__ / Reflexes (REF):______5__
Move (MOV):___11_ / Fortune (FOR):____0_ / Charisma (CHA):___7__ / Agility (AGL):___5__
Strength (STR):___11_ / Kung Fu (FU):____0_ / Intelligence (INT):___7__ / Dexterity (DEX):___5__
Constitution (CON):___11_ / Magic (MAG):____0_ / Perception (PER):___7__ / Speed (SPD):___5__
Toughness (TGH):___12 / Willpower (WIL):___7__
Skill / Base / Bonus / AV
Intimidation (Cha) / 7 / 4 / 11
Guns (Dex) / 5 / 5 / 10
Martial Arts (Agi) / 5 / 7 / 12
Info/Military Culture (Int) / 7 / 2 / 9
Leadership (Cha) / 7 / 3 / 9
Into/Secret War / 7 / 1 / 8
Shtick / Notes / Shtick / Notes
Tough Bastard / Do not make Death Checks
until -50 hp. -1 impairment
at 40 wound points, -2 at 45.
Weapon / Notes / Weapon / Notes
Boro Hellharrower / 14**/8/20
Boro Godhammer / 12/4/5
Battleaxe / 15/-/-
Feng Shui is the trademark and copyright of Daedalus Entertainment, Inc.
Feng Shui Character SheetCharacter: Dwells in Filth / Player:
Character Archetype: Supernatural Creature / Juncture: 69
Wealth: Poor / Experience:
Melodramatic Hook: Dwells in Filth feels a strong sense of kinship with the downtrodden of the world, and reacts poorly to seeing them
Background Story: Dwells in Filth (Dwel to his friends, if he had friends, which he doesn’t yet, though not for lack of trying) was your
run of the mill demon until the day he had just had enough. When a Lotus sorcerer summoned him to modern Hong Kong he broke from his
summoner’s control, slew him, and escaped into the sewers. Since then he’s been protecting the bums who congregate in the Red Light district, as they’re the only people who tolerate his smell. He’s probably also the only character who has any personal space when the game starts.
Physical Description: Dwel, in his natural form, is a slimy froglike monstrosity with skinny, almost emaciated limbs that belie their might.
In his human form he seems to be a non-descript male bum, though the smell follows him.
Body (BOD):______10___ / CHI (CHI):______0_ / Mind (MND):______6___ / Reflexes (REF):______6__
Move (MOV):__10_ / Fortune (FOR):____0_ / Charisma (CHA):__6___ / Agility (AGL):___6__
Strength (STR):__10__ / Kung Fu (FU):____0_ / Intelligence (INT):__6___ / Dexterity (DEX):___6__
Constitution (CON):__10__ / Magic (MAG):____8_ / Perception (PER):__6___ / Speed (SPD):___6__
Toughness (TGH):__10__ / Willpower (WIL):__6___
Skill / Base / Bonus / AV
Creature Powers (Mag) / 8 / 7 / 15
Martial Arts (Agl) / 6 / 4 / 10
Intrusion (Agl) / 6 / 3 / 9
Shtick / Notes / Shtick / Notes
Foul Spew / P. 105
Transformation / P. 107
Regeneration / P. 106
Rancid Breath / P. 105
Blast / Transmute to sewage, P. 93 and
Weapon / Notes / Weapon / Notes
Blast (Transmutation) / 10 damage, use creature
Powers -3.
Feng Shui is the trademark and copyright of Daedalus Entertainment, Inc.
Feng Shui Character SheetCharacter: Larry Xu / Player:
Character Archetype: Everyman Hero / Juncture: Modern
Wealth: Working Stiff / Experience:
Melodramatic Hook: Larry loves children, and will do almost anything to keep harm from coming to them. Conversely he can be quite
bloodthirsty toward anyone who knowingly harms kids.
Background Story: Larry is a middle-aged shop teacher, a good family man, and an all around stand up guy. He might not be the brightest
star in the sky but his heart’s in the right place. His family evacuated to the mainland a few days ago, but he voluenteered to remain behind
and help with those who couldn’t make it out.
Physical Description: Larry is a well built Chinese man of middle years. His participation in several sports leagues has kept his significant
beer consumption from padding his middle overmuch. Usually dresses in work shirts and jeans, topped with some Soccer team’s hat.
