Full IM Stream

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

9:12 AM

[9/30/2015 7:46 AM] Trevor Seward (Beyondsoft Corporation):

Sultan, WA

[9/30/2015 7:46 AM] Ed Sotillo:

Raleigh, NC

[9/30/2015 7:46 AM] Thierry DEMAN:

Hello, from France

[9/30/2015 7:46 AM] Joe Davies:

Bon jour!

[9/30/2015 7:47 AM] Thierry DEMAN:

Well, I am in an openspace... so, cannot speak in live!!

[9/30/2015 7:48 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Thierry - Okay! Thanks for letting us know!

[9/30/2015 7:48 AM] Ed Sotillo:


[9/30/2015 7:50 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

Pan galactic gargle blasters for everyone

[9/30/2015 7:51 AM] Steven van Houttum:

Challenge right now: making sense of the different versions of dirsync and the related documentation.

[9/30/2015 7:53 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Steven - Good point. If you want to talk about docs that are really confusing, please do.

[9/30/2015 7:57 AM] Steven van Houttum:

@Tracy - it would help to have all the docs in 1 place, either msdn or azure.microsoft.com. I can provide examples of confusing docs, I have a list :)

[9/30/2015 7:58 AM] Daniel Nitz:

Completely agree with Steven

[9/30/2015 7:58 AM] Joe Davies:

@Steven, please send it to us at . Thanks!

[9/30/2015 7:58 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Steven - Can I have a look at your list on the SAB Yammer group? Is that possible?

Or use the e-mail Joe has suggested!

[9/30/2015 7:58 AM] Steven van Houttum:


[9/30/2015 7:58 AM] Tracy Paddock:

Thank you!

[9/30/2015 7:58 AM] Joe Davies:

Yes, you can also post it in the Sept 2015 Webinar group at

[9/30/2015 7:59 AM] James Rempt (Steyer Associates Inc):


no problem

[9/30/2015 8:03 AM] Ed Sotillo:

What's over here??

[9/30/2015 8:04 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Ed - At Microsoft. :)

[9/30/2015 8:04 AM] Trevor Seward (Beyondsoft Corporation):


[9/30/2015 8:04 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Ed - In the Content team.

[9/30/2015 8:04 AM] Joe Davies:

Redmond,. WA

September 2015 Webinar group

[9/30/2015 8:06 AM] Joe Davies:

[9/30/2015 8:06 AM] GEORGEOT, Cédric:

hello al

[9/30/2015 8:06 AM] Joe Davies:

Hello Cedric!

[9/30/2015 8:06 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

god morngin Cedric

[9/30/2015 8:08 AM] Ed Sotillo:

But TechReady is internal for MSFT.... general public dows not have access to it....

[9/30/2015 8:08 AM] Joe Davies:

Good point, Ed. We'll try to get it into a public conference going forward.

[9/30/2015 8:11 AM] Ed Sotillo:

is there a presentation being shown?... can't see it if it is....

[9/30/2015 8:12 AM] Joe Davies:

I see it. Try leaving and then re-entering the meeting.

[9/30/2015 8:12 AM] James Rempt (Steyer Associates Inc):

The presentation is visible to me and it will be posted in our Yammer network as well.

[9/30/2015 8:13 AM] Ed Sotillo:

still can't.... don't mind me.... it may be the network firewall.... I'll get it from Yammer

[9/30/2015 8:13 AM] Joe Davies:

You can also view the recorded presentation later...

[9/30/2015 8:14 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

@Ed ou should be able to download directly form the presentation

[9/30/2015 8:15 AM] Joe Davies:

[9/30/2015 8:17 AM] Steven van Houttum:

(maybe to specific) Lync bandwidth calculator still does not cover O365/hybrid

[9/30/2015 8:18 AM] Heidi Payne:

Not too specific. :)

[9/30/2015 8:18 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Steven - That's a good point. It's something I can bring back to the team, going forward.

[9/30/2015 8:19 AM] Joe Davies:

How many people use bandwidth calculators in their network planning?

[9/30/2015 8:20 AM] Todd Shelton:

Makes sense.

[9/30/2015 8:21 AM] Dave Stork:

Regarding Tune: The Exchange Client Network Bandwidth Calculator hasn't been updated since 2012, so I'm guessing MAPI/HTTP and Offline OWA (Ootw) are not incorporated.

