The City seeks to obtain the Respondent’s best estimate to provide professional servicesto implement three (3)payment applicationsenabling payors to paybythe Service Area(s)indicated. Service Areas are described in detail in the RFP and Attachment III.
- Will your firm assign an implementation team to thisplan? What is your estimate of the number and type of resources necessary to timely complete the implementation of this plan? Provide a detailed description of the recommended implementation process, including testing, as well as a sample implementation schedule and a description of the implementation team’s functions and qualifications.
- What is the average lead time required for implementation? What are the critical factors that may impact that lead time?
- Describe the support provided during implementation, including technical assistance, user manuals, instructional and/or educational materials, on-site visits, and/or other assistance. Before TTX “goes live” with your services, what type of training is provided to City employees during implementation?
- Business Tax
Business Tax requires a payor to pay both the base obligation and a Service Fee using “METHOD #1” described in Attachment III, Section B(2)(E)(8), and Attachment III, Section B(2)(E)(4), respectively. Business Tax is currently paid via the Online Service Area only.
- Method # 1: A webpage that allows the payor to locate the obligation and the dollar amount and the information needed to complete the payment is exchanged, relying on an API supplied by the gateway provider, with the gateway payment page.
- Service Fees:
- Credit/debit card transactions must include a Service Fee (sometimes also called a Convenience Fee) established in coordination with the gateway service provider and the merchant card processor. Please confirm that your firm can and will support TTX’s Service Fee requirement and that the following conditions will be supported:
- The Service Fee will be computed and reported as a separate transaction for approval by the payor.
- The Service Fee will be processed as a unique transaction separate from payment of the obligation amount.
Professional Service / Estimate
Implementation & Integration Project:
by API and/or Form Post Method / $0
Customization of Web Payment Pages
for Bill Presentment / $0
Please Explain Assumptions
- Property Tax
Property Tax requires a payor to pay both the base obligation and a Service Fee using “METHOD #2” described in Attachment III, Section B(2)(E)(8), and Attachment III, Section B(2)(E)(4), respectively. Property Tax is currently paid via Online or IVR Service Areas.
- Method # 2: The payment gateway allows the payor to locate the obligation and dollar amount at the payment gateway payment page. The gateway facilitates this process by (i) receiving and retaining a file of obligations owed by payors (probably, daily updates) or (ii) through web service calls from the payment page to the obligation data base.
- Service Fees:
- Credit/debit card transactions must include a Service Fee (sometimes also called a Convenience Fee) established in coordination with the gateway service provider and the merchant card processor. Please confirm that your firm can and will support TTX’s Service Fee requirement and that the following conditions will be supported:
- The Service Fee will be computed and reported as a separate transaction for approval by the payor.
- The Service Fee will be processed as a unique transaction separate from payment of the obligation amount.
Professional Service / Estimate
Implementation & Integration Project:
by Retaining and Receiving a File / $0
Customization of Web Payment Pages
for Bill Presentment / $0
Customization of IVR Scripts / $0
Please Explain Assumptions
- Donations: are currently paid via Online Service Area only.
- The payment gateway allows the payor to locate a donation page
- The gateway facilitates this process by:
- Receiving and retaining a file of agency programs eligible for donations via daily updates or through web service calls
- The webpage provides the donor an option to select pre-defined amounts via radio buttons or other amount to donate
- The gateway will present a page with options to donate via debit card, credit card, or e-Check
- The gateway will present a confirmation page for the donor to review before approving payment
- The gateway will present a confirmation page for the donor to print out, e-mail, or text to him- or herself.
Professional Service / Estimate
Implementation & Integration Project
with Pre-defined Amounts or Text Descriptions / $0
Customization of Web Payment Pages / $0
Please Explain Assumptions
Attachment V - Page 1 of 3