Body (BOD):______8___ / CHI (CHI):______0_ / Mind (MND):______5__ / Reflexes (REF):______6__
Move (MOV):___8__ / Fortune (FOR):____10 / Charisma (CHA):___5__ / Agility (AGL):___6__
Strength (STR):___8__ / Kung Fu (FU):_____0 / Intelligence (INT):___5__ / Dexterity (DEX):___6__
Constitution (CON):___8__ / Magic (MAG):_____0 / Perception (PER):___5__ / Speed (SPD):___6__
Toughness (TGH):___8__ / Willpower (WIL):___7__
Skill / Base / Bonus / AV
Driving (Dex) / 6 / 4 / 10
Guns (Dex) / 6 / 1 / 7
Martial Arts (Agl) / 6 / 7 / 13
Info/Motorcycles / 5 / 5 / 10
Info/Sports Fan / 5 / 8 / 13
Info/Beer / 5 / 8 / 13
Info/Blues Your Dad Would Listen To / 5 / 7 / 12
Shtick / Notes / Shtick / Notes
Damn Lucky / Spent fortune dice do not reduce / Innovative / +1 AV for creative attacks
Fortune stat for checks / wth improvised weapons
Weapon / Notes / Weapon / Notes
Feng Shui is the trademark and copyright of Daedalus Entertainment, Inc.
Feng Shui Character SheetCharacter: Maleficent Chang / Player:
Character Archetype: Maverick Cop / Juncture: Modern
Wealth: Working Stiff / Experience:
Melodramatic Hook: Mal’s fiancé (well, ex-fiancé now) was gunned down by a team of Boro elites in pursuit of a renegade Abominaton,
while she may not understand the full implications of the Secret War she is certainly learning fast, and hates the Architects fervrently.
Background Story: Named by parents with a deep love of Disney animation and poor memories Maleficent (Mal) has lived up to her
namesake, at least in general temperament. Since the death of her beloved fiancé in a gunfight with Boro troops she has made a quiet
study of the Secret War.
Physical Description: Mal is an attractive Chinese woman in her mid thirties. She tends to dress conservatively, with plenty of room in her
jackets for her small personal arsenal.
Body (BOD):______7____ / CHI (CHI):______0__ / Mind (MND):______8___ / Reflexes (REF):______5__
Move (MOV):__7___ / Fortune (FOR):___0__ / Charisma (CHA):__8___ / Agility (AGL):___5__
Strength (STR):__7___ / Kung Fu (FU):___0__ / Intelligence (INT):__8___ / Dexterity (DEX):___5__
Constitution (CON):__7___ / Magic (MAG):___0__ / Perception (PER):__8___ / Speed (SPD):___7__
Toughness (TGH):__7___ / Willpower (WIL):__8___
Skill / Base / Bonus / AV
Guns (Dex) / 5 / 9 / 14
Driving (Dex) / 5 / 10 / 15
Martial Arts (Agl) / 5 / 3 / 8
Police (Per) / 8 / 4 / 12
Info/Secret War (Int) / 8 / 2 / 10
Shtick / Notes / Shtick / Notes
Carnival of Carnage x2 / -2 shots to attack unnamed char.
Signature Weapon / +3 damage
10,000 Bullets / Reduce penalties for attacking
multiple opponents by 1
Weapon / Notes / Weapon / Notes
Desert Eagle .50 / 15/3/9+1
Bernadelli / 13/5/10
K2 / 13*/4/30
Feng Shui is the trademark and copyright of Daedalus Entertainment, Inc.
Feng Shui Character SheetCharacter: Ramon “Closed Casket” Rodriguez / Player:
Character Archetype: Killer / Juncture: Modern
Wealth: Rich / Experience:
Melodramatic Hook: Ramon is seeking redemption and forgiveness for a life of sin and violence. Obviously the best way to do that is to
put holes in evil men.
Background Story: Ramon used to be the go-to hit man for the Medillin Cartel until he had a change of heart after being ordered to kill
a saintly old Bishop who was overly critical of the Cartel. After confessing his sins (a process that took several hours and was interrupted
several times for bathroom breaks and meals) the Bishop ordered him to seek redemption for his sins and directed him to an old friend in Hong Kong who might have need of his particular skill set.
Physical Description: Ramon is tall and wiry, well tanned, with several scars on his otherwise handsome face.
