School of Graduate Research
2013 SGR InductionChecklist
This Induction checklist aims to ensure you are aware of important information concerning your higher degree by research and that you are aware of key procedures associated with your candidature. Taking the time to complete the checklist will position you for a more successful and enjoyable research experience. It will help you take care of administration details, be a useful reference throughout your candidature and help you to successfully navigate your way through the institutional requirements of your candidacy. It will also help direct you to resources and support that are available to you to help you get the most out of your research experience.
The School of Graduate Research recommends you complete the checklist within the first four weeks of your research commencement date. It is also recommended that you take the list with you to your first meeting with your supervisor and to every subsequent meeting until all boxes are checked. NB: Some information may not apply to your circumstances.
Completing the checklist is designed to inform you of the resources and support available to you in your school and elsewhere and to alert you to various requirements associated with your candidature. Please forward a copy of the checklist to your Research Administrator four weeks after your research commencement date. If you have not completed the checklist by that time, you can retain a second copy of the checklist to continue working through and when it is completed; forward a copy to your Research Administrator to update your file.
RESOURCESAre you aware of RMIT’s Higher degrees by research - minimum resources policywhich lists basic resources provided to all candidates and what additional resources may be provided by your school?
Are you aware of the range of support services available to you through RMIT Student Union (RUSU) and that it has a postgraduate departmentand Higher Degree by Research Associationto represent your interests?
Are you aware of the seminars, workshops, support groups, other training and development opportunities that are available to you in your school and within the broad RMIT community, such as general library classes, library support for postgraduate researchers,On-Track workshops, support from the School of Graduate Research, and training on-line through the e-Grad School of the Australian Technology Network of Universities?
Are you aware that Student services can help if you have personal difficulties, and need support relating to finance, health, accommodation etc?
Are you aware of relevant safety procedures concerning the use of equipment and in relation to your workspace or work location?
Are you aware of who to contact if you have difficulties with equipment and/or resources?
Are you aware of who to contact if you have difficulties with personal issues affecting your candidature and progress?
Are you aware that RMIT has a student complaints policy and procedure that you are entitled to access, without fear of reprisal?
Have you been given a tour of your school and shown what facilities are available for your use?
Have you attended an induction session held by your School or College?
Do you know and have you met with the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) co-ordinator (or equivalent) and Research Administrator in your school? Are you aware of their different responsibilities?
Have you met any other research candidates in your School and/or College?
Have you met with your supervisor, discussed supervision arrangements with them and scheduled regular meeting times? Have you met your other supervisor(s)?
Have you read the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and made yourself aware of its relevance to your research project?
Are you aware of who to contact if you have difficulties with supervision?
Are you aware of the role of the School of Graduate Research (SGR)in assisting you with your candidature and have you familiarised yourself the HDR policies and procedures?
Are you aware of the expected timeframe for completion of your research degree and the milestone events associated with candidature?
Are you aware there may be ethics requirements associated with your project? Are you aware that some research projects are not able to commence until ethics clearance has been granted by RMIT? Visit more information about ethics.
Are you aware that you may require copyright clearances for third party copyright material in your research? Do you understand how privacy issues might occur in your research if you do not follow correct protocols in presenting your data?
Are you enrolled in a research strategy/research methodology course, or have you received an exemption from the course?
Are you aware of the requirement to maintain satisfactory progress in your candidature, including under what circumstances your candidature may be put ‘at risk’?
Have you received confirmation that your enrolment is in order?
Are you aware that you must re-enrol every year of your candidature? Do you know how to re-enrol and when re-enrolment must be completed by each year?
Are you aware of the conditions of your research scholarship, if you have one?
Are you aware that in certain circumstances you can apply for variations to your enrolment, such as Leave of Absence during your candidature, or change from full-time study to part-time study, and where to find the relevant forms for these processes?
Candidate name:
Senior/Joint Senior Supervisor name:
Date received by School: