Florida Pitt Waller K-8
2008-2009 School Supply List
Early Childhood—ECE
·1 backpack with name written on inside
·1 box crayons
·1 box markers
·1 scissors
·1 crayon replenish box
·1 glue stick
·1 canister of disinfecting wipes
·1 storage bags/zip lock bags
·2 reams of white copy paper
·3 boxes of tissues
·1 package of post it notes
·1 package of multi colored dry erase markers
·1 backpack with name written on inside
·24 #2 yellow pencils
·1 package of pink pencil top erasers
·1 boxes of Crayola crayons– 24 count each
·1 bottles of Elmer’s glue– 8 oz. each
·4 large glue sticks
·2 box of colored markers
·1 box colored pencils
·1 set of watercolors
·1 pair of round Fiskar’s brand scissors
·3 plastic pocket folders (1 red, 1 green, 1 blue)
·1 canister of disinfecting wipes
·2 reams of white copy paper
·3 boxes of tissues
·1 package of multi colored dry erase markers
·1 box of Band Aids
·1 roll of Scotch Tape
1st Grade
·1 backpack with name written on inside
·100 #2 yellow pencils
·2 boxes of crayons– 48 count each
·1 pair of Fiskar’s brand scissors
·1 box of colored markers
·1 box of colored pencils
·2 canister of disinfecting wipes
·1 box of sandwhich size Ziploc bags
·1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags
·3 plastic folders solid colors only
·3 Box of tissue
·2 reams of white colored paper
·1 package of multi colored dry erase markers
·1— 12 inch ruler
·1 package of eraser tops for pencils
·1 box of band aids
·1 package of post it notes
2nd Grade
·1 backpack with name written on inside
·48 #2 yellow pencils
·2 large glue sticks
·1 boxes of Crayola crayons– 24 count each
·1 box colored pencils
·1 box of colored markers 8 count
·1 three ring binder(1 1/2 inches)
·1 plastic pencil box
·5 plastic pocket folders with fasteners and pockets one of each color; red, blue, purple, green, yellow)
·1 marbled composition notebooks wide lined
·3 Spiral notebooks—7o pages, wide-ruled, green, red, and blue
·1 pair of Fiskar’s brand scissors
·1 canister of disinfecting wipes
·1 box of quart or snack size Ziploc bags (boys)
·1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags (girls)
·2 reams of white copy paper
·1 package of mini post it notes
·3 boxes of tissues
·1 package of multi colored dry erase markers
·2 packages of wide lined paper (150 each)
·1 package of pencil top erasers
3rd Grade
·1 backpack with name written on inside
·24 #2 yellow pencils
·1 box of Crayola crayons– 24 count
·1 bottle of Elmer’s glue– 8 oz.
·3 marbled composition notebooks
·4 spiral notebooks
·5 plain folders w/ bottom pockets
·1 pair of Fiskar’s brand scissors
·1 package of Post-it notes
·1 package of wide ruled paper
·1 set of highlighters
·1 box of pint size Ziploc bags (girls)
·1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags (boys)
·3 boxes of tissues
·1 canister of disinfecting wipes
·2 reams of white colored paper
·1 package of multi colored dry erase markers
2008-2009 School Uniforms Information:
Collared Polo Shirts
- Hunter Green
- White
- Gold
Slacks or Trousers
- Navy Blue
- Khaki
4th Grade
·1 backpack with name written on inside
·24 #2 yellow pencils
·1 package erasers
·1 pack of glue sticks
·1 box colored pencils
·1 box of colored markers– washable
·4 spiral notebooks
·6 marbled composition notebooks— 2 blue, 2 red, 1 yellow, 1 black, 1 orange
·1 pair of Fiskar’s brand scissors
·1 canister of disinfecting wipes
·1 package of college lined paper
·1 box of gallon size Ziploc Bags
·4 vinyl folders– 2 blue, 2 red
·1 ruler inch and millimeters
·1 protractor
·1– 3 ring binder (1 1/2 inch) with outside pocket for homework
·1 zip pencil holder for 3 ring binder
·1 plastic pencil box
·3 boxes of tissues
·2 reams of white copy paper
·1 container of glue
·1 clip board
·1 at home dictionary
5th Grade
·1 backpack with name written on inside
·8—spiral notebooks
·3-mead composition books (hard cover)
·2-mead steno books
·8-plastic folders w/ pockets (not 3 ring)
·1 package of post it notes
·1– 3 pkg. (300)3x5 ruled index cards
·1—pair of scissors
1—inch/centimeter ruler (up to 15
5th Grade Continued
·2—12 count boxes of colored pencils
·1—box thin markers
·1—box thick markers
·1 pkg. of multi colored dry erase markers
·1—3 pkg. pink pearl erasers
·2 reams of white computer paper
·3 box of tissues
·4—pkg. 24 count #2 pencils
·1—pkg. yellow highlighters
·1 canister of disinfecting wipes
6th Grade
·1 backpack
·3 - Mead composition notebooks
·4—Pockets folders with the fasteners
·2—Glue Sticks
·4—of each color: Blue, Black, and green Ink Pens
·1—Package crayons 48 count
·1—pair of scissors (Fiskar)
·2—Pearl Erasers
·1—websters dictionary and Thesaurus
·3—large boxes of Kleenex
·10-15 Protector covers/ Clear
·4—spiral notebook / single subject
·2—Packages wide-rule notebook paper
·2 packages of 4 Sharpie Accent Highlighter
·1 handheld pencil sharpener
·1 pkg. of pencils
·2– 3” 3 ring binders
·Zippered 3 hole pencil pouch
·4– 3 hole punched folders
·2 reams of copy paper
·1 canister of disinfecting wipes
·1 pkg. of multi-colored dry erase markers
·1 pkg. of post it notes
7th & 8th Grade
·1 backpack
·4 boxes of pencils
·4 boxes of pens (blue, black, green)
·4 package college ruled paper
·4 three ring binder– 1.5 inch
·1 package of subject dividers– 5 count
·5 marbled composition notebooks
·2 reams of white copy paper
·1 package of post it notes
·1 box of multi-colored dry erase markers
·1 canister of disinfecting wipes
·3 boxes of tissues
·3 boxes of colored pencils
·2 rulers
·6 spiral notebooks
·Hand held pencil sharpener
·2 large glue sticks
·Pencil bag
·3 plastic folders with brackets
·10 clear plastic sheet protectors
·1 box of crayons 48 count
·4 highlighters