[9/30/2015 8:21 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

@Dave, great point!

[9/30/2015 8:21 AM] Todd Shelton:

Will there be a set schedule for releases? Will we have pre-release heads-up on wqhat's being released?

[9/30/2015 8:21 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):


[9/30/2015 8:22 AM] Joe Davies:

Branches overview article -

Office blog post -

[9/30/2015 8:23 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Dave - That's some of the feedback we get most often. I'm not aware of its having been updated for OOTW. It's a ballpark, for certain.

[9/30/2015 8:24 AM] Todd Shelton:

Is there tooling that shows which clients are on which branch? So we can manage what is where.

[9/30/2015 8:26 AM] Todd Shelton:

Is there tooling that shows which clients are on which branch? So we can manage what is where.

[9/30/2015 8:26 AM] Dave Stork:

Basically reporting

[9/30/2015 8:26 AM] Todd Shelton:

Will InTune report this?

Build #s are OK, rolling up what's out there is what we need.

Especially if we need to do a rollback.

[9/30/2015 8:28 AM] Joe Davies:

Updates page -

[9/30/2015 8:28 AM] Todd Shelton:

OK, you folks need to get us real tools so we can see which versions are out there. Or surface ones that already exists.

[9/30/2015 8:29 AM] Joe Davies:

Good point. Thanks Todd.

Model -

A shining example of great visual content!

[9/30/2015 8:30 AM] Mark Parris:

[9/30/2015 8:30 AM] Todd Shelton:


[9/30/2015 8:30 AM] Mark Parris:

Model: Change Management for Office 365 Clients

[9/30/2015 8:31 AM] Joe Davies:

Superluminal! :)

[9/30/2015 8:31 AM] Mark Parris:


[9/30/2015 8:31 AM] Joe Davies:

No problem...

[9/30/2015 8:31 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Mark - NP! :D

[9/30/2015 8:31 AM] Todd Shelton:

I don't see VBisio.

[9/30/2015 8:31 AM] Mark Parris:



File Name:



Date Published:


File Size:

814 KB

1.4 MB

[9/30/2015 8:31 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

@Samantha@Dan is Visio included in this?

[9/30/2015 8:32 AM] Dave Stork:

I like the branched releases, but I do believe ready-to-use reporting would be a valuable addition

[9/30/2015 8:32 AM] Samantha Robertson:

Yeah, the article has the links to VSDX and PDF format.

[9/30/2015 8:33 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

Wow! we are running really fast today!

plenty of time for conversation

[9/30/2015 8:33 AM] Todd Shelton:

I don't see Visio in the release schedule.

[9/30/2015 8:33 AM] Samantha Robertson:


Oh, sorry, I thought you meant Visio format for the poster :)

[9/30/2015 8:34 AM] Daniel H. Brown:

All O365-based clients use branches...O365 ProPlus, Visio Pro for O365, Project Pro for O365

[9/30/2015 8:34 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

Test Lab Guides

[9/30/2015 8:36 AM] Daniel H. Brown:

VIsio & Project are mentioned in the branches overview article ( )

[9/30/2015 8:37 AM] Todd Shelton:

Thanks. I see Project there too. They must just have not made it onto the poster.

[9/30/2015 8:38 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

link to the resource files from the previous webinar (July 2015)

[9/30/2015 8:39 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

lots of great info in there on Azure Resource Manager

Sept 2015 Yammer group resource files

[9/30/2015 8:42 AM] Daniel H. Brown:

@Todd. Thx for the feedback. I'm sure we'll have updates/changes/tweaks to make to the model based on customer feedback, so we'll look into adding a reference to Project & Visio.

[9/30/2015 8:42 AM] Todd Shelton:

Thanks Dan.

[9/30/2015 8:45 AM] Todd Shelton:

Have to go to next meeting--thanks very much. This is a great session (as always).

[9/30/2015 8:45 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Todd - Thanks!

[9/30/2015 8:46 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

thx Todd, you can catch the last few minutes of the recording on the CAAB Yammer site

[9/30/2015 8:46 AM] Joe Davies:

September 2015 Webinar group

[9/30/2015 8:48 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

@Steve Rubin are you in attendance today?

