
GC Curriculum Committee Meeting

Friday, December 18, 2009; 9:00 – 11:00am

Venue: Room 156, Barber Learning Centre

Present:Stelvio Bandiera, Jaime Coffey (minutes), Lindsey Lipovsky, Philip Loewen, Bill McKee (chair), Bill Ramey,Gary Schajer, Joyce Tom, Ian Townsend-Gault,Norman Wong

Guests: Sharon Ruschkowski, Jane Roskams, Steve Withers,

Regrets: Sandra Chamberlain, Jenny Phelps, Cindy Prescott, Edward Putnins, Mary Sue Stephenson

  1. Adoption of Agenda
  1. Minutes of December 4, 2009 meeting – Approved as presented
  1. Business arising:

-Library consultation received for MECH 527

-Response from EDST regarding course deletions. The course deletions from November 20th meeting are approved with this correspondence.

  1. Re-submitted Proposals

School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
Submitted by Hanne Bartlett
LARC 522
Action: Approved
College for Interdisciplinary Studies
Submitted by Sharon Ruschkowski
Genome Science and Technology Graduate Program
-On page 12, expand the single sentence under point b to describe the structure of the committees (multiple members drawn from a range of disciplines serving rotating terms).
-In the description of the Admissions Committee on page 12, indicate that this committee is responsible for allocating the program’s scholarships.
-Include biochemistry in the list of related academic programsin the PhD and MSc admission requirements (pg. 2 of calendar and pages 13 and 25/26 of proposal).
-Replace the word “trainee” with “students” in point (bi) on page 6.
-On page 9, replace ‘…and rather they will undertake…’ with ‘and instead they will undertake…’.
-Refer to ‘summative seminar’ instead of an ‘exit seminar’ on page 13.
-The final proposal will also need to be sent to the Admissions Committee.
-There is a concern from some committee members that scholarship students may feel penalized because they must complete the rotations.
-Indicate that those with outside funding could choose to do either the rotation or the non-rotation option.
Action: Approved pending amendments
Faculty of Applied Science
Submitted by Gary Schajer
MECH 575
-crossed out ‘C’ in present calendar entry
-Added '3) change C to D in crediting' to Type of Action
Action: Approved with amendments
Faculty of Education
Submitted by Taylor Webb
EDST 593
Action: Approved
  1. New Proposals

Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Penny Woo
PATH 521
-Provide faculty approval dates
-Corrected format and condensed the proposed calendar entry
-Removed URL
-Crossed-out ‘(Lecture-Laboratory)’
Action: Hold pending submission of faculty approval date
Faculty of Education
Submitted by Christine Wallsworth
EPSE 596
-Replace ‘or equivalent’ with ‘or 592’ in proposed calendar entry
-Remove final sentence from proposed calendar entry. The advising information needs to be provided elsewhere.
Action: Hold
CNPS Calendar entry
-Replace highlighted portion of proposed calendar entry with ‘Note that the American Psychological Association will not accredit any program in Canada after September 1, 2015. This will include our program.’
-In Rationale, change ‘Advisement’ to ‘Advice’ and ‘degreed program’ to ‘degree program’.
-Change Type of Action to ‘Insert program note’
Action: Approved
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Submitted by Joyce Tom
FoGS Admission
-Amend to Category 1
-Replace 'particularly encouraged' with 'encouraged' on pages 1 and 3.
Action: Approved with amendments

Faculty of Land and Food Systems

Submitted by Allison Barnes
Food 503 (3)
-Provide library and budget consultations
-Addeda course description spelling out the HACCP: ‘Principles, analysis and applications of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system.’
-In rationale, changed‘train’ to ‘prepare’.
Action: Hold
Food 529 (3)
-Provide library and budget consults
-Changed ‘trained’ to ‘prepared’ in Rationale
Action: Hold
Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Dr. Patricia Janssen
OBST 507
-Provide library and budget consults
-Changed ‘Equivalency: SPPH 537 (3)’ to ‘Equivalence: SPPH 537’
-Remove URL and Present Calendar Entry
-Changed Type of Action to ‘Create new course. Cross-list with SPPH 537’
Action: Hold / SPPH 537
-Changed ‘Equivalency OBST 507 (3)’ to ‘Equivalence: OBST 507 (3)’ in Proposed calendar entry
-Changed ‘OBST 507 (3)’ to ‘OBST 507’ in Type of Action
Action: Approved with amendments
Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Submitted by Les Lavkulich
SOIL 515
SOIL 516
SOIL 517
SOIL 518
-Provide library and budget consults
-Remove URLs and RMES calendar entries
-Remove dash between course codes and titles in proposed calendar entries
-Replace final sentence of proposed calendar entries with ‘Credit will be given for only one of …’
-The listed learning objectives are actually teaching objectives. The program is encouraged to write learning objectives in terms that specify the expected learning outcomes for the students - what will the students be able to do as a result of this course?
Action: Hold
College for Interdisciplinary Studies
Submitted by Hans Schreier
RMES 515
RMES 516
RMES 517
RMES 518
-Removed section numbers from proposed and current calendar entries (ex. ‘-201-‘)
-Remove URLs
-Change rationales and the final sentence of the proposed calendar entries to ‘Credit will be given for only one of …’
Action: Approved with amendments
Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Colleen Brown
PFTM Acronym
-The new acronym is refers to the division and faculty affiliation. Since acronyms need to describe the discipline, PHTH or PHYT are suggested instead.
-Add a proposal for the new acronym:
-Type of Action ‘Create new course code’
-Use rationale provided for the acronym replacements
-Left-hand side is empty
Action: Hold
RSPT 512 – RSPT 578
-Create a separate entry for each course
-RSPT course, title, and calendar entry in right-hand side
-PTFM course and title on left-hand sides
-Type of Action ‘Change course acronym’
Action: Hold
RSPT 532
-Not a matter for the Curriculum Committee
RSPT 566 (4)
-Strike through ‘(4)’ in present calendar entry
-Amended title to ‘Clinical Decision-Making IV’, as on supporting documents
Action: Approved with amendments
MPT Program Requirements
-In the proposed calendar entry, list the required and courses again and highlight the changes.
Action: Hold
Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Alan Jay
ANCB Hibernation
-Bolded the first paragraph of the proposed calendar entries
-Changed comma to period in first line.
Action: Approved with amendments
  1. Adjournment of Meeting
  1. Next meeting: Friday, January 15, 2010; Location: Room 203, Graduate Student Centre