ME 425 Mechanical Vibrations
Newton’s Laws : The equations of motion of a mechanical system is determined from Newton’s laws of motion :
where G is the center of mass of the body.
Energy methods: KE+PE = constant for conservative systems. Also : (KE)max=(PE)max .
Mechanical System Elements: Elastic elements store potential energy, do not dissipate energy F=k(x2-x1)
Viscous damping: Dissipates energy, forces are always opposite to the velocity of the body
Harmonic Motion : Mass spring system .
Solution :
: Natural frequency : Period of motion
Damped system :
Underdamped solution :
where : damped natural frequency
and : Damping ratio.
Forced Vibration
Or :
Harmonic excitation :
Steady state response :
where and
Base excitation :
, response:
: Transmissibility.
Force transmitted to the base :
Rotating Unbalance:
Response :
Measuring devices :
Let : Motion of mass relative to the base.
If , equation becomes:
solution :
The device becomes an accelerometer for low frequencies (r<0.2) and a seismometer (r>3) for high frequencies.
Periodic Excitation : A periodic function F(t) with period T can be expressed in Fourier series as :
Single DOF system:
Non-periodic Forcing Single DOF system :
Impulse response function : Convolution integral :
Energy loss in damping in one period:
In viscous damping:
In Coulomb damping:
In structural damping:
Lagrange Equations
where L = T-V, qi : generalized coordinates, Qi : generalized forces.
Equation of Motion : where M, C and K are nxn symmetric mass, damping and stiffnes matrices, x is the displacement vector, F is the forcing vector.
Undamped Free Vibration
Assume : Eigenvalue problem :
Solution gives natural frequencies w, and the mode shapes u.
Eigenvalue Problem: has a nontrivial solution if: . Solution gives gives ui.
Procedure for modal analysis
1. Calculate .
2. Calculate
3. Solve the symmetric Eigenvalue Problem with , to get wi and vi. Form .
4. Calculate and .
5. Calculate the modal initial conditions : and Solve .
6. Obtain the solution in physical coordinates by:
Eigenvalue Problem: has a nontrivial solution if: . Solution gives gives vi.
Mode Expansion Method : Let . Then, the equations are tranformed to. Solution is :
Where: and . Physical solution is: .
Forced Response: The same procedure for modal analysis applies.
· Make the coordinate transformation x(t)=Sr(t).
· Modal equations become : . where .
· Solve the decoupled equations in modal coordinates r(t) and then back transform to physical coordinates x(t).
Damped Systems: In general modal analysis does not apply to damped systems. It applies only if the system is proportionally damped. In this case: . In this case the modal equations are: . where .
Impedance Method for Harmonic Forcing: Assume , where Z is the system impedance matrix.
Rayleigh Quotient: Is used to estimate the first natural frequency if an approximate first mode shape is known.
Vibration Absorbers: Steady state vibration amplitude of the main mass becomes zero when . Define and . Frequency equation is : where .