
49 North Moor Road, Huntington, York, YO32 9QN

Tel 01904 202293Registered Charity 101018



Now in our 13th year – what can we all contribute to the WELLBEING of older people?

2017 is the 13th year of the York 50+ Festival and we welcome back all those who have made it so successful over the last 12 years as well as all those who have new ideas to add to the enjoyment. We want to build on our creativity, diversity and social inclusion. We welcome events both large and small from all groups and individuals who want to "accentuate the positive" of being over 50. All events go in the Festival Programme and 3,500 copies are available from early September. Programmes and photos from previous years can be found at www.yorkassembly.org.uk/y1/festival .

In order to be proactive in our festival fundraising, we are asking every organiser to send us £5 with their application (no limit on the number of events) to go towards the printing costs of programme and posters of around £1,700. We value your participation and trust you will want to be part of this now well-established festival and choose what fee to charge for your event(s) to cover your costs. Donations welcome!

Completed forms + £5 per organiser to be returned to the YOPA Office by 20 July at the very latest!

Also…stands are available at the York 50+ Festival Information Fair on Tuesday 12h Sept.

Applications available on our website: http://www.yorkassembly.org.uk/y1/Information_%20Fair/

Enquiries to Trisha Smith, Mondays & Thursdays, 9.30–1 pm, 01904 202293

YORK 50+ FESTIVAL 2017: Sat 30 September – Sun 8 October 2017

please complete by 20 July and return to Catherine Sotheran by email at

plus paper copies + £5 entry per organiser (cheques payable to York Older People’s Assembly) to:-

YOPA, 49 North Moor Road, Huntington, York, YO32 9QN

Title of Event……………………………………………………………………………….…………………

Venue……………………………………………………………………… Accessible?......

Date………………………………… Time…………………………………Cost……………………………

Contact Name…………………………..…….Phone…………………Email………...….…….…………….

Description of Event (50 words max – please continue overleaf) - Please state if numbers are limited and booking advised or essential.


In order to publicise the success of the Festival and promote it again next year we would like photos of as many events as possible, please indicate if you are able to arrange your own photographer, if not we will to try arrange one.

I can arrange my own photographer: yes / no