White House "safe schools" czar Kevin Jennings: How he pushed the homosexual agenda to kids in America's schools

(click on home page – PLEASE start reading linked articles!

See the horrific links below. Especially those that are BOLD FONT

NOTE: Czar Kevin Jennings has now been given $410,000,000 (MILLION) (see linked article BELOW and on “home page” at above website) to homosexualize EVERY public school in EVERY state of this great nation !! This is the Education “Reform” the administration has in mind as it continues to seek money to “educate our public school children”. Please let every person who resides in Maryland that YOU HAVE CONTACT WITH be aware of this. (You may want to print out this article and have it with you to share with others).

POSTED: Dec 10 2009 UPDATED April 6, 2010

Kevin Jennings, now the "safe schools" czar in Barack Obama's US Department of Education, is a major homosexual activist who has devoted his career to pushing homosexuality in the nation's schools. Founder and executive director of the nationwide Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN).

Jennings began his gay activist career here in Massachusetts as a teacher in Concord, MA. He started the infamous "gay straight alliance" clubs in schools here. MassResistance has been exposing this for over 15 years.

Jennings' background:

  • The "Fistgate" conference - Homosexual activists teaching children how to perform homosexual sex acts.
    Caution: VERY disturbing. Jennings was Executive Director of GLSEN and the keynote speaker at this conference.

(EVERY PARENT and GRANDPARENT of public school children MUST be aware of this – vulgar, disgusting and offensive as it is – this is what is in store for YOUR children unless same-sex ‘marriage’ is STOPPED IN MARYLAND !! )

  • Graphic homosexual handouts and paraphernalia given to kids at the Fistgate conference run by "Safe Schools" czar Kevin Jennings in 2000

Packet given to kids at conference from "Boston GLASS" homosexual activist group includes oral sex instructions . . . and much more. /
  • The "Little Black Book" - Hard-core pornographic homosexual "how-to" booklet given to adolescent kids at high school during GLSEN event!
    How to "safely" perform degrading homosexual sex acts, and where to go to meet homosexuals.
  • 2009: Jennings helps Harvard celebrate homosexual terrorist group "Act Up" Contributes to offensive display of sexual perversion, child pornography, and anti-Catholic bigotry exhibit at Harvard University.
  • Jennings was a member of Act Up. Radical homosexual group profaned churches, vandalized homes and businesses, disrupted public events. Also: hosted Barack Obama in his home.
  • Jennings is board president of "Tectonic Theater Project" -- producer of homosexual propaganda play "The Laramie Project" and other offensive plays
  • Kevin Jennings: Radicalized at 1987 "Gay March on Washington"
    Inspired Jennings to push homosexual agenda in school
    Violent demonstration in front of US Supreme Court two days later
  • Jennings' 1995 "Framing the issue" speech -- How the homosexual movement got into the Massachusetts schools
    Jennings revealed how the homosexual movement uses "safety" as a phony strategy to intimidate legislators and school officials.
  • At GLSEN conference 2005: Graphic talk on transsexuality/ transgenderism given to children by homosexual activists.
  • Also at GLSEN conference 2005: Planned Parenthood gives radical "transgender / transsexual" workshop to kids.
  • GLSEN conference 2008 held in high school in Boston
    Shows the horrors of what that organization is pushing in your schools!

What Jennings is doing NOW in Washington DC:

"Safe Schools" czar Kevin Jennings to get $410 million in Obama's 2011 federal budget. To push homosexual and transgender programs in America's schools!

  • Kevin Jennings helps introduce bill in Congress to require normalization of homosexuality, transgenderism, cross-dressing, etc., in America's public schools! HB 2510: Every parent's worst nightmare coming true.

The effort to remove Jennings

  • National outrage growing over appointment of homosexual activist Kevin Jennings as "safe schools czar" in US Dept. of Education. MassResistance work being cited. Congress taking notice
  • Media: MassResistance research on Jennings erupts in Washington Times, Fox News, other national media, blogs!
  • 53 Congressmen demand firing of Kevin Jennings
  • Resolution introduced in Congress to remove "safe schools" czar Kevin Jennings. MassResistance work cited.
  • MassResistance working with members of Congress for greatest impact from Kevin Jennings Online Petition
  • Jennings helped raise millions of dollars for Obama for President campaign. Here's how homosexual activist Kevin Jennings got his White House "safe schools czar" job: The old-fashioned way. (PLEASE VIEW LINKED VIDEO)

Even more . . . from the MassResistance blog:
NOTE: Unfortunately, Google blocks the MassResistance Blog. You need to click through a "warning screen" about "objectionable content" to get in!

  • Kevin Jennings Took High School Students to Radical 1993 Gay Rights March on DC – Part I Also see: Part II
  • Kevin Jennings' OWN Lesson Plan on Harry Hay: Doing It in the Bushes as "Civil Right"
  • The Fistgate Buck Stops with Kevin Jennings
  • GLSEN-Cincinnati Opens Its Queer Youth Prom to ADULTS
  • Former GLSEN Board member, teacher at local high school, puts on homosexual play at school
  • Kevin Jennings’ GLSEN Promotes Pornography to Children
  • Kevin Jennings, Harry Hay, and Pornography
  • Kevin Jennings' GLSEN Passed Out Gay Hook-Up Bar Directories to Teens
  • Kevin Jennings Supported by Obama & Jill Biden
  • Kevin Jennings' GLSEN-Boston Promotes "Queerspawn" Solidarity
  • Kevin Jennings' GLSEN-Boston Director Defended "Explicit" Content at Fistgate
  • Kevin Jennings Did Know Content of Fistgate Fisting Workshop in Advance
  • Kevin Jennings' Theory: 20% of Americans Are "Staunch Bigots"
  • Kevin Jennings' GLSEN-Boston MySpace Leads Children Directly to Adult Perverts
  • Why Kevin Jennings' GLSEN Got Award at Mass. Youth Pride 2007
  • Details of a GLSEN lesson plan in American History
  • Jennings "Sought Out" by Porn Publisher Alyson Publications
  • GLSEN and Youth Pride connecting teens directly to world of promiscuous LGBT sex
  • Was Kevin Jennings Speaker at Radical “Join the Impact” Rally against Prop 8?