OPTA NW Chapter Meeting
March 10th, 2014
Monarch Hotel – Winter Workshop
Cindy called the meeting to order at 12:45
Attendees: Keith Bowers-SSD, Casey Jebens-SSD, Mary Conger –NCSD#12, Ryan Hahn-Astoria, Dawn Parsell-NCSD, Kim Hevia-Schetky NW, Richard Beck-NCSD, Mark Sexton-NCSD, Elena Mark-PPS, Rich Sanner-Brattain Bus Sales, Kathy Calkins-DDSD, Sandy van Baggen-PPS, Jodi Hastrich-First Student Portland, Teri Brady-PPS, Vicki Weller–Jewell, Cindy Sim-Hood River, Anna Borges-Seaside.
Minutes: The minutes from February were read and were approved with corrections and a motion to approve made by Cindy with a second from Ryan.
Financial Report: Dawn Parsell reported that the money due from the summer workshop is coming in now and she has checks to deposit. The total is reflected in the report but is not in the bank as of today. The financial report was approved after a motion to approve was made by Elena with a second from Richard.
Poster Contest: Richard Beck – Richard has received 40 entries so far and encouraged us to contact the schools with the information.
Education: Tabled
Sunshine: Dawn Parsell – Dawn sent out a card for Kathy Houck.
Safety Exercises: Ryan Hahn – May 3rd Saturday. The coast could not accommodate our request to use the building they own with us due to no security staff available; however there is a building on site that would work for some facility use. The Port is going to waive the port facility charge. The Mayer is going to be at our event and he said he would pay the fee if the port didn’t! The Mayor is going to kick off the event. Ryan will send a flyer out later this week for lodging. The Hampton Inn and Suites is giving a $96.00 room rate for OPTA participants. Their regular prices range from $149-259.00. Other lodging includes the Lewis & Clark RV Park which is 2 miles away and the KOA which is 15 min from the Rodeo site. There will be a Friday night gathering at Ryan’s after the set-up and arrival of buses.
The written test will be at the Astoria Transportation building and everyone will be transported (by school bus) to and from the event site. We still need buses. First Student said they will bring 7 Transit buses (*update, the Transit buses are coming from Hillsboro) PPS will bring mini buses and Casey will contact Hillsboro for Conventional buses. North Clackamas said they could see about bringing Conventional buses too. Brattain will bring lunch for the Judges and helpers and Western Bus is donating beverages. North Clackamas is requesting to bring their PA system. Ryan mentioned the possibility of a [plane] hanger available for us.
Buses can be parked in the Astoria School Bus lot – not at the airport. We need security volunteers to keep people off the live runway. We need lots of cones and barrels
Winter Workshop: The workshop was a success! Thank you Mary Conger, Ryan Hahn and Elena Mark.
Summer Workshop: Working on procuring a venue.
Membership: Nothing to report.
Old business: Trailer: the plan is to pay for it in full.
State Report: Tabled
Trinket Sales: Elena is getting current inventory to Cindy so she can order anything else needed
New Business: OPTA SW has increased their entry fees for their regional Safety Exercise from $10 to $15.00 and the rate for the State Safety Exercise has increased from $10 to $15.00 and Chris Ellison wanted to know if we were going to do the same so he could update the website. . The fee increase is to help support the winner for travel costs to the National Safety Exercise. A vote was taken and we unanimously voted to increase the fee.
Our OPTA computer is on Windows XP and after April 14th Microsoft will not be supporting windows XP. We need to upgrade ASAP. Dawn will come back with some costs of a new computer and operating system.
Anna is looking for guidance for training on restraint/intervention. Albany has OIS training and Hillsboro has 3 OIS trainers – Oregon Intervention Systems – teaches how to deflect.
Next Meeting: On 4/10/14 at Camp 18 on US Highway 26, 42362 US 26, Elsie, OR 97138 at 11:00 am. (Per the OPTA website, our agenda said 11:30)
And May 8th at 11:00 at Full Sail Ale in Hood River
Meeting adjourned at 1:35