@All - what is your role? how many seats do you represent?

[9/30/2015 8:50 AM] Bruce Piper:

Technical Lead for Gold Partner, 35,000 seats

[9/30/2015 8:51 AM] Todd Shelton:

A Visio with the network diagram?

[9/30/2015 8:51 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

@Bruce, thanks

[9/30/2015 8:51 AM] Todd Shelton:

For me, yes.

[9/30/2015 8:51 AM] Gonzalez, Rogelio:

Messaging & Collaboration infrastructure engineer, 25K seats

[9/30/2015 8:51 AM] Todd Shelton:

My PPT skills are rudimentary.

Could/should be a starter template, not necessarily a fully-baked drawing.

B mostly.

[9/30/2015 8:52 AM] Steven van Houttum:

mix td/bdm

[9/30/2015 8:52 AM] Bruce Piper:


[9/30/2015 8:53 AM] Todd Shelton:

That would be perfect.

[9/30/2015 8:53 AM] Chris Adaline:

I wonder if the Excel fill-in-the blanks for the PowerShell scripts could be used by Visio to check if the pieces are up and configured?

[9/30/2015 8:54 AM] Samantha Robertson:

[9/30/2015 8:54 AM] Todd Shelton:

@Chris--you should write that.

[9/30/2015 8:54 AM] Samantha Robertson:

That download contains the Visio stencils we use.

[9/30/2015 8:54 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

@Samantha - Thanks!

[9/30/2015 8:57 AM] Dwyer, Dan:

that is nice

[9/30/2015 8:57 AM] Chris Adaline:

If there a way to discover an IPAM to provide an automatic link to look up IPs to use in the Excel sheet?

[9/30/2015 8:59 AM] Joe Davies:

Office Solutions content

Solutions content node on TechNet

Cloud and Datacenter Solutions Hub

Additional types of solutions content across Microsoft

SPOTLIGHT posts in the SAB blog at

[9/30/2015 8:59 AM] James Rempt (Steyer Associates Inc):

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Salzman, Brian:

Great job, looking forward to the deployment kit.

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Michael O'Neill:

great job

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Tracy Paddock:

Thanks all!

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Dave Stork:

thank you all!

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Todd Shelton:

Thanks a ton--excellent as always.

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Samantha Robertson:


[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Gonzalez, Rogelio:

Thank you!

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Roger Whitehead:

Looks great - wish I had it all before

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Bruce Piper:

Thanks for another great, informative session

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Yore, Patrick:

Thanks Guys

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Thierry DEMAN:


I have to go!

[9/30/2015 9:01 AM] Yore, Patrick:

If I have any tech questions around exchange/o365 can I email ?

[9/30/2015 9:01 AM] Joe Davies:

Or post in the Yammer network.

[9/30/2015 9:01 AM] Scott Fouts:

Thank you for all of the work and sharing your efforts. Peace.

[9/30/2015 9:02 AM] Joe Davies:

Thanks, Scott!

[9/30/2015 9:02 AM] James Rempt (Steyer Associates Inc):

Thanks @Scott!

[9/30/2015 9:02 AM] Yore, Patrick:

design query


for some reason when I try to signup for Yammer I never get a welcome email

This may be an issue with Dell email

[9/30/2015 9:03 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Patrick - are you able to post?

[9/30/2015 9:03 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

@James can you help Patrick your out?

[9/30/2015 9:03 AM] James Rempt (Steyer Associates Inc):

Patrick please contact and we will get things sorted out

[9/30/2015 9:03 AM] Yore, Patrick:

cool thanks

[9/30/2015 9:12 AM] Daniel H. Brown:

thx Chris

[9/30/2015 9:12 AM] James Rempt (Steyer Associates Inc):

Thanks all!

[9/30/2015 9:12 AM] Joe Davies:

Thanks everyone!

[9/30/2015 9:12 AM] Chris Adaline:

thanks everyone!

Thread 1

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3:04 PM

[9/30/2015 7:46 AM] Trevor Seward (Beyondsoft Corporation):

Sultan, WA

[9/30/2015 7:46 AM] Ed Sotillo:

Raleigh, NC

[9/30/2015 7:46 AM] Thierry DEMAN:

Hello, from France

[9/30/2015 7:46 AM] Joe Davies:

Bon jour!

