Morrow County Zoning Resolution 4-1
4.00 Purpose
The characteristics and impacts of an ever-increasing number of new and unique uses, together with the broadening of numerous conventional uses, have fostered the development of more flexible regulations designed to accommodate these activities in a reasonable and equitable manner, while safeguarding both the property rights of all individuals and the general welfare of the community. It is therefore recognized that this resolution shall provide for more detailed evaluation of each use listed as a conditional use in a specific district with respect to such considerations as location, design, size, method(s) of operation, intensity of use, requirements for public facilities, and traffic generation. Accordingly, conditional use certificates shall conform to the procedures and requirements in Section 5.
4.10 General Criteria for all Conditional Uses
A Conditional use, and uses accessory to such conditional uses, shall be permitted in a district only when specified as a conditional use in such district, and only if such use conforms to the following general criteria, which are in addition to specific conditions, standards and regulations set forth in Sections 4.2 and 4.3. The Morrow County Board of Zoning Appeals shall review the particular facts and circumstances of each proposed use in terms of the following criteria and shall find adequate evidence that the use as proposed:
A. Will not be detrimental to property values in the immediate vicinity.
B. Will not restrict or adversely affect the existing use of the adjacent property owners.
C. Will be designed and constructed so that all access drives, access points to public
streets, driveways, parking and service areas shall meet the approval of the township, county or state agencies where applicable.
D. Will meet the requirements of Ohio EPA and Morrow County Soil and Water Conservation District for storm water runoff, when applicable.
E. Will be properly landscaped where applicable pursuant to Section or when specified as a condition for approval.
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F. Will be constructed and maintained in a neat, orderly and safe condition.
4.2 Specific Standards For Conditional Uses
In addition to the general criteria established in Section 4.10, the following specific
conditions pertaining to each use or group of uses shall apply.
A. Conformance with District Regulations. A conditional use shall conform to the regulations of the district in which it is located and to other requirements of this Zoning Resolution, as well as satisfy the conditions, standards and requirements of this Section. Whenever there is a difference between the provisions of the conditional use regulations and the district regulations, the provisions of this Section shall prevail, unless clearly indicated differently in the regulations.
B. Specific Development Standards.
- For Parcels of one or more acres, all points of vehicular entrance or exit shall be located no closer than:
a. One hundred (100) feet from the intersection of two arterial streets, or
- Fifty (50) feet from the intersection of an arterial street and a local
or collector street.
- No lighting shall constitute a nuisance and in no way shall impair safe movement of traffic on any street or highway. All outside lighting shall be shielded from adjacent properties.
3. Floodlights, searchlights, loudspeakers or similar structures shall not be
erected or used in any manner that will cause hazards or annoyance to the
public generally or to the occupants of adjacent property.
- All trash receptacles shall be adequately screened.
4. Grading and surface drainage provisions shall be prepared by a registered
engineer and reviewed or approved by the Morrow County Board of Zoning Appeals designee where applicable.
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4.3 Supplemental Regulations for Certain Conditional Uses
The following are specific conditions, standards and regulations for certain conditional permitted uses and are in addition to the criteria and standards set forth in Sections 4.2.
A. Adult Foster Care Homes
Adult Foster Care Homes shall be subject to a Conditional Use Certificate and to all lot regulations of the R-1 District in which it is located. Adult Foster Care Homes are further subject to the following conditions and certification of conditions must be completed and presented to the Morrow County Board of Zoning Appeals.
1.The “Adult Foster Care” use is limited to not more than four (4) adults.
- The homeowner and caregiver must be the same person and shall reside in the home.
- Must have an EPA or Morrow County Health District Approved adequate sanitation system.
- An initial inspection and yearly review is required by the Local Fire Department and their recommendations must be met.
- Adequate parking is required, with the driveway and parking areas being surfaced with asphalt or concrete.
- No exterior signs are permitted for this conditional use.
- No expansion is permitted.
- The facility shall meet state or county, current and future licensing requirements.
- All Morrow County Human Services “Standards for Adult Family Homes” must be fully complied with.
- A central alarm system must be installed in the building covering all exits to alert the person on duty of the opening of any exit door. The use will also be subject to any conditions deemed necessary by the Morrow County board of Zoning Appeals.
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B. Adult Uses
Adult uses/sexually oriented businesses as defined in this Zoning Resolution are permitted with the following conditions:
1. No adult use/sexually oriented business as defined in this Zoning Resolution shall be operated or maintained on a parcel of land located within:
a. A flood plain district.
b. 1000 feet of any current residence or boundary of any residential district.
c. 1000 feet from any church, public library, public or private educational facility that serves persons under 18 years of age, elementary school, public park or playground, or state-licensed day care facility, or any neighborhood center.
d. 1000 feet from any parcel of land on which any other adult use/sexually oriented business is located.
