Collaborative Learning
Social Constructivism Theory(Bruner, Dewey, Piaget, Vygotsky)
Creating Knowledge with social interaction and teacher facilitation.
The acquisition of knowledge in computer –supported collaborative learning environment is dependent on the level and quality of interaction among learners, and it is the instructor who regulates and influences team processes, namely the cognitive, affective, and motivational processes (Olivares, 2008).
Focus on Group communication in Online Learning to support learning and student connection.
Definitions -Synchronous or Asynchronous
ElIuminate (or recorded then Asynchronous)
Many students don’t have a schedule that affords them the opportunity for face-to-face classes.
Many studies indicate that online student achievement is comparable to F2F classes.
Some studies indicate that students learn more in online classes with some synchronous components.(Sitzmann, Ely & Wisher, 2004)
Email - only for personal communication – all class questions direct to the discussion board.
Discussion Board – general questions about the course, including support, academic discourse.
- Students post questions about an assignment or Blackboard and the instructor can post the answer one time for everyone to see – or even better other students answer the questions for you!
- Create assignments around topics for student to respond both to the material and each other. (be specific about expectations.
- Individual Blogs: Only the owner of the Blog is able to post Blog Entries. All other users enrolled in the Course are able to view and add Comments.
Example- Student posts ongoing reactions to topics as the course progresses for class to use, have student create an ongoing resource for other students to use as the course progresses.
- Group Blogs: If the instructor enables the Blog tool for the Group, all Group members can post Blog entries and make comments on Blog entries. Any course member can view Group Blogs, but can only add comments.
Example – a private area only for students to post ideas about projects or resources, great for group brainstorming. - Course Blogs: Instructors are able to post Blog Entries. All enrolled users can post Comments to Blog Entries.
Examples – Use for student reactions to topics, ask students to post examples to show understanding of topic
Wikis (Hawaiian word for fast) – Wikis are used to create a collaborative space within the Course where all students can view, contribute, and edit content. Wikis can also be used as a resource for students to view information and content relevant to their Courses.
- Course Wikis are created by the Instructor and any course member can add pages.
- Group Wikisare enabled by the Instructor and can be read by all course members, but a user must be a member of the Group to edit a page or make a comment on a Group Wiki page. The Instructor can change the default setting to allow only Group members to view a Group Wiki
Example- an ongoing place to quickly have both students and instructions collaborate and build knowledge on a topic. Use the blog for brainstorming the wiki to share the information.
Journals –Bb9 self-reflection tool that will default to access only by the student and teacher. * can be set up as a group journal. *can be made public by the instructor. Remember FERPA if you share the information.
Example- Student reflection can be an important deeper understanding of material, which could include personal examples since this is a more private student to instructor area.
***Consider tone Netiquette***
Design recommendations
- Be clear in your syllabus if the class is online or a blended hybrid. If you require online synchronous classes state the times dates and equipment needed for participation in your syllabus. Make this information available to students during registration. Consider a “practice” session with the students early in the class to avoid frustration and confusion.
- Don’t assume your students are power users of technology; make sure they have resources to learn about Bb tools.
Best Practices in Discussion Boards
Instructors have 3 roles:
Instructors fostering the discussion (Ko &Rossen, 2001)
- Start the major topic threads yourself – Name them by describing the subject.
- Narrow down topics – Divide large topics into logical subtopics
- Organize forums and threads to reflect the class chronology or sequence (Bb does that!)
- Align topics to assignment, reading, projects and exercises
- Facultyand students establishes a pattern of frequent response – several short bursts a week instead of 1 long effort in your responses.
- Facilitate and build on participation - encouraging the students to communicate with each other – instead of responding to individuals, respond to an emerging theme.
- Schedule a quiet time when other projects in the course are time consuming
- Be aware of cultural patterns as well differences in personal styles in discussion. Make it clear if participation is required and when it is due. Don’t force personal experiences instead try something like “ Can you related this to your own experiences or one you have heard or read about?”
