Citywide Storm Drain Improvement Project

I.  Project Sponsor Contact Information

Lead Agency/Organization / City of Wheatland
Name of Primary Contact(s) / Dane Schilling
Mailing Address / 111 C Street, Wheatland, CA 95692
Email Address /
Phone / 530-633-2761

II.  General Project Information

Project Title / Citywide Storm Drain Improvement Project
Project Total Budget / $360,000
Project Funding Match / $90,000
Project Funding Request / $270,000
Can a detailed cost estimate be provided upon request? / Yes
Project Location: / City of Wheatland Sphere of Influence
Latitude / 39.0076372
Longitude / -121.4288639
Could you provide a map of the project location including boundaries upon request? / Yes
Project Location Description: / City of Wheatland – Citywide
County / Yuba County
City/Community / City of Wheatland
Watershed/subwatershed / Bear River/Dry Creek
Groundwater Basin / Yuba Groundwater Basin, South Yuba Sub-basin
Project Type / Facility Construction
Best Management Practices

III.  Project Description

Citywide Storm Drain Improvement Project – The project consists of construction of various storm drain improvements to eliminate localized flooding and reduce stormwater pollution including installation of new catch basins and storm drain, repair of existing broken storm drains and CMP drainage culverts, and repair of existing storm drains at railroad crossings.

1)  Front Street – Installation of two (2) catch basins with trash capture devices and 18” storm drain pipe.

2)  Front Street Alley – Upgrade to existing collapsed 12” ACP storm drain with RCP and install trash capture devices at 2 existing catch basins.

3)  Malone Drive @ South Grasshopper Slough – Replacement of existing 48” CMP arch culvert that is partially collapsed and undersized (restricts 100-yr flow).

4)  Railroad Crossings – Replacement and/or rehabilitation of four (4) 18” storm drains crossing underneath Union Pacific Railroad Right of Way and installation of trash capture devices.

IV.  Project Rationale/Issues Statement

Flood Management:

A large portion of the Wheatland area is designated to be in FEMA Flood Zone A. The project is intended to increase flood protection and reduce localized flooding during major storm events. Specifically, the project would:

§  increase flood protection for the residents of the City of Wheatland

§  aim to increase collaboration with adjacent reclamation districts to enhance flood management for public safety

Water Quality Contamination: Urban and Agricultural Run-off:

By installing trash catchment devises the project would improve water quality by mitigating for urban runoff.

V.  Goals/Objectives/Performance Metrics

Goals Addressed by the Project / Goal 2: Protect, restore and enhance water quality for water users and in support of healthy watersheds
Goal 5: Protect public safety through emergency and drought preparedness and integrated flood management
Objectives Addressed by Project / 2.1 Protect and improve water quality by mitigating for urban, agricultural and sediment run-off;
5.1 Improve integrated flood management to ensure emergency preparedness, increase flood protection and enhance regional and inter-regional collaboration. In particular, this project would eliminate areas prone to localized flooding.
What performance metrics will be used to demonstrate that objectives are being met? Wherever possible, provide a quantitative measurement reflecting successful project outcomes. / §  The project success will be measured by the collaboration of the City of Wheatland and surrounding reclamation districts to increase flood protection to the City and surrounding areas within the floodplain.
§  Reduce pollutants from entering the storm drains and depositing into the river system
§  Increasing water quality through pollution prevention and run off management

VI.  Resource Management Strategies

Improve Water Quality
Pollution Prevention / Capture trash and pollutants at new inlets
Urban Runoff Management / Proper routing of runoff
Improve Flood Management
Flood Risk Management / The project incorporates Flood Risk Management Strategies by constructing necessary drainage improvements.

VII.  Statewide Priorities

Climate Change Response Actions

§  Adaptation to Climate Change: Water management system modifications that address anticipated climate

Practice Integrated Flood Management

§  Improved flood protection

Protect Surface and Groundwater Quality

§  Protecting and restoring surface water and groundwater quality to safeguard public and environmental health and secure water supplies for beneficial uses

Climate Change Adaptation
The project will assist in adapting to regional effects of climate change by improving the drainage system in Wheatland. Improvements to the drainage system will provide lower flood risk to existing right of way and adjacent property while providing treatment of storm runoff.

GHG Emissions Reduction

Construction- related GHG emissions reduction strategies will be considered during the design phase of the project.

VIII.  Project Status and Schedule

Project Stage / Description of Activities in Each Project Stage / Planned/Actual Start Date / Planned/Actual Completion Date
Planning / Preliminary planning complete
Design / Conceptual design complete
Environmental Documentation (CEQA/NEPA) / TBD- pending funding
Permitting / TBD- pending funding
Tribal Consultation (if not applicable, indicate by N/A) / N/A
Implementation / Awaiting funding

IX.  Project Technical Feasibility

a.  List the water planning documents that specifically identify this project.
b.  List the adopted planning documents the proposed project is consistent with (e.g., General Plans, UWMPs, GWMPs, Water Master Plans, Habitat Conservation Plans, etc.) / Capital Improvement Plan
Storm Drain Master Plan
c.  List technical reports and studies supporting the feasibility of this project.
If you are an Urban Water Supplier: N/A
1.  Have you completed an Urban Water Management Plan and submitted to DWR? / Not Required – Wheatland’s is not considered an Urban Water Supplier (UWS) since its current water use is below DWR threshold for UWS.
2.  Are you in compliance with AB1420? / N/A
3.  Do you comply with the water meter requirements (CWC Section 525)? / N/A
If you are an Agricultural Water Supplier:
1.  Have you completed and submitted an AWMP? / N/A
If the project is related to groundwater: Yes
1.  Has GWMP been completed and submitted for the subject basin? / Yes – See Yuba County Water Agency Ground Water Management Plan.

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