SCBAA Notes: July 27, 2016 Meeting (SCB Gym)
Attendance: Mike Murray, Josh Toal, Wendy Box, Tammy Buehler, Matt Maher, Jim Doughty, Eric Gray, Katie Nikodym, Matt Heischmidt
Opening Prayer (Mike Murray)
Old Business:
*Electronic Sign Update: ground needs 3 consecutive dry days to install. Should begin installation any day now.
*Golf Tourney: the addition of (2) phone “squares” proved profitable for golf tourney. Income/purchases and profit increased due to the ease and convenience of these this year. 27 teams were pre-registered but more signed up/showed up that day. More totals to come as the Bogey invoice still to be paid. Overall, a huge success for SCBAA.
*Concession Stand “Co-coordinator”: Nominations: Kyle Brown, Aimee Koester
*Entryway: After discussion/proposal sent from RBO PrintLogistix and consultation from interior designer/parishioner Kim Piskulich – SCBAA has agreed to go with metallic lettering “St. Charles Borromeo Est 1791” above the glass bobcat and a standout of our history to the left of the bobcat and our SCBAA prayer on a standout to the right of the bobcat. Tammy will proceed with Mike Lowe (RBO printing). Commemorative banner to honor our 225 anniversary was reviewed and agreed upon as well.
Sports Reports:
*Volleyball: Katie Nikodym received an original quote from a referred company of $3800 for new volleyball nets and stands. Katie skimmed and found the same thing online for $3395 – we will order using that amount by 7/26/16 and should be in by 8/15/16. New game balls are to be ordered as well. Gym monitors are needed by each team/game in a home game at SCB gym. Katie informed the coaches of this necessity.
*CYC Report: Matt Maher had no new update, however, emailed lengthy updates from St. Charles CYC and encouraged all coaches should re-read the bylaws and rules.
*Soccer: Eric Gray reported 18 teams are set up to represent SCB in soccer. Divisions, rosters and teams are ready.
*Chess coordinator (new add on for SCBAA this year) –is Sunny Kaushik. He is anxious to get the startup of this going. SCBAA is looking into providing timers for this sport.
*Registration: Jim Doughty discussed the dilemma/frustration of families wanting to “add on”/register after the given deadline. The deadline had been stated and re-iterated numerous places and times and people still expect it to be re-opened. SCBAA discussed in the future only new families who enter after the deadline will be allowed to sign up late or impose a penalty fine.
*Closing Prayer/Adjournment