- Create a discussion area for “Questions, Comments & Concerns” for the instructor and students to answer questions about assignments or Bb issues.
Encouraging Participation with rules and grades (Cawthon & Harris, 2008)
- Provide students with expectations for participation
- Time commitments required for participation
- Communication with peers mandatory
- Frequent grading of discussions even if pass/fail
Designing Discussion boards
Promote High Order thinking
- Responsibility online instructor to nudge and encourage the construction knowledge (just like in a face to face classroom). (Christopher, Thomas & Tallent-Rennels, 2004).
- Consider using MindMeister for collaboration
Design Tip
Asking open-ended questions and encouraging students to reply with more personal thought to ensure that the dialogue is interactive rather than just a one-way instruction communication
(Chang, 2009).
Provide Rubric for the students to know your expectations and how they will be graded.
Great online rubric tool available at
Discussion Rubric / Full / Partial / Zero / Total possible points 30Comprehension & Critical Thinking / Demonstrates a full understanding of the topic and related research. Is full of insight and analysis and clear connections to real-life situations are made / Demonstrates an understanding of parts of the topic and related research. Shows some insight and analysis and some connections to real-life situations are made / Does not seem to understand the topic and related research. No analysis or insight is displayed and no connections to real-life situations are made / 15
Style / Posts discussion comments using proper spelling and grammar / Post discussion comments that contain several spelling and grammatical errors / Posts discussion comments that demonstrate numerous spelling and grammatical errors / 5
Netiquette / Posts comments that abide by the rules of Netiquette in that they are respectful, socially appropriate, and professional / Posts comments that violate some of the rules of Netiquette / Posts comments that violate the rules of Netiquette in that they are disrespectful, inappropriate, and unprofessional / 5
Responds / Meaningful response to at least two other class member / Meaningful response to at least one other class member / No response to another class member / 5
Provide details to the student about : length of discussion posting, if responses are required to others, if so “I agree” doesn’t count, summarize a website reference, don’t just post the URL/, use information from the book or class to support your answer (Brooke, 2008).
Consider requiring MLA/APA format references, especially in writing or upper level courses.
Discussion Response Example guidelines (Brooke, 2004)
- A good response to the question should be one or two paragraphs, and address all the issues that are raised.
- A good response is not something like “I agree.” Please find something that you can analyze, add to, critique, explain, disagree with, or something. It should be a few cogent sentences. It should contain something that shows your knowledge of the book, as well as additional materials you might bring to class from the web and elsewhere.
- You must use references to support your work. You CANNOT copy a web site and paste it as your response. If you want to use a Web site summarize it outline the pertinent information and then cite the webpage. If you copy a webpage as your response, you will earn 0 points for the module.
Discussion Groups – Design Options
Forming groups and creating roles
Create topics and let students choose (size limit – first come first serve)
or assign groups
Establish Operating Norms for the group (Brooke, 2008).
- Guidelines for online and off line etiquette
- Guidelines for group and individual learning outcomes. Example
- Ask each member to log in 3 times per week and post one question and 1 response.
Foster trust inside group
Set a framework that shows students how each individual contributeon ties into the broader success of the group a shared goal.
Create a buddy system – 2 or 3 students responsible for joint participation and contribution, co- development of case study or alternative postings.
Assign Roles within the groups. Instructor describes the relationships between the roles, and details responsibilities and interdependencies (Brooke, 2008).
Student roles
Trial – statements and rebuttals.
Case Studies
Subject Matter Experts
Design Tip
Create discussion/journal/wiki areas for each group to provide internal group support. This allows students an asynchronous place to brainstorm or develop ideas.
Create community and collaboration
Reduce the feeling of isolation that can come with distance education.
