This policy sets out guidelines for computer, email and internet use by employees of insert name of the employer> (“Employer”). The primary purpose for which access to the internet is provided by insert name of the employer> to its employees is to assist them in understanding and carrying out the duties of their employment.
In addition to use for work purposes, employees may use computers, email and internet access provided by insert name of the employer> for reasonable private purposes provided it is consistent with the ‘Acceptable Use’guidelines below.
Insert name of the employer>owns the information technology system used in the workplace and employees should have no expectation of privacy when using work provided facilities for private use as insert name of the employer> may conduct occasional monitoring of system activity including reviewing work provided emails and checking internet usage and access.
ACCEPTABLE USEAcceptable Use is deemed as that use by employeesof insert name of the employer>computer for personal email and internet usage,provided that in each case the personal use has been authorised.
Such use is:
- To be moderate in time,
- Not to incur unnecessary or significant cost for insert name of the employer>,
- Not to be used to endanger, offend, discriminate, harass or sexually harass another person, or contravene other laws, and
- Not interfere with the employment duties of the employee or his or her colleagues.
The following are examples of where employees may use the internet access provided by insert name of the employer>:
- Work-related purposes;
- Sending and receiving personal emails, provided that if emails are sent with a insert name of the employer>email address they must containthe standard insert name of the employer> disclaimer withinthe email to the effect that the views of the sender may not represent those of insert name of the employer>;
- Reading and posting personal messages,provided that if emails are sent with a insert name of the employer>email address they must contain a disclaimer within the email to the effect that the views of the sender may not represent those of the hotel;
- Using instant messaging software for personal purposes;
- Accessing the internet for personal purposes; and
- Utilising any other internet service or protocol for personal purposes after obtaining permission to do so from management.
Except in the course of an employee's duties, or with the express permission ofinsert name of the employer>, the internet access provided by insert name of the employer>may not be used for:
- Accessing pornographic, illicit or inappropriate material;
- Personal commercial purposes;
- Sending unsolicited bulk email;
- Disseminating confidential information of the hotel;
- Any illegal purpose;
- Causing interference with or disruption to any network, information service, equipment or any user;
- Disseminating personal contact information of officers or employees of the hotel without their consent;
- Causing any other person to view content which is pornographic, illicit or inappropriate;and
- Downloading or requesting software or media files or data streams that the employee has reason to believe will use a greater amount of network bandwidth than is appropriate – this includes music or games;
- Use of social networking sites, except in accordance with the ‘Private Use’ guidelines below.
Social networking refers to platforms where people can interact with others, usually via the internet.
Work related comments posted on online networking sites are considered by management to be behaviour which constitutes off duty conduct and as such disciplinary action may be taken for activity engaged in on social networks such as Myspace, Facebook, Twitter etc that may have a negative impact on either the business, other staff, or stakeholders such as suppliers.
Any negative reference relating to the workplace made on a public domain can effect the reputation of the business and therefore the author could also be subject to a defamation claim.
Insert name of the employer> recommends that individual social networking profiles not include reference to the employee’s place of employment. Even where the profile has privacy settings in place, ‘friends’ or ‘contacts’ who read posts may share those posts to external parties, including insert name of the employer>, meaning the posts can be very public.
Employees may be asked to provide explanation for information contained within online public domains where it relates to the profitability, reputation or viability of the employer.
UNACCEPTABLE USE IS PROHIBITED BY THE EMPLOYERWhere the employer is satisfied that unacceptable use of insert name of the employer> provided computer, email or internet has occurred, employees may face disciplinary actionincluding termination of employment or contract in accordance with the <insert name of the employer>Discipline and Termination Policy.
The Below Listed Policies / Documents Interact with this Policy:
- Social Media Policy
- Out of Hours Conduct Policy
- Discipline and Termination Policy
I, ______(full name) have read and understood the above information relating to this Computer, Email and Internet Policy. I understand that this policy is binding on me but does not form part of my employment contract.
Signature of employee ______Date ______
Signature of supervisor/manager ______Date ______
Copy to personal file
Version: January 2014