[9/30/2015 7:47 AM] Thierry DEMAN:

Well, I am in an openspace... so, cannot speak in live!!

[9/30/2015 7:48 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Thierry - Okay! Thanks for letting us know!

[9/30/2015 7:48 AM] Ed Sotillo:


[9/30/2015 8:06 AM] GEORGEOT, Cédric:

hello al

[9/30/2015 8:06 AM] Joe Davies:

Hello Cedric!

[9/30/2015 8:06 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

god morngin Cedric

Thread 2

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3:04 PM

[9/30/2015 7:50 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

Pan galactic gargle blasters for everyone

[9/30/2015 7:51 AM] Steven van Houttum:

Challenge right now: making sense of the different versions of dirsync and the related documentation.

[9/30/2015 7:53 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Steven - Good point. If you want to talk about docs that are really confusing, please do.

[9/30/2015 7:57 AM] Steven van Houttum:

@Tracy - it would help to have all the docs in 1 place, either msdn or azure.microsoft.com. I can provide examples of confusing docs, I have a list :)

[9/30/2015 7:58 AM] Daniel Nitz:

Completely agree with Steven

[9/30/2015 7:58 AM] Joe Davies:

@Steven, please send it to us at . Thanks!

[9/30/2015 7:58 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Steven - Can I have a look at your list on the SAB Yammer group? Is that possible?

Or use the e-mail Joe has suggested!

[9/30/2015 7:58 AM] Steven van Houttum:


[9/30/2015 7:58 AM] Tracy Paddock:

Thank you!

[9/30/2015 7:58 AM] Joe Davies:

Yes, you can also post it in the Sept 2015 Webinar group at

[9/30/2015 7:59 AM] James Rempt (Steyer Associates Inc):


no problem

Thread 3

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3:04 PM

[9/30/2015 8:03 AM] Ed Sotillo:

What's over here??

[9/30/2015 8:04 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Ed - At Microsoft. :)

[9/30/2015 8:04 AM] Trevor Seward (Beyondsoft Corporation):


[9/30/2015 8:04 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Ed - In the Content team.

[9/30/2015 8:04 AM] Joe Davies:

Redmond,. WA

September 2015 Webinar group

[9/30/2015 8:06 AM] Joe Davies:

Thread 4

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3:04 PM

[9/30/2015 8:08 AM] Ed Sotillo:

But TechReady is internal for MSFT.... general public dows not have access to it....

[9/30/2015 8:08 AM] Joe Davies:

Good point, Ed. We'll try to get it into a public conference going forward.

Thread 5

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3:04 PM

[9/30/2015 8:11 AM] Ed Sotillo:

is there a presentation being shown?... can't see it if it is....

[9/30/2015 8:12 AM] Joe Davies:

I see it. Try leaving and then re-entering the meeting.

[9/30/2015 8:12 AM] James Rempt (Steyer Associates Inc):

The presentation is visible to me and it will be posted in our Yammer network as well.

[9/30/2015 8:13 AM] Ed Sotillo:

still can't.... don't mind me.... it may be the network firewall.... I'll get it from Yammer

[9/30/2015 8:13 AM] Joe Davies:

You can also view the recorded presentation later…

[9/30/2015 8:14 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

@Ed ou should be able to download directly form the presentation

Thread 6

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3:12 PM

[9/30/2015 8:15 AM] Joe Davies:

[9/30/2015 8:17 AM] Steven van Houttum:

(maybe to specific) Lync bandwidth calculator still does not cover O365/hybrid

[9/30/2015 8:18 AM] Heidi Payne:

Not too specific. :)

[9/30/2015 8:18 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Steven - That's a good point. It's something I can bring back to the team, going forward.

[9/30/2015 8:19 AM] Joe Davies:

How many people use bandwidth calculators in their network planning?

[9/30/2015 8:20 AM] Todd Shelton:

Makes sense.

[9/30/2015 8:21 AM] Dave Stork:

Regarding Tune: The Exchange Client Network Bandwidth Calculator hasn't been updated since 2012, so I'm guessing MAPI/HTTP and Offline OWA (Ootw) are not incorporated.

