Tamil Nadu docs will have to renew licences every five years

PushpaNarayan, TNN|Aug 31, 2012, 08.54AM IST

CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu State Medical Council has drawn up self-regulation plans to improve the way medicine is practised in the state, making it mandatory for doctors to renew their licences every five years. By 2017, all doctors registered with the council - public and private - will have to prove that they attended at least 30 hours of continuing medical education (CME).
Those failing to prove that their skills are up-to-date will be prevented from practising medicine, TN medical council president Dr K Prakasam said.
The existing ways of regulating the profession are no longer good enough, he said. Doctors are expected to be upto-date and more accountable. "No doctor can stop studying after college. Now, we are ensuring they do at least minimum specified hours. Our credit system will encourage doctors to present papers and publish research in reputed medical journals but discourage events organized to promote a particular drug or equipment," he said.

Senior doctors welcomed the decision . Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University vice-chancellor Dr MayilVahananNatarajan said the university had made it mandatory for PG students to get credit scores. "It will be good to extend it to practising doctors. The system exists in most countries," he said.
First batch of licences for renewal to come up in 2017
In 2002, the Medical Council of India, the statutory body governing medical education and doctors' ethics, made it compulsory for doctors to get licences renewed. States such as Maharashtra and Delhi implemented the renewal system, but the TN council didn't do it for a decade .
Under the new guidelines, the first batch, the bulk of doctors , will come up for renewal in 2017. Every five years, consultants , specialists and surgeons will have attend medical education programmes organized by reputed professional academic bodies or any other authorized organizations .The council has released guidelines for accreditation of the CME programme, where medical education event organisers should apply for accreditation or credit hours a month in advance for a fee. The council will appoint a medical professional an observer for every event, Dr Prakasam said. "It took us a long time to plan this. But we have managed to bring this in now. There will be medical education programmes throughout the year.
On an average, a doctor attending two medical conferences and at least three lectures or orations a year will fulfill the credit hour needs," he said.To ensure quality, credit hours will be awarded for the event based on subject matter, status of the speaker and quality of the papers presented .
For instance, a guest lecture by foreign faculty of international repute or a workshop for at least three hours shall be given one hour and a daylong workshop will be credited with two hours.



Ref.No. TNMC/G 199/2013

Arranging C.M.E. Programme and to issue

Attendance Certificates -Regarding.

This Council approved and accredited the upcoming CME Programme to be

conducted by Indian Medical Association, Namakkal Branch. Whenever your

Association conducts the CME Programme, brochure may be sent before 7 days

of the programme. After the programme, attendance register may be sent to this

office within 10 days.

Consolidated Certificates (Credit Points) will be given to the each

participants by the Tamil Nadu Medical Council, Chennai after paying fee of

Rs.100/- per each participant.

For Getting TNMC CME Certificate Procedure

Separate CME Certificate will be issued to each participant by this Council.

Your educational activity will be reviewed and accredited and will be awarded for

2 Credit hours of Category 1 CME (per day) by the Tamil Nadu Medical Council,


Speakers at any Conference/CME/Workshop/Training Programme will be

given One Credit Hours in additional to the Credit Hours allotted to delegates for

that particular academic activity (For example 3 days conference 6+1=7 Credit


In this connection, I request you to furnish the following documents to

enable us to issue CME Programme certificate to each participant which is

mandatory for Re-registration.il 2013

1. Total number of Registered participant's name, TNMC Registration

Number with fees should be given before 10 days from

commencement of the C.M.E. Programme.

2. Attendance Register containing those who have attended the

programme with signature.(After programme)

3. Prescribed Fee for Rs.100/- (Rupees One hundred only) for each

participant by consolidated Demand Draft drawn in favour of

“The Registrar, Tamil Nadu Medical Council CME, Chennai”

payable at Chennai.

4. Brief report of the Programme. (After programme)

For further correspondence addressed to

The Registrar,

Tamil Nadu Medical Council, CME,

No.914, Poonamallee High Road,

Arumbakkam, Chennai - 600 106

Email: . Phone : 044 - 26265678 Fax No. : 044 – 26285678

Contact Details of TAMIL NADU MEDICAL COUNCIL, Chennai (Madras) Tamil Nadu are : Telephone: +91-44-24727603

MoreInformation about Tamilnadu Medical Council

No 914,Opposite Panjali Amman Koil,Poonamalle High Road,Arumbakkam,Chennai - 600106View Map



Distance: 2.27 KM

Also Listed In

Hours of Operation

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday:10:00 am to 05:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday:Closed

Year Established


Additional Information

* Allopathy Doctors Registration Office


Guidelines for CME Programme for getting Accreditation

1. Accreditation /Credit Hours to be awarded will be the sole discretion of the

Tamil Nadu Medical Council and will depend upon the subject matter, status

of the speaker and quality of the paper presented in the CME/Workshop

/Conference.The accreditation /Credit Hours awarded by the Tamil Nadu

Medical Council shall be final.

2. Any professional organization or body or institution holding CME’s should

apply for accreditation to the Tamil Nadu Medical Council in the prescribed

Proforma of Tamil Nadu Medical Council. The Council on verifying the

credentials of the organization will give Certificate of Accreditations to those

bodies to hold CME’s.

3. The office bearers of all Recognized Medical Associations will apply to the

Tamil Nadu Medical Council. The application should be accompanied by the

complete program of the CME/Conference including the names, designation

and country of the speakers and the subject of speech.

4. Accredited bodies like IMA/Professional bodies which hold regular CME’s

will have to inform the Tamil Nadu Medical Council, the date and time of the

CME ,at least 30 days in advance, so that the Tamil Nadu Medical Council can

send Member /Observer for the CME.

5. Credit Hours will be based on the composition of the faculty participation ,

quality and the contents of the subject matter

6. Recognized Medical Associations/Organizations should strictly issue the

Certificate to the delegate who has attended the CME.No Certificate should

be distributed on the first day at the time of Registration itself for the

CME/Conference. The Certificates should be distributed /awarded only on

the last day after completion of CME/Conference/Workshop.

7. Recognized Medical Associations/ Organizations will be duty bound to send

the feedback of the delegates and the list of delegates who attended the

CME/Conference. Separate lists for the delegates belonging to State of Tamil

Nadu and the delegates of other States /foreign countries should be submitted

to the Tamil Nadu Medical Council.

8. The delegates should enter their Tamil Nadu Medical Registration

Certificate’s registration Number and signature and time of reporting during

their entry at the venue on first days itself. No registration should be allowed

on any of the subsequent days of the programme. Attendance should be

marked in person on all days. The Registration has to be finished before the

beginning of the Scientific programme.

9. In case it is found by the Council that the Certificate issued is false, the

Accreditation Certificate of the such issuing recognized Medical

Associations/Organizations shall be cancelled.



1. International Conference of professional bodies.

2. National conference of professional bodies.

3. IMA, Dist. level, State level, National level & IMA academy.

4. State Level Conference of National & International organizations.

5. CME /workshop/training programme will be given one credit hour per talk

in addition to the credit hours allotted for that particular academic activity.

6. Former members and present members of Tamil Nadu Medical Council will

be deputed to attend the C.M.E.’s as observer by the Tamil Nadu Medical

Council and will be will given certificate of attendance.

Guidelines for determining Number of Credit Hours

1. One Guest Lecture by foreign faculty of international repute shall be given

one hour.

2. CME/Workshop of minimum duration of three hours i.e. half day duration

shall be eligible for one Credit Hour

3. The duration for one day CME Workshop shall be eligible for 2 Credit Hours

4. The Tamil Nadu Medical Council shall recognize International status of

conference, if five or more foreign members participating as faculty in such

conference, the Credit Hours for delegates who attend such

conferences/CME/Worshop will be as follows.,

i. One day CME/Workshop/Conference-2 Credit Hours

ii. Half day CME/Workshop/Conference-One Credit Hour

iii. 2 days -4 Credit hours.

iv. 3 days -6 Credit hours

Credit hours are limited to only maximum of 6 Hours for 3 days

conference. If the conference continues more than 3 days same 6

hours will be only allotted.

5. Speakers at any Conference/CME/Workshop/Training Programme will be

given One Credit Hours in additional to the Credit Hours allotted to delegates

for that particular academic activity(For Example 3 days conference 6+1=7

Credit Hours)

6. Director, Joint Director of Medical Education as Research /Director ,Joint

Director of Health Services and Deans of Medical Colleges will be awarded

(6) six Credit Hours per year. They will have to produce certificate to Tamil

Nadu Medical Council regarding their job status at the time of Renewal of


7. Doctors working as Medical Teachers can claim (6) six Credit Hours per year

on producing certificate from their Head of Institution indicating that, they

are taking Undergraduate /Postgraduate classes and are engaged in Post

graduate ,Research Work.

