Expression of Interest to work with Standguide Limited
This document is to be completed by all organisations interested in working with Standguide Limited as a delivery partner.
Please note that:
- Completion of this document does not infer any contractual agreement between Standguide Limited and your organisation, but rather will help us to assess your organisation’s ability to work with us as a subcontractor or partner.
- We are seeking information in line with the industry standard Expression of Interest form. More detail may be requested in relation to specific partnership opportunities as they arise.
Introduction to working with Standguide Limited
Please complete these basic questions before moving on to Sections 1 to 8
Which service are you seeking to supply?Adult Skills / ☐ /
Training / ☐ /
NB: Employability supply chain comprises tiers – please complete the table below to indicate your tier / ☐ /
Other / ☐
Employability only:Which type of supplier are you?
Tier 2: End to end provider / ☐ /
Tier 3: Specialist intervention(s) partner / ☐ /
Tier 4: Spot purchases and/or organisations to which we signpost / ☐ /
Please continue to Section 1 on the next page
Section 1: Your Organisation
1.1 Company detailsCompany name
Registered address
Including post code
Company registration and/or charity number
VAT number
Contact name
Contact number
Contact email address
Organisation website
Is your organisation on the Skills Funding Agency’s Register of Training Organisations?
If yes, please provide ROTO number. / Yes ☐ No ☐
1.2 Organisation Overview
Please indicate the type of organisation: / Private / ☐ /
Third Sector / ☐ /
Public Sector / ☐ /
Social Enterprise / ☐ /
Consortium/SPV / ☐
Please indicate how many staff (FTE/volunteers) you have:
Do you currently work with Standguide? / Yes ☐ No ☐
If you have answered ‘yes’ above, please give details below:
Have you worked with Standguide previously? / Yes ☐ No ☐
If you have answered ‘yes’ above, please give details below:
1.3 Finances
Please indicate your turnover and profit for the last full financial year:
Turnover / £
Profit / £
Please confirm that you are able to provide audited accounts for the last three years: / Yes ☐ No ☐
1.4 Delivery Types
Which types of delivery does your organisation provide? / Employment and Welfare / ☐ /
Criminal Justice and Offender / ☐ /
Skills / ☐ /
Healthcare and health related / ☐ /
Advice Services / ☐
Other / ☐ /
If you have selected ‘other’, please give a brief description:
Section 2: Delivery Locations
2.1 Delivery Infrastructure – Please give details of your current delivery infrastructureGeographical areas: / Delivery locations: Include full addresses
Section 3: Services
3.1 SkillsPlease indicate the services you have experience of, or are accredited to deliver:
Skills Assessments / ☐ /
Basic Skills English / ☐ /
Basic Skills Maths / ☐ /
Basic Skills ICT / ☐ /
ESOL / ☐ /
Foundation Learning / ☐ /
Vocational Training / ☐ /
Please list the sectors you deliver:
Industry certified training / ☐ /
Please list all courses you deliver, with awarding bodies:
Other / ☐ /
If you have selected ‘other’, please give a brief description:
3.2 Employability
Please indicate the services you have experience of, or are accredited to deliver:
Apprenticeships / ☐ /
Careers advice/IAG / ☐ /
CV writing, development and covering letters / ☐ /
Work experience placements / ☐ /
Volunteer placements / ☐ /
Jobsearch and interview techniques / ☐ /
Self-employment and enterprise support / ☐ /
In-work support and mentoring / ☐ /
Links to employer vacancies / ☐ /
3.3 Additional specialist services
Please indicate the services you have experience of, or are accredited to deliver:
Work ethics / ☐ /
Motivation and confidence building courses / ☐ /
Offending behaviour programmes / ☐ /
Attitudinal skills / ☐ /
Debt advice/management / ☐ /
ID and bank accounts / ☐ /
Money management / ☐ /
Housing advice/management / ☐ /
Access to housing / ☐ /
Benefit advice/management / ☐ /
Gambling advice/support / ☐ /
Family advice/support / ☐ /
Relationship advice/support / ☐ /
Carer advice/support / ☐ /
Childcare advice/support / ☐ /
Reducing re-offending support / ☐ /
Offending disclosure advice / ☐ /
Condition management / ☐ /
Support for people with learning difficulties / ☐ /
Support for people with mental health needs / ☐ /
Support for people with physical disabilities / ☐ /
Alcohol misuse advice and support / ☐ /
Drug and substance misuse advice and support / ☐ /
Dual diagnosis / ☐ /