[9/30/2015 8:21 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

@Dave, great point!

Thread 7

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3:12 PM

Office blog post -

[9/30/2015 8:23 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Dave - That's some of the feedback we get most often. I'm not aware of its having been updated for OOTW. It's a ballpark, for certain.

[9/30/2015 8:24 AM] Todd Shelton:

Is there tooling that shows which clients are on which branch? So we can manage what is where.

[9/30/2015 8:26 AM] Todd Shelton:

Is there tooling that shows which clients are on which branch? So we can manage what is where.

[9/30/2015 8:26 AM] Dave Stork:

Basically reporting

[9/30/2015 8:26 AM] Todd Shelton:

Will InTune report this?

Build #s are OK, rolling up what's out there is what we need.

Especially if we need to do a rollback.

Thread 8

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3:12 PM

[9/30/2015 8:21 AM] Todd Shelton:

Will there be a set schedule for releases? Will we have pre-release heads-up on wqhat's being released?

[9/30/2015 8:21 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):


[9/30/2015 8:28 AM] Joe Davies:

Updates page -

[9/30/2015 8:28 AM] Todd Shelton:

OK, you folks need to get us real tools so we can see which versions are out there. Or surface ones that already exists.

[9/30/2015 8:29 AM] Joe Davies:

Good point. Thanks Todd.

Model -

A shining example of great visual content!

[9/30/2015 8:30 AM] Mark Parris:

[9/30/2015 8:30 AM] Todd Shelton:


[9/30/2015 8:30 AM] Mark Parris:

Model: Change Management for Office 365 Clients

[9/30/2015 8:31 AM] Joe Davies:

Superluminal! :)

[9/30/2015 8:31 AM] Mark Parris:


[9/30/2015 8:31 AM] Joe Davies:

No problem...

[9/30/2015 8:31 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Mark - NP! :D

Thread 9

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3:29 PM

[9/30/2015 8:31 AM] Todd Shelton:

I don't see VBisio.

[9/30/2015 8:31 AM] Mark Parris:



File Name:



Date Published:


File Size:

814 KB

1.4 MB

[9/30/2015 8:31 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

@Samantha@Dan is Visio included in this?

[9/30/2015 8:32 AM] Dave Stork:

I like the branched releases, but I do believe ready-to-use reporting would be a valuable addition

[9/30/2015 8:32 AM] Samantha Robertson:

Yeah, the article has the links to VSDX and PDF format.

[9/30/2015 8:33 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

Wow! we are running really fast today!

plenty of time for conversation

[9/30/2015 8:33 AM] Todd Shelton:

I don't see Visio in the release schedule.

[9/30/2015 8:33 AM] Samantha Robertson:


Oh, sorry, I thought you meant Visio format for the poster :)

[9/30/2015 8:34 AM] Daniel H. Brown:

All O365-based clients use branches...O365 ProPlus, Visio Pro for O365, Project Pro for O365

[9/30/2015 8:34 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

Test Lab Guides

[9/30/2015 8:36 AM] Daniel H. Brown:

VIsio & Project are mentioned in the branches overview article ( )

[9/30/2015 8:37 AM] Todd Shelton:

Thanks. I see Project there too. They must just have not made it onto the poster.

@Todd. Thx for the feedback. I'm sure we'll have updates/changes/tweaks to make to the model based on customer feedback, so we'll look into adding a reference to Project & Visio.

[9/30/2015 8:42 AM] Todd Shelton:

Thanks Dan.

[9/30/2015 8:45 AM] Todd Shelton:

Have to go to next meeting--thanks very much. This is a great session (as always).

[9/30/2015 8:45 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Todd - Thanks!

[9/30/2015 8:46 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

thx Todd, you can catch the last few minutes of the recording on the CAAB Yammer site

[9/30/2015 8:46 AM] Joe Davies:

September 2015 Webinar group

Thread 10

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3:30 PM

[9/30/2015 8:38 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

link to the resource files from the previous webinar (July 2015)

[9/30/2015 8:39 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

lots of great info in there on Azure Resource Manager

Sept 2015 Yammer group resource files

Thread 11

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3:30 PM

[9/30/2015 8:48 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

@Steve Rubin are you in attendance today?

@All - what is your role? how many seats do you represent?