2.No merchandise or pictures of the products or entertainment on the premises shall be displayed in window areas or any area where they can be viewed from a sidewalk or street adjacent to the building.
3.No freestanding signs are permitted. Any signs attached to the building may be no larger than 3250 square feet.
4.No signs shall be placed in any window. A one square foot sign may be placed on the doors to state hours of operation and admittance to adults only.
5.An Adult Use/Sexually Oriented Business shall be operated in accordance with any additional regulations enacted by Township Trustees or County Commissioners as authorized by the Ohio Revised Code.
6.No lighting shall constitute a nuisance and in no way shall impair safe movement of traffic on any street or highway. All outside lighting shall be shielded with minimal spill onto adjacent properties.
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7.Floodlights, searchlights, loudspeakers or similar structures shall not be erected or used in any manner that will cause hazards or annoyance to the public generally or to the occupants of adjacent properties
8.The operation of the business shall be conducted in a manner that does not create noise measured at the nearest lot boundary that exceeds the A weighted decibel (dB(A)) sound level of the street traffic noise at that location, and no sound shall be objectionable due to intermittence, beat frequency, or shrillness.
9.That in lieu of the procedure for approval of conditionally permitted uses as provided in Section 13.13 ( C) when the application is for a conditional zoning permit for Adult Uses, the following procedures shall apply:
(a) An application for a Conditional Zoning Certificate shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Appeals on a form provided by the Zoning Inspector accompanied with a check for the filing fee payable to Morrow County. Filing of the application is complete upon delivery to the County Zoning Office.
(b) The applicant shall provide a site plan drawn to a scale of 1” = 100’ and showing all points of ingress and egress as well as the distances from all of the uses listed in Section 4.3 (B)(1).
(c ) The Board shall determine to issue the zoning permit solely upon the criteria listed in Sections 4.10, 4.2 and 4.3 (B) of the Resolution. The Board’s decision to grant or deny the Certificate shall be made within thirty (30) days of the applicant filing a complete application. If no decision is made within thirty (30) days, the Certificate shall be issued.
C. Automobile Automatic Wash; Automobile, Truck, Boat, Trailer and Farm Implement Sales; Storage or Repair, and Car Wash
1. Automobile, truck, and trailer repairs shall be conducted within an enclosed building.
2. No overnight or weekend outside storage of trucks or trailers shall be permitted on the premises and no partially dismantled or junked vehicles shall be stored outside the building on the premises.
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3. When such use abuts a lot in any residential district a three (3) foot solid wall, chain link fence, or painted board fence shall be maintained from the street right-of-way line to the building line. Whereupon a six (6) foot solid wall, chain link fence, or painted board fence from the building lot line along the remainder of the property lines shall be maintained. In addition, a row of shrubs or trees shall be incorporated, which will attain a height of three (3) feet from the street right-of-way line to the building line and six (6) feet along the remainder of the property lines.
4. No more than two driveway openings shall be permitted directly from any arterial street nor more than one driveway opening from any collector street, each of which shall not exceed thirty (30) feet in width at the property line. At its intersection with the property line, no part of any access way shall be nearer than one hundred (100) feet to the intersection of any two street right-of-way lines, nor shall any such part be nearer than fifty (50) feet to any side or rear property lines.
D. Automobile Repair Garages
1. Automobile, truck, and trailer repairs shall be conducted primarily completely within an eenclosed building.
2. No overnight or weekend outside storage of trucks or trailers shall be permitted on
the premises and no partially dismantled or junked vehicles shall be stored outside
the building on the premises.
3. When such use abuts a lot in any residential district a three (3) foot solid wall, chain link fence, or painted board fence shall be maintained from the street right- of-way line to the building line. Whereupon a six (6) foot solid wall, chain link
fence, or painted board fence from the building lot line along the remainder of the
property lines shall be maintained. In addition, a row of shrubs or trees shall be
incorporated, which will attain a height of three (3) feet from the street right-of- way line to the building line and six (6) feet along the remainder of the property
4. No more than two driveway openings shall be permitted directly from any major
thoroughfare nor more than one driveway opening from any minor street, each of which shall not exceed thirty (30) feet in width at the property line. At its
intersection with the property line, no part of any access way shall be nearer than
one hundred (100) feet to the intersection of any two street right-of-way lines, nor
shall any such part be nearer than fifty (50) feet to any side or rear property lines.
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E. Automobile Service Stations.
1. Maximum width of curb opening for stations should not be more than thirty-five (35) feet nor less than twenty (20) feet.
2. No driveway or curb cut for a driveway shall be located within ten (10) feet of any adjoining property line or within twenty (20) feet of an exterior (corner) lot line as extended.
3. Any two driveways giving access to a single street shall be separated by a buffer strip with a minimum depth of twenty (20) feet from the right-of-way line.