Sexual health advice and support / ☐ /
Please detail any innovative services that you can offer (maximum 250 words):
Section 4: Customer Groups
4.1 Customer GroupsPlease indicate which customer groups you have experience of working with:
BME Groups / ☐ /
Carers / ☐ /
Care Leavers / ☐ /
ESA / ☐ /
Ex-military personnel / ☐ /
Ex-offenders / ☐ /
Homeless people / ☐ /
JSA 18-24 / ☐ /
JSA 25+ / ☐ /
JSA Early Entrants / ☐ /
JSA Ex-IB / ☐ /
Learners completing apprenticeships / ☐ /
Learners completing Level 2 qualifications
If yes, please list qualifications provided: / ☐ /
Learners completing Level 3 qualifications
If yes, please list qualifications provided: / ☐ /
Learners with basic skills needs / ☐ /
Learners with ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) needs / ☐ /
Lone parents / ☐ /
Offenders / ex-Offenders / ☐ /
Over 50s / ☐ /
People who are drug or alcohol misusers / ☐ /
People with learning difficulties / ☐ /
People with mental health needs / ☐ /
People with other physical health conditions / ☐ /
Professionals/executives / ☐ /
Refugees or asylum seekers / ☐ /
Whole families / ☐ /
Young people (NEET) / ☐ /
Other / ☐ /
If you have selected ‘other’, please give a brief description:
Section 5: Quality
5.1 PoliciesPlease indicate which of the following policies your organisation has in place:
(You must commit to the cost of ensuring that all of the policies and procedures are in place prior to working with Standguide Limited.)
Anti-bribery / ☐ /
Anti-Bullying Policy
Business Code of Ethics / ☐ /
Business Continuity / ☐ /
Fraud Protection / ☐ /
Whistle Blowing / ☐ /
Data Protection and Storage / ☐ /
Disability and Discrimination Policy / ☐ /
Equality and Diversity / ☐ /
Disciplinary & Grievance / ☐ /
Health and Safety / ☐ /
Safeguarding / ☐ /
Prevent / ☐
Safety of Work Placements / ☐ /
Staff Vetting Policy / ☐ /
Environmental and Sustainability / ☐ /
TUPE / ☐ /
QualityAssurance / ☐ /
Recruitment and Personnel / ☐ /
Complaints / ☐ /
Information Security
If yes, has this been approved by DWP/SFA? / ☐ /
5.2 Inspections – Ofsted/Estyn/HMIe/ETI/External Verifier
Please provide the following information for all inspections:
Area: / Grade: / Date: / Provision:
5.3 Standards and Accreditations
Please indicate which of the following your organisation holds or is working towards:
Investors in People / Achieved ☐ Working towards ☐
Merlin Standard / Achieved ☐ Working towards ☐
Matrix / Achieved ☐ Working towards ☐
ISO 27001 / Achieved ☐ Working towards ☐
ISO 9001 / Achieved ☐ Working towards ☐
ISO 14001 / Achieved ☐ Working towards ☐
Training Quality Standard / Achieved ☐ Working towards ☐
Total Quality Management / Achieved ☐ Working towards ☐
Positive About Disability / Achieved ☐ Working towards ☐
Other (please specify):
5.4 Terminated Contracts
Have you had any contracts terminated during the past 3 years? / Yes ☐ No ☐
If you have answered ‘yes’ above, please give details below:
Please continue to Section 6 on the next page
2017 v.4.0
Section 6: Recent Contract Delivery Performance
6.1 Contract Performance DetailsPlease provide the following details of your most recent performance for past or current contracted services during the last 3 years:
Funding body/ prime contractor / Region / Customer target group / Contract start and end dates / Customer volumes (p/a) / Targets (eg job entry rate, positive outcomes) / Outcomes achieved / Sustained targets / Sustained achieved
Please continue to Section 7 on the next page
2017 v.4.0
Section 7: Additional Information
7.1 Additional Organisation InformationPlease provide a brief overview of your organisation, focusing on areas not covered elsewhere in this Expression of Interest form. This may include, for example, your unique selling points, your organisational culture and values and your top three strengths. Please use a maximum of 500 words.
Section 8: Declaration
8.1 Form Completion DetailsName of person completing this form:
Position within the organisation:
Date of completion:
To ensure we have the most up to date information, please inform us from time to time if the information you have given us changes. Should you not want us to keep your information on file in the future, please contact us and let us know.
Please note: all the information you give us is confidential.
Thank you for your interest in working with Standguide Limited.
Please return this EOI to us my emailing it to and we will review your application as new partnership opportunities arise in the future.
2017 v.4.0