Request Transfer Message

a Community Profile of OpenURL


The Request Transfer Message has evolved from an initiative of the ISO ILL Implementers’ Group (IPIG) who developed an XML message called the Request Submission Message designed for passing a request to an ISO ILL (ISO 10161) compliant system from a discovery site. The group decided to recast the message as a profile of Open URL. This work was started but not finished when the IPIG ceased to meet regularly in 2004. The need for a standardized version for passing from discovery to delivery systems has grown even greater since 2004 so the task was revived though it was considered unnecessary to adopt the Request Submission Message unchanged as there are no known implementations. Thus most of the data elements from the Request Submission Message have been adopted though sometimes restructured, and some have been added. The work was carried out by a team consisting of members of NISO Open URL Maintenance Agency, OCLC PICA, OCLC, FDI with input from the National Library of Australia and COPAC. An expert team has been nominated for the review of the message. The mandatory XML document that defines the Request Transfer Message is available at:

Maintenance of the Request Transfer Message

The Maintenance Agency for NISO Z39.88 (Open URL) also serves as the maintenance agency for the Request Transfer Message Community Profile.

Purpose and Scope

The OpenURL Request Transfer Message (RTM) will be used to direct requests for loan, copy, access to lookup or digitization of an item. It is intended to be used for directing requests to Resource Delivery Systems and / or Electronic Resolver Systems.

Resource discovery is nowadays dispersed as metadata about resources is available in multiple locations: it is no longer just to be found in a library’s OPAC, but also in internet search engines such as Google Scholar and Yahoo, collective repositories and emerging freely accessible public interfaces of union catalogues, such as WorldCat, COPAC, Danbib, GBV, Libraries Australia, SUDOC, TEL, just to name a few. Increasingly, all data is not held in any one place; resource description is more widely dispersed than detailed holdings information and is often held remotely in web pages and services that do not have accompanying supply mechanisms. Therefore there is a need for a request to be transferred from one system to another that can go about resolving the request and facilitating delivery or access.

The Request Transfer Message is an OpenURL Community Profile that is designed to convey whatever known information there is about the requester, the wanted item and requested service that can be transferred. The diagram below illustrates the role of the Request Transfer Message in the discovery to delivery process.

When a user clicks a link or button on an HTML page, information about a wanted resource, the user and the service requested are transported to a linking server. The transportation message is based on HTTP(S) POST and is referred to as “an OpenURL”. The purpose of the transportation is to relay the request to a service provider that will serve the particular user in the way he requests. The descriptions of the resource, user and requested service are contained in a Context Object Representation. The Context Object has six possible Entities, one of which – the Referent – conveys information about the wanted resource; - the others, the Referring Entity, Requester, Resolver, Service Type and Referrer – convey information about the context of the request.

Examples of cases in which the Request Transfer Message may be used.

o  a request placed in Google Scholar by a user associated with the University of Amsterdam that is sent by Google to the national Dutch delivery service (NCC).

o  a request placed in by a user associated with the University of Sydney that is sent by to the national Australian delivery service (Libraries Australia).

o  a request placed in Libraries Australia by a user associated with the University of Amsterdam that is sent by Libraries Australia to the national Dutch delivery service (NCC).


The Open URL context object used is in XML format. Key value pairs are not used for the Request Transfer Message as they cannot express the structures required for Request Transfer.

Entity / Definition / Mandatory
Optional / Example
Referent / The Entity about which the Context Object was created – a referenced resource / M / Book
Journal article
(physical or digital)
Referring Entity / The Entity that references the Referent / O / A referencing article on EBSCOhost
Requester / The Entity that requests services pertaining to the Referent / M / The user clicking an OpenURL
Service Type / The Entity that defines the type of service requested / M / Loan
Reference Lookup
Resolver / The Entity at which a request for services is targeted / O / OpenURL linking resolver
Delivery resolver
Referrer / The Entity that generated the Context Object / O / EBSCOhost

As specified by NISO Z39.88, a Community Profile must list Registry selections for the following core components:

o  One, and only one, Context Object Format. This choice implies a selection of:

o  A set of constraints on the type and number of Entities and Descriptors used for Context Object Representations

o  A constraint on the number of Context Objects that may be represented in an instance document that conforms to the Context Object Format

o  One Serialization

o  One Constraint Language

o  One or more Character Encodings

o  Metadata Formats that may be used for By-Value Metadata and/or By-Reference Metadata. The choice implies a selection of:

o  One or more Serializations

o  One or more Constraint Languages

o  One or more Character Encodings

o  Namespaces that may be used to describe Entities with an Identifier Descriptor.

o  One or more Transports that specify how Context Object Representations in the chosen Context Object Format must be transported.

