Spanish/French Culture Study Power Point Project

·  Think back on what prompted you to sign up to take French or Spanish. What is it that interests you about culture of these two great languages?

·  You will be doing a research project dealing with some aspect of French/Spanish culture, one that interests you. You will pick a topic and upon approval by your teacher, you will do research on it, make a Power Point or Google Presentation, and present it to your class.


J 13 slides minimum, including 10 content slides (title, vocabulary, and bibliography slides do not count as content, but are required)

·  Slide 1: Title Slide

·  Slides 2-11: Information Slides

·  Slide 12: 10 new vocabulary words in French/Spanish pertinent to your topic to teach the class

·  Slide 13: Works Cited/Bibliography

·  You should include at least 1 image per slide

·  All slides in English except the vocabulary slide

·  Include at least 3 short multimedia contributions, such as video or audio.

Some cultural ideas:
















-and much, MUCH more!

·  Do your best to present your findings to your class. Teach us something new and interesting that we didn't already know about the target culture. Be the expert on your topic. Be ready to answer questions about your topic following your presentation.

·  I hope you will enjoy making this project and learning something new about French/Spanish-speaking cultures.


GRADING RUBRIC (Keep this sheet and give it to Mme/Sra. Elliott for 3 extra points on the day of your presentation):

Top of Form

Culture Project/Oral Presentation Evaluation
WOW- exceeds
4 pts / Got it- Good
3 pts / Meh-Fair
2 pts / Not yet-Poor
1 pts
Topic / WOW- exceeds
Presenter gave a clear and concise introduction of the topic, so that the audience understood the purpose of the presentation. / Got it- Good
Presenter gave a clear introduction of the topic. The audience for the most part understood the purpose of the presentation. / Meh-Fair
Presenter did not give a clear introduction of the topic of the presentation. Audience was confused. / Not yet-Poor
Does not perform task.
Information / WOW- exceeds
Presenter gave clear and concise facts and explanations of how these facts support the topic of this presentation. / Got it- Good
Presenter gave concise facts and was somewhat complete with her explanations of how these facts support the topic of the presentation. / Meh-Fair
Presenter failed to give complete facts and some were confusing as to how they supported the topic of the presentation. / Not yet-Poor
Does not perform task.
Organization / WOW- exceeds
Presenter was extremely organized in the delivery of this presentation. The flow of the presentation was easy to follow. / Got it- Good
Presenter was organized in the delivery of this presentation. For the most part it was not confusing to follow. / Meh-Fair
Presenter was disorganized in the delivery of this presentation. The flow of the presentation was unclear and confusing to follow. / Not yet-Poor
Does not perform task.
Assignment / WOW- exceeds
Presenter assigned very meaningful related assignment for the class. / Got it- Good
Presenter assigns fairy meaningful related assignment for the class. / Meh-Fair
Presenter attempts assignment but fails to make meaning of task. / Not yet-Poor
Does not perform task.
Style/mechanics / WOW- exceeds
Power point has an element of style and creativity. / Got it- Good
Power point is clear and logical. It contains the required information. / Meh-Fair
Power point contains most information but is unclear in parts. / Not yet-Poor
Does not perform task.
Power Point
Content / WOW - exceeds
All slides are included and directions have been followed or exceeded. / Got it - Good
Most slides are included and directions have been followed. / Meh - Fair
Some slides are missing and some directions have not been followed. / Not yet - Poor
Does not perform task.
Multimedia Content / WOW - exceeds
Three or more video or audio files are included. / Got it - Good
Two video or audio files are included and directions have been followed. / Meh - Fair
At least one video or audio file is included and directions have been followed. / Not yet - Poor
Does not perform task.
Question/Answer Session Following Presentation / WOW - exceeds
Presenter excels in answering teacher and peer questions on chosen topic. / Got it - Good
Student does a good job answering teacher and peer questions on chosen topic. / Meh - Fair
Presenter struggles answering teacher and peer questions on chosen topic. / Not yet - Poor
Does not perform task.

TOTAL POINTS:______/32