If web-based courses provide learners with effective interaction, then they possess all the benefits that a course could possibly have – flexibility convenience, and quality (Chang, 2009)
Allow students time for deeper thought and reflection –Driscoll (1998) suggests that asynchronous methods provide a more flexible timeframe for students to reflect on what they have learned as compared to synchronous delivery formats.
Quieter students more likely to participate than in F2F class – information exchanges in an asynchronous format by providing opportunities for shy or non-native speakers to express themselves (DelahoussayNeiheisel, 2005: FunaroMontell, 1999).
Use “what’s new” update announcements, student personal webpages that include picture and biographical information (Hill, Han, & Raven, 2001).
Infrastructure Strategies / Interaction StrategiesAccess to multiple communication technologies / Read for content not detail
Posting of announcements and “what’s new” updates. / Encourage and support fellow learners in their efforts
Personal Web pages for each learner / Use messages to indicated to learners what they Could be doing, Should be doing, and what they Must be doing in terms of the course
Learners have sufficient opportunities to interact with each other as well as with the instructor / Use of teams for completing work in the course
A daily visit to the web sited to check for new messages on the discussion boards.
Strategies and techniques for community building in on-line environments (Hill, Han, & Raven, 2001).
Instructor Strategies / Learner StrategiesProvide multiple opportunities for interaction. / Visit the course web site daily (or every other day at a minimum).
Send out management related messages on a regular basis / Provide encouragement and support.
Establish teams so that learners work together to complete tasks / Scan material posted on the web site do not read for detail if feeling information overload
Keep the web site up to date and add in new information on a regular basis to keep thing “fresh”
Instructor and Learner Strategies for community building in online environments (Hill, Han, & Raven, 2001).
Design tip
Have students introduce themselves on the discussion board the first week of class. Give them a guideline for what to include, consider name, commuter or not, major, city of origin, goal upon graduation, hobbies. (Olivares, 2008).
In a F2F class keeps the discussion going between class
Use Bloom’s verbs for phrasing questions
Brooke, S. 2008. The Case Method and Collaborative Learning.Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Best Practices and Principles for Instructors.Orvis, K & Lassiter, A. Editors.Information Science Publishing. Hershey, PA.
Cawthon, S., & Harris.A. (2008). Developing a Community of Practice in and Online Research Lab. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Best Practices and Principles for Instructors. Orvis, K & Lassiter, A. Editors. Information Science Publishing. Hershey, PA.
Chang, C-W (2009). Efficacy of interaction among college students in a Web-based environment. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 2(1), 17-32.
Christopher, M.M., Thomas, J.A., & Tallent-Runnels, M.K. (2003).Raising the Bar: Encouraging High Level Thinking in Online Discussion Forums.Roeper Review, 26 (3), 166-171.
Delahoussaye, C., & Neiheisel, M. (2005).Web-based web-enhanced curriculum. Retrieved Oct. 28, 2010, from
Driscoll, M. (1999, Summer). Web-based training in the workplace.Adult Learning, 10(4), 21-25.
Funaro, G., & Montell, F. (1999).Pedagogicalroles and implementation guidelines for online communication tools.ALN magazine, 3(2). Retrieved April 10, 2005, from
Hill, J., Han, S., & Raven, A. (2001). Build It and They Will Stay: A Research-Based Model for Creating Community in Web- based Learning Environments. Presented at the National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Atlanta, GA. November 8-12, 2001.
Ko, S., & Rossen, S. (2001). Teaching Online A Practical Guide. , Boston, Houghton Mifflin.
Olivares, O. (2008). Collaborative vs. Cooperative Leaning: The Instructor’s Role in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Best Practices and Principles for Instructors.Orvis, K & Lassiter, A. Editors.Information Science Publishing. Hershey, PA.
Roblyer, M., & Wiencke, W. (2003). Design and use of a rubric to assess and encourage interactive qualities in distance courses. The American Journal Distance Education, 17(2), 77-98.
Sitzmann, Ely & Wisher, 2004)