8. Doctors doing Post Graduate Courses e.g. Diploma /PG /Super

Speciality /CPS etc., from recognized /Reputed Institutions will get (3)

Three Credit Hours per year of the duration of the Courses., e.g. 1st Year (4)

four Credit Hours ,2nd Year (4) four Credit Hours ,3rd year (4) four Credit


9. The Doctors who attend the International CME/Conferences held in

overseas as delegates on production of the certificates of attendance

Thereof will get (6) Credit Hours.

10. Any paper published in index National /International Medical Journal will

entitle the Author /Co Author (3) three Credit Hours per paper

11. Any chapter published in a text book or update book published by

professional bodies will entitle the Author (5) five Credit Hours

12. Paper presentation in a CME/Workshop/Conference per chapter will

be entitled to (1) one Credit Hour.

13. Credit Hour Certificate of CME/Workshop/International Conference

will be signed by the President , TNMC & Registrar, TNMC

14. It is the responsibility of the organizer to give a list of Participants who

have attend CME/Workshop/Conference .Video Conference conducted by

the Government Conference on Public Health/ University sponsored

programme on Medical Education would be awarded (1) one Credit Hour

to the Medical Fraternity attended the Video Conference.

15. The organization like IMA/professional bodes who hold regular

monthly meeting will issue a CME credit certificate at the end of every year to

its members specifically stating how many credit hours were acquired by each

members of that year. These certificates will be issued by the Tamil Nadu

Medical Council on production of Attendance Certificate.

Continued Medical Education (CME) which will not be accredited.

1. The C.M.E.’s organized by a Drug/equipment company for promotion of the

drug/equipment will not be entertained/considered.

2. C.M.E.’s organized by the individual nursing home/hospitals/persons for

marketing purposes shall not be credited.

3. C.M.E. organized for self promotion/advertisement will not be credited.

Categories of C.M.E.


Formal and structured learning opportunities offered at International or

National or State level by recognised educational or scientific institutions or

professional bodies.

A. Congress or a Conference should

a) Be conducted for not less than 3 full days, a full day being 5-8 hours.

b) Involve speakers of international standing

c) Contain plenary lectures/symposia

d) Allow presentations of free communications of posters.

Category 2

Activities conducted with a local or regional participant ground in mind such as

Conferences, seminars or symposia organized by recognised educational


Category 3

Workshops and courses.

Category 4

-Hands on Training on Models and skills Lab Workshops.

-operative procedures relay live to a group of practitioners maybe

Considered for registration as CME/CPD only if they for a practical

Component of planned learning activity and the CME Center is

Provided with information on the learning objectivities content area and

How the observers are to be guided during the session.


BLS/ATLS/PLS First Aid courses.




To Date:

The Registrar, ------

Tamil Nadu Medical Council,

New No.914, Poonamallee High Road,


Name of the Organization or

/Institution :______

Registered Address :______


Cell/Phone No: ______Fax No.:______E-Mail:______

Registered Number with Place and Date of Registration :

PRESIDENT: Dr.______TNMC REGN. NO.______

ADDRESS: ______


Cell/Phone No: ______Fax No.:______E-Mail:______


ADDRESS: ______


Cell/Phone No: ______Fax No.:______E-Mail:______


ADDRESS: ______


Cell/Phone No: ______Fax No.:______E-Mail:______


ADDRESS: ______


Cell/Phone No: ______Fax No.:______E-Mail:______


Dr. TNMC REGN.NO.______

ADDRESS: ______


Cell/Phone No: ______Fax No.:______E-Mail:______


a) For the past how many years:

b) Approximately how many in a year (send copies of the invitations for the last twelve


c) Are the subjects aimed for General Practitioners or Specialists:

d) Average attendance in each meeting:

e) Average duration of scientific discussion in each meeting:

f) Usual venue of the meetings:


1. We shall abide by the rules and regulations laid down by the MCI/TNMC and maintain a

complete register of the proceedings of all the meetings, for future reference.

2. We will send a copy of every CME to be conducted by our organization , to the TNMC , in

advance and have no objection for surprise verification of the meetings by a doctor,

authorized by the Tamil Nadu Medical Council.

3. We shall issue attendance certificates to all the participants, in the prescribed format and

maintain counterfoils for the same , for a period of seven years.

4. After each CME program, we shall send the list of the doctors participated to the Tamil Nadu

Medical Council within 7 days under Registered post.

5. We shall keep the Tamil Nadu Medical Council informed immediately, whenever there is a

change in the office bearers of our organization/Institution.

6. The information given above is true to the best of our knowledge.

We request you to register our Medical Organization / Institution, authorizing to conduct

period CME Programmes and issue attendance certificates to the participating doctors, for purposes

of re-registration.