Body (BOD):______5___ / CHI (CHI):______0__ / Mind (MND):______7__ / Reflexes (REF):______8__
Move (MOV):__5___ / Fortune (FOR):___0__ / Charisma (CHA):___7__ / Agility (AGL):___8__
Strength (STR):__5____ / Kung Fu (FU):___0__ / Intelligence (INT):___7__ / Dexterity (DEX):___8__
Constitution (CON):__5____ / Magic (MAG):___0__ / Perception (PER):___7__ / Speed (SPD):___8__
Toughness (TGH):__6____ / Willpower (WIL):___7__
Skill / Base / Bonus / AV
Guns (Dex) / 8 / 7 / 15
Driving (Dex) / 8 / 5 / 13
Deceit (Cha) / 7 / 6 / 13
Info/Gangland Politics (Int) / 7 / 2 / 9
Detective (Per) / 7 / 3 / 10
Sabotage / 8 / 3 / 11
Shtick / Notes / Shtick / Notes
Both Guns Blazing x2 / P. 62
Lightning Reload x2 / -2 Shot cost for reloading
Carnival of Carnage / -1 Shot cost vs. Unnamed char
Weapon / Notes / Weapon / Notes
Desert Eagle .50 x2 / 12/3/9+1
H&K MP 5 K x2 / 10/3/30
M14 / 13**/5/20
Feng Shui is the trademark and copyright of Daedalus Entertainment, Inc.
Feng Shui Character SheetCharacter: The Gnarl / Player:
Character Archetype: Abomination / Juncture: 2056
Wealth: Poor / Experience:
Melodramatic Hook: The Gnarl wants revenge on the Boro, more generally he hates to see people being taken advantage of
Background Story: The Gnarl was once a demon like any other; torturing souls in the Underworld, wreaking havoc when called by to
Earth, corrupting the innocent, and so on. When the Monster Hunters took him into the future all that changed. Experiencing helplessness
first hand has made him a changed demon, and after escaping from the Boro he’s wandered the Netherworld looking for revenge. He just tracked a large Boro force heading for the modern juncture and is preparing to wreak havoc with them.
Physical Description: The Gnarl is mostly human shaped but massive and hunched. Despite being nearly eight feet tall he appears squat
due to his massive musculature. His face is somewhat leonine, but with massive goat horns sprouting from his mane. His incredibly long snake-like tongue is tipped with hollow fangs. Metal plates Arcanowave gadgetry have been grafted to his torso and arms.
Body (BOD):______10_____ / CHI (CHI):______0__ / Mind (MND):______5___ / Reflexes (REF):_____6___
Move (MOV):__10____ / Fortune (FOR):___0__ / Charisma (CHA):__5___ / Agility (AGL):__6___
Strength (STR):__10_ / Kung Fu (FU):___0__ / Intelligence (INT):__5___ / Dexterity (DEX):__6___
Constitution (CON):__10_ / Magic (MAG):___8__ / Perception (PER):__5___ / Speed (SPD):__6___
Toughness (TGH):__10__ / Willpower (WIL):__5___
Skill / Base / Bonus / AV
Arcanowave Device (Mag) / 8 / 5 / 13
Creature Powers (Mag) / 8 / 5 / 13
Intimidation (Cha) / 5 / 3 / 8
Martial Arts (Agl) / 6 / 7 / 13
Guns (Dex) / 6 / 5 / 11
Shtick / Notes / Shtick / Notes
Juicer / P. 121
Sprit Shield Generator / P. 123
Reinforcer / P. 122
Abyssal Spines / +2 Damage (tongue barbs)
Blood Drain / Drain Martial Arts skill
w/successful tongue barb attack
add to your AV ‘til end of fight
Weapon / Notes / Weapon / Notes
Tongue Barb / 13 Damage
Feng Shui is the trademark and copyright of Daedalus Entertainment, Inc.
Feng Shui Character SheetCharacter: Tsui Baio / Player:
Character Archetype: Karate Cop / Juncture: Modern
Wealth: Working Stiff / Experience:
Quote: Now how would it make your mother feel to see you do that?
Melodramatic Hook: Tsui is an honest and upright man. Nothing pisses him off quite as much as corruption and malfeasance.
Background Story: Ever since Tsui saw his first episode of Dragnet as a child he’s wanted nothing more than to be a cop. Unfortunately
for him he lacks anything that could be even generously described as “people skills,” so he’s been stuck as a lowly patrolman while less
dedicated officers get promoted to detective (his life long dream). Still, if you don’t mind a complete lack of humor or creativity there is no better officer in the HKPD.