The Request Transfer Message is built around the XML Context Object Format. It selects MetaData Formats and Namespaces and uses the OpenURL Transports. The Request Transfer Message Community Profile is identified in the Registry as


Registry Entries in the Request Transfer Message

Core Component / Registry Entry / Registry Identifier
Namespaces / “ftp”URI scheme / info:ofi/nam:ftp:
“http”URI scheme / info:ofi/nam:http:
“https”URI scheme / info:ofi/nam:https:
“ldap”URI scheme / info:ofi/nam:ldap:
“mailto”URI scheme / info:ofi/nam:mailto:
“ISBN” URN Namespace / info:ofi/nam:urn:ISBN:
“ISSN” URN Namespace / info:ofi/nam:urn:ISSN:
“NBN” URN Namespace / info:ofi/nam:urn:NBN:
Astrophysics Bibcodes / info:ofi/nam:info:bibcode:
Digital Object Identifiers / info:ofi/nam:info:doi:
CNRI Handles / info:ofi/nam:info:hdl:
Library of Congress Control Numbers / info:ofi/nam:info:lccn:
OAI Identifiers / info:ofi/nam:info:oai:
Identifiers assigned by OCLC to records in the WorldCat database / info:ofi/nam:info:oclcnum:
PubMed identifiers / info:ofi/nam:info:pmid:
Identifiers that follow the info:sid scheme, mainly used for the identification of the Referrer Entity / info:ofi/nam:info:sid:
SICI identifiers / info:ofi/nam:info:sici:
Character Encodings / UTF-8 Unicode / info:ofi/enc:UTF-8
Serialization / W3C XML 1.0 / info:ofi/fmt:xml
Constraint Language / W3C XML Schema / info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd
Context Object Format / XML Context Object Format / info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:ctx
Transports / By-Value OpenURL / info:ofii/tsp:http:openURL-by-val
By-Reference OpenURL / info:ofii/tsp:http:openURL-by-ref
Metadata Formats for Referent / XML Metadata Format for Journals / info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:journal
XML Metadata Format for Books / info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:book
XML Metadata Format for Patents / info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:patents
XML Metadata Format for Dissertations / info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:dissertation
ONIX for book trade orders / info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:onix
MARCXML / info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:MARC21
MODS / info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:mods
Dublin Core / info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:oai_dc
MARCxChange / info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:iso25577
XML Metadata Format for Request Transfer Message Referents / info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:rtm_rft-200908
XML Metadata Format: ISO Holdings Schema ISO 20775 / info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:iso20775
Metadata Formats for Requester / XML Metadata Format for Request Transfer Message Requesters / info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:rtm_req-200908
Metadata Formats for Service Type / XML Metadata Format for Request Transfer Message Service Types / info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:rtm_svc-200908


The diagram below outlines the major profile components.

The Metadata Formats XML Metadata format for Request Transfer Message Requesters, XML Metadata format for Request Transfer Message Referents and XML Metadata format for Request Transfer Message Service Types have been designed specifically for the Request Transfer Message Community Profile but they are in the OpenURL Registry and may be reused. Multiple Metadata Formats are used for the Referent with the description and identification of the Referent using existing registered formats and “Possible Suppliers” using ISO 20775, the Holdings Schema.

Resource User (Requester)

The diagram below shows the structure of the XML Metadata Format for Requesters.

At the top level there are four main branches. The first, “User Info”, includes “User Name” and his or her preferred language for communications (“Contact Language”). “Proxy for” is optional, being used in the case where the person is making the request on behalf of another, e.g. a research assistant to a professor, a reference librarian on behalf of a housebound user.

