You are invited to attend the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING to be held onMONDAY
9 MARCH2015at PINEWOOD COMMUNITY HALL, LABURNUM CLOSE, PINEWOOD at 7.30pm. The agenda is given below.
Sandra Peartree
Clerk to the Parish Council.
- Apologies for absence.
- Minutes of Meeting 16 February to be agreed and signed:-
3.Matters arising from the above meeting.
4.To receive Councillors’ Declarations of Interest in any item on this agenda.
5.Public participation session with respect to items on the agenda
i)Councillors with prejudicial interests, who wish to make representations, answer questions or give evidence on any other matter on the agenda.
ii) Parishioners who wish to make representations answer questions or give evidence on any matter on the Agenda.
6.Clerk’s ReportTo receive a report on up to date position of outstanding matters.
7.Parking Issues in Pinewood. To receive up to date information.
8.Adjournment for Parishioner’s questions.
i)County Councillor, Mr D Busby
ii)District Councillors, Mr D Busby, Mr P Burgoyne
iii)Safer Neighbourhood Team.
iv)Cllr. B Calver/Cllr B Doherty
10.To discuss the following applications for planning permission:-- B/15/00124/FUL – Erection of retail food store and associated car parking and landscaping
on land west of Suffolk One, Scrivener Drive.
- B/14/01375/ – Change of use and conversion of Belstead House to provide 14
dwellings. Conversion of dining hall to form 1 dwelling. Conversion
and extension of pottery building to a dwelling. Conversion and
extension of thatched barn to dwelling. Demolition of prefabricated
classroom building. Erection of 13 dwellings together with alterations to
access, formation of parking areas and associated landscaping works.
- B/14/01376/ - Application for Listed Building Consent - Internal and external
alterations to Belstead house in connection with conversion to 5 no.
dwelling houses including conversion of existing dining hall together
with conversion of outbuildings to dwellings and demolition of former
-B/14/01377 - Outline - Residential Development for the provision of 155 no.
dwellings and 65 no. bedroom carehome Belstead House, Sprites Lane,
11.To consider anyother applications for planning permission as notified by the District Council received by the Clerk after the issue of the agenda.
12.Litter problem in parish.
i) To receive report following meeting with Tesco.
ii)To discuss organising a litter pick.
13.Financial matters –
i) To discuss/review the following:
- To appoint Internal Auditor.
- To review the effectiveness of Internal Audit.
- To review Risk Management Policy and Risk Assessment.
- To review Standing Orders/Financial Standing Orders.
- To discuss replacement of litter bins.
- To approve expenditure for additional dog-dirt bins.
- To discuss/approve donations to the follow:-
-Suffolk Accident Rescue Service
-Autism Anglia
14.Highways/Footpaths Any areas causing concern or requiring attention.
15.Correspondence.To discuss correspondence requiring action.
16.Expenditure to be noted/agreed.
i)To note expenditure since the meeting on 16 February 2015.
ii)To agree any other expenditure.
17.Dates of next meeting: 13 April 2015
18.To receive any other communications or matters of report as the Chairman may allow.