4. The angle of intersection of the centerline of the driveway with the centerline of the street shall be not less than sixty (60) degrees.
5. Landscaping: Any unpaved areas of the site shall be landscaped or maintained in a dust free condition and separated from the paved areas by a curb or other barrier.
6. When such use abuts a lot in any Residential District, a three (3) foot solid wall, chain link fence, or painted board fence shall be maintained from the street right-of-way line to the building line. Whereupon a six (6) foot solid wall, chain link fence, or painted board fence from the building lot line along the remainder of the property lines shall be maintained. In addition, a row of shrubs or trees shall be incorporated which will attain a height of three (3) feet from the street right-of-way line to the building line and six (6) feet along the remainder of the property lines.
F. Bed and Breakfast facilities including Inns and Residential Bed and Breakfasts
- The bed and breakfast facility shall be located on a parcel abutting, or adjacent to an arterial or collector street, park, or commercial district.
- Meals shall be provided only to guests taking lodging in the facility.
3.Guestrooms shall not contain cooking facilities. A common lounge area
may be provided for guests.
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4. Only retail sales customary to overnight facilities shall be permitted.
5.Bed and Breakfast, Residential facilities shall comply with the following:
- Shall have a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of eight (8) guestrooms.
- Shall contain a commercial kitchen and shall obtain all required health department food service permits.
- Food or laundry deliveries shall be made at the rear of the building and shall be conducted during daytime hours.
G. Cemeteries
1. Except for office uses incidental to cemetery operations, no business or commercial uses of any kind shall be permitted on the cemetery site.
2. Pavement width of driveways shall be at least twelve (12) feet.
3. Sufficient parking spaces shall be provided within the cemetery so as not
hinder traffic flow.
4. Adequate screening with shrubs, trees, or hedge shall be provided parallel
to property lines adjacent to or abutting residential dwellings.
5. Grave sites shall not be located within ten (10) feet of the right-of-way lines of any public street nor within ten (10) feet of an existing property.
H. Congregate Living Facility
- A Congregate Living Facility may include one or more of the following types of residential facilities:
- Independent living with congregate dining facilities, congregate living.
- Assisted living.
- Nursing home.
- Such uses shall be located on a public street.
- The development plan shall indicate the parking and emergency entrances or exists and other safety precautions.
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I. Day Care Center, Adult or Child and Family Day Care Type A
- The development plan shall indicate the dimensions of the day-care home, or center, open space areas, parking and emergency entrances or exits and other safety precautions.
- Property shall be maintained in a neat, orderly and safe condition.
- All activities shall be directly related to the conditional use permit so granted, and shall be adequately and properly supervised to prevent any hazard, disturbance or nuisance.
4. Sixty (60) square feet of outdoor open space and thirty-five (35) feet of indoor open space per occupant shall be provided.
- All outdoor activity areas shall be enclosed by a fence or wall having a height of at least five feet but not exceeding six feet. An entry gate shall be securely fastened.
- Additional regulations for Family Day Care Type A.
a. There shall be a minimum of 600 feet between one Type A family day care home and another type A family day care home.
- There shall be no more than one (1) on-premise sign that shall not
exceed four square feet in area.
- Additional regulations for day care center. No portion of a day-care center site may be located within 600 feet of gasoline pumps, underground gasoline storage tanks, or any other storage area for explosive or hazardous materials.
J. Group Dwelling Developments
- Projects with more than one building shall be considered as one building for the purpose of determining front, side and rear yard setback requirements.
- Circulation shall be provided for the project in compliance with the following:
- Paved, off-street parking and service areas shall be required. All parking and service areas shall be paved with concrete, asphalt, or equivalent.
- Vehicular approaches to the property shall be designed to not create an interference with traffic on surrounding public streets or roads.
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- At dead ends, turn-arounds shall consist of forty-four (44) foot paved radius, measured from center of roadway, for adequate movement of safety vehicles.
- Any group dwelling development or multi-family dwelling with more than fifty (50) dwelling units shall provide at least two (2)
access points to public streets.
- Trash dumpsters shall not be placed between garages causing a separation
of less than twenty (20) feet spacing.
- The development plan shall include adequate provisions for the screening
of parking areas, service areas, and active recreation areas from surrounding properties by landscaping and/or ornamental wall or fence.
Active recreation areas may include, but not be limited to, picnic pavilions, tennis and basketball courts, swimming pools and similar recreational facilities.
5. A. buffer yard with a minimum width of ten (10) feet shall be provided around the perimeter of the property. The buffer yard shall be installed within one (1) year of the completion of each building or phase of development. A building phase or parking area shall be considered complete the day it is first used for the purposes intended. Changes thereto shall be approved by the Zoning inspector prior to completion.