Proposed Job Descriptions of Club Committee Members for adoption as By Laws of the Peninsula Canoe Club
8th June, 2010
- The Chairman
- Undertake overall responsibility for the interests and welfare of the Club by ensuring that the functions of the chairman and the executive are executed with diligence and integrity
- Motivate and manage the Club Committee members
- Ensure that the Club is managed and run in accordance with the Constitution of the Club
- PCC’s representative at the WCCU
- PCC’s representative at the ZSC
- Correspondence with the paddlers through the club newsletter to generally promote the objectives of the club
- Ensuring administrative continuity by committing due effort to identifying, mentoring and grooming your successor
- The Vice Chairman
- Undertake to support the Club and the office of the Chairman with diligence and integrity.
- Backup/Alternate to the incumbent Chairman at meetings
- Management of Special Projects undertaken by the Chairman
- Ideally be groomed to ultimately serve as Chairman
- Treasurer
- Undertake to perform the functions of treasurer with diligence and integrity
- Motivate and manage the club volunteers who perform functions in support of the overall Treasury portfolio
- Responsibility for all operating income and expenditure of the club and preparation of accounts for committee meetings
- Preparation and presentation of data for the approval of capital expenditure
- Preparation and presentation of data for the approval of payment of creditors
- Responsibility for depositing and accounting for income generated from membership fees, club races, fund raising events, development grants and the Bar and Galley
- Preparation and presentation of an annual budget in support of the setting of Annual Membership Fees, at the Club’s AGM.
- Preparation and presentation of the Club’s Annual Financial Statement with as much detail as possible, at the Club’s AGM.
- Scrutiny of the justification for levies imposed by WCCU and ZSC
- Ensuring administrative continuity by committing due effort to identifying, mentoring and grooming your successor
- Correspondence with paddlers w.r.t. club fees, fund raising, capital expenditure and outstanding debts.
- Secretary
- Undertake to perform the duties of the Secretary with diligence and integrity
- Motivate and manage the club volunteers who perform functions in support of the overall Secretarial portfolio
- Responsibility for receiving and addressing all correspondence coming into the club
- Taking of minutes at meetings of the Executive Committee and General Meetings
- Circulation of the minutes of meetings to respective members
- Preparation and timeous circulation of Notices and Agendas of Meetings
- Ensuring that “Matters Arising” from any meeting are carried forward to subsequent meetings
- Ensuring that “Dates, Times and Venues of subsequent meetings are agreed before the closure of meetings
- Accurately recording of any changes to Club and circulating them to members
- Assuming responsibility for the safe keeping of all records belonging to the club, including official documents, minutes of meetings and Club Rules and the Club Constitution.
- Responsibility for the maintenance of the Club Membership database
- Ensuring administrative continuity by committing due effort to identifying, mentoring and grooming your successor
- Correspondence with paddlers w.r.t. General Meetings and registration procedures
- Club Captain
- Undertake to perform the duties of Club Captain with diligence and integrity
- Motivate and manage the club volunteers who perform functions in support of the overall Club Captaincy portfolio
- Responsibility for the training and performance of the club paddlers
- Liaison with appointed coaches to coordinate training activities
- Preparation of club representatives to major events
- Ensuring administrative continuity by committing due effort to identifying, mentoring and grooming your successor
- Correspondence with the paddlers through the club newsletter w.r.t. training and events
Mike MonsonPage 16/2/2019