Please answer the following questions by marking with X the box which corresponds to your option.
No / Question / very much / much / somewhat / a little / never/not at all1 / Do you use unconventional methods in the teaching process?
2 / Do you consider that the use of unconventional methods in the teaching/learning process can give students a greater autonomy as these methods focus mainly on satisfying students’ needs of professional training?
3 / Do you appreciate students’ opinions when they come with new ideas or solutions for some problems?
4 / Do you use self-evaluation tests that give students the possibility to find their own training level?
5 / Do you agree with the teacher’s new role, that of a facilitator in the training process who gives students the necessary information for solving a task efficiently?
No / Question / very much / much / somewhat / a little / never/not at all
6 / Do you consider that, when using the unconventional methods, the teacher loses control over the teaching-learning process?
7 / Do you agree with the fact that, in the case of unconventional teaching/learning methods, the traditional ”teaching information” has been replaced with the ”exchange of information and best practices”?
8 / Do you consider that unconventional teaching/learning methods support the students’ development of key competences as well as the abilities of lifelong learning?
9 / Do you use different unconventional teaching/learning methods according to students’ various learning styles?
10 / Do you consider that using unconventional methods in teaching/learning process contributes to the improvement of the quality of students’ professional training?
11 / In the classroom, do you make the connection between students’ past practical experience and the activities that will be carried out?
12 / Do you recommend your students the individual learning in a library or on Internet?
13 / In the teaching/learning process, do you give students the opportunity to ask you questions in order for them to retain knowledge better?
14 / Does the professional and technical education in your country fulfil the needs of knowledge-based society?
No / Question / very much / much / somewhat / a little / never/not at all
15 / Is the curriculum in the professional and technical education centred on the results of learning?
16 / Are the contents of the curriculum in the professional and technical education adequate to the modern technologies?
17 / Is the training offer in the professional and technical education correlated with the labour market needs?