“Affiliation” is repeatable with “Preferred Affiliation” indicating which of several Affiliations is preferred. The structure includes the” User Category” and “User Status” that play a part in determining the rights of the requester, the “User Identifier” and the “Affiliation Institution” name and identification.

“Address” includes all addresses that could be used in relation to the request, including those associated with the user and with the user’s affiliated institution. Addresses are repeatable with the “Address Role” being the key element. Address Roles include Physical Delivery Address, Electronic Delivery Address, Physical Notification Address, Electronic Notification Address, Physical Invoice Address, and Electronic Invoice Address. The “Address Type” indicates how messages and physical items may be sent to the address, whether physical, email, post office box or IP address. The “Address Label” is optional, indicating the phrase by which a particular address is known to the requester including home address, business address, library branch address, term address, etc. “Address Identifier” allows systems to exchange address information using a known unique identifier from a list of codes and “Address detail” enables the exchange of text and structured text. At least one address should be included, e.g. an email address when requesting an electronic copy.




<userName<text> Marilyn Smith /text</userName</userInfo>




<value> Undergraduate </value>




<value> Normal </value>




<vaue> 123456789SMI </value>

<pointer> http://mars uni enrolment info.. </pointer



<value> 33322244456 </value>

pointer> Library barcode </pointer>





textOCLC identifier</text


<institutionName> University of Mars </institutionName>




<addressRole>2</addressRole> [2 = electronic delivery address]

<addressType>3</addressType> [3 = email address]

<addressLabel>Personal email</addressLabel>



<addressRole>1</addressRole> [1 = physical delivery address]

<addressType>1</addressType> [1 = physical address]

<addressLabel>U Mars Library</addressLabel>

<addressDetail>25 Sun Orbit Sphere, Mars 445867</addressDetail</address>


<addressRole>5</addressRole> [5 = electronic notification address]

<addressType>3</addressType> [3 = email address]

<addressLabel>Personal email</addressLabel>




Wanted Resource (Referent)

The XML Metadata format for Request Transfer Message Referents consists of two components: identifiers and “Wanted Resource”. In addition, existing metadata formats that allow resource description may be used and also the ISO holdings schema to indicate possible suppliers

Standard definitions for Resource Identification and Description are provided for OpenURL including OpenURL schemas for Books, Journals, Dissertations and Patents and also by the MODS, MARC XML and MARCXchange (ISO 25577) schemas and the book trade formats, ONIX. See: and .

Possible Suppliers giving known locations is used primarily in the case where the request transfer message is being transferred from a union catalogue to a delivery system. The ISO Holdings Schema (ISO 20775 currently in Committee Draft stage) is prescribed as a schema to use for this component. The schema has been envisaged to be a fragment within larger schemas or in conjunction with other schemas. It can carry minimum information such as institution symbols or can optionally include rich detail on identifiers, address, summary policy and extent of holdings information. Holdings information includes copies counts, availability status, availability policy and details of ranges held in the case of serial and multi-part resources. The intent is for the Request Transfer Message to include whatever is known by the transferring system about possible suppliers. In this context, the “Summary History” section is not relevant and therefore not used and similarly the optional “Resource” section is omitted because standard Open URL metadata formats are used instead.

The diagram below shows the top layer structure concerning the wanted resource.

There are 4 main components under wanted resource. The “Verification Source” indicates where the resource was identified; information that assists in disambiguating a request where the details are insufficient.

The group of elements “ResourceSupplyFactors” includes important contextual information that can indicate the impact of refusal and can help determine whether alternative delivery options are indicated. For example if a book is rare and out of copyright, digitisation may be an acceptable delivery option.

The “Wanted Resource” structure also allows for additional identifiers and descriptive data elements not included within the standard referent schemas.



….[ Resource identification and description using standard OpenURL formats]



<institutionIdentifier codeType OCLC identifier> IGUMars /institutionIdentifier>





<count> 2 </count>

<availableFor> 1 </availableFor> [1 = loan]

<earliestDispatchDate> 20061224 150000 </earliestDispatchDate



<pieceIdentifier codeType UMars Accession Number 1122334


shelfLocator> cor 999.999 NIGH </shelfLocater>






<inPrint> 1 </inPrint>