Physical Description: Tsui is short (5’3”) and wiry, with a stern face and short-cut black hair. While off-duty he dresses like an utter nerd.
Body (BOD):_____ 7_____ / CHI (CHI):______0_____ / Mind (MND):______5__ / Reflexes (REF):______8__
Move (MOV):_7_____ / Fortune (FOR):__1____ / Charisma (CHA):___5__ / Agility (AGL):___8__
Strength (STR):__7____ / Kung Fu (FU):___0___ / Intelligence (INT):___5__ / Dexterity (DEX):___8__
Constitution (CON):__7____ / Magic (MAG):___0 _ / Perception (PER):___7__ / Speed (SPD):___8__
Toughness (TGH):__7____ / Willpower (WIL):___5__
Skill / Base / Bonus / AV
Guns (Dex) / 8 / 5 / 13
Martial Arts (Agl) / 8 / 6 / 14
Police (Per) / 7 / 6 / 13
Driving (Dex) / 8 / 8 / 16
Info/Hong Kong (Int) / 5 / 2 / 7
Shtick / Notes / Shtick / Notes
Speech / Can make a speech that causes / Jackie Chan It Up / +2 Martial Arts AV when
Regular law abiding people to / Attempting an acrobatic stunt
Want to assist you. Can spend / That is not a direct attack
A Fortune point to get hostile
GMCs to do the same.
Weapon / Notes / Weapon / Notes
Colt detective special / 9/1/6
Baretta 92 Centurion / 10/2/15+1
Feng Shui is the trademark and copyright of Daedalus Entertainment, Inc.
Feng Shui Character SheetCharacter: Wei Far Hong / Player:
Character Archetype: Old Master / Juncture: 1850
Wealth: Poor / Experience:
Quote: This reminds me of one time back in twenty six… eighteen twenty six that is…
Melodramatic Hook: Far Hong is something of a hot head, he hates being disrespected and is quick to knock some sense into those who
in his opinion need such correction.
Background Story: Wei Far Hong has led an interesting life. He’s fought pirates, demons, revolutionaries, reactionaries, and all manner of
colonists. After such an interesting life you’d think a guy would earn a quiet retirement, but that’s because you don’t know Quan Lo, who sent Far Hong to the modern juncture to reinforce the Guiding Hand’s forces there. Oops. Turns out Wei Far Hong likes decadence and
disorder, at least in reasonable doses. His first considered action after seeing modern HK was to cut his ties with the Guiding Hand and make his way to the Macao casinos. After racking up some gambling debts Far Hong has taken work as a school janitor to build some seed capital as he plans his next move.
Physical Description: Far Hong seems to be a healthy man in his early sixties (though he is in fact almost twice that age), mostly
non-descript except for his long mustaches and shaved head. Mostly dresses in loose, comfortable clothing.
Body (BOD):______4___ / CHI (CHI):______10_ / Mind (MND):______6__ / Reflexes (REF):______8__
Move (MOV):___4__ / Fortune (FOR):____0_ / Charisma (CHA):___6__ / Agility (AGL):___8__
Strength (STR):___4__ / Kung Fu (FU):____10 / Intelligence (INT):___6__ / Dexterity (DEX):___8__
Constitution (CON):___4__ / Magic (MAG):____10 / Perception (PER):___6__ / Speed (SPD):___8__
Toughness (TGH):___4__ / Willpower (WIL):___6__
Skill / Base / Bonus / AV
Martial Arts (Agl) / 8 / 8 / 16
Leadership (Cha) / 6 / 2 / 8
Info/Calligraphy (Int) / 6 / 4 / 10
Info/Chinese Poetry / 6 / 4 / 10
Into/Chinese Painting / 6 / 4 / 10
Into/Eastern Philosophy / 6 / 7 / 13
Info/Noodle Making / 6 / 5 / 11
Shtick / Notes / Shtick / Notes
Claw of the Tiger, C:1/S:3 / +3 Str for attack (+7 total) / What hit me!? / Punches and kicks do Str +6
Tiger Stance, C:1/S:0 / Counter attack, p. 84
Willow Step, C:1/S:0 / +2 Dodge for rest of shot
Clothed in Life, C:1/S:1 / p. 85
Hands Without Shadow C:1/S:3 / Attack can’t be actively dodged
Weapon / Notes / Weapon / Notes
Why bother?