[9/30/2015 8:50 AM] Bruce Piper:

Technical Lead for Gold Partner, 35,000 seats

[9/30/2015 8:51 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

@Bruce, thanks

[9/30/2015 8:50 AM] Bruce Piper:

Technical Lead for Gold Partner, 35,000 seats

[9/30/2015 8:51 AM] Gonzalez, Rogelio:

Messaging & Collaboration infrastructure engineer, 25K seats

Thread 12

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3:37 PM

[9/30/2015 8:51 AM] Todd Shelton:

A Visio with the network diagram?

[9/30/2015 8:51 AM] Todd Shelton:

For me, yes.

[9/30/2015 8:51 AM] Todd Shelton:

My PPT skills are rudimentary.

Could/should be a starter template, not necessarily a fully-baked drawing.

B mostly.

[9/30/2015 8:53 AM] Todd Shelton:

That would be perfect.

Thread 13

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3:37 PM

[9/30/2015 8:52 AM] Steven van Houttum:

mix td/bdm

[9/30/2015 8:52 AM] Bruce Piper:


[9/30/2015 8:53 AM] Chris Adaline:

I wonder if the Excel fill-in-the blanks for the PowerShell scripts could be used by Visio to check if the pieces are up and configured?

[9/30/2015 8:54 AM] Samantha Robertson:

[9/30/2015 8:54 AM] Todd Shelton:

@Chris--you should write that.

[9/30/2015 8:54 AM] Samantha Robertson:

That download contains the Visio stencils we use.

[9/30/2015 8:54 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

@Samantha - Thanks!

[9/30/2015 8:57 AM] Dwyer, Dan:

that is nice

[9/30/2015 8:57 AM] Chris Adaline:

If there a way to discover an IPAM to provide an automatic link to look up IPs to use in the Excel sheet?

[9/30/2015 8:59 AM] Joe Davies:

Office Solutions content

Solutions content node on TechNet

Cloud and Datacenter Solutions Hub

Additional types of solutions content across Microsoft

SPOTLIGHT posts in the SAB blog at

[9/30/2015 8:59 AM] James Rempt (Steyer Associates Inc):

Thread 14

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3:43 PM

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Salzman, Brian:

Great job, looking forward to the deployment kit.

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Michael O'Neill:

great job

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Tracy Paddock:

Thanks all!

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Dave Stork:

thank you all!

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Todd Shelton:

Thanks a ton--excellent as always.

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Samantha Robertson:


[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Gonzalez, Rogelio:

Thank you!

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Roger Whitehead:

Looks great - wish I had it all before

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Bruce Piper:

Thanks for another great, informative session

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Yore, Patrick:

Thanks Guys

[9/30/2015 9:00 AM] Thierry DEMAN:


I have to go!

[9/30/2015 9:01 AM] Scott Fouts:

Thank you for all of the work and sharing your efforts. Peace.

[9/30/2015 9:02 AM] Joe Davies:

Thanks, Scott!

[9/30/2015 9:02 AM] James Rempt (Steyer Associates Inc):

Thanks @Scott!

[9/30/2015 9:12 AM] Daniel H. Brown:

thx Chris

[9/30/2015 9:12 AM] James Rempt (Steyer Associates Inc):

Thanks all!

[9/30/2015 9:12 AM] Joe Davies:

Thanks everyone!

[9/30/2015 9:12 AM] Chris Adaline:

thanks everyone!

Thread 15

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3:44 PM

[9/30/2015 9:01 AM] Yore, Patrick:

If I have any tech questions around exchange/o365 can I email ?

[9/30/2015 9:01 AM] Joe Davies:

Or post in the Yammer network.

[9/30/2015 9:02 AM] Yore, Patrick:

design query


for some reason when I try to signup for Yammer I never get a welcome email

This may be an issue with Dell email

[9/30/2015 9:03 AM] Tracy Paddock:

@Patrick - are you able to post?

[9/30/2015 9:03 AM] Christopher J Fox (OFFICE):

@James can you help Patrick your out?

[9/30/2015 9:03 AM] James Rempt (Steyer Associates Inc):

Patrick please contact and we will get things sorted out

[9/30/2015 9:03 AM] Yore, Patrick:

cool thanks