BALLOT - 2010 Iowa APSE Board of Directors
(Nominees listed in alphabetical order)
Please include your APSE Membership Number here: ______
Ifyou do not know your membership number, please give your name: ______.
After reading all the nominees’ profiles on the following pages, please cast your vote for up to 4 (four) nominees by marking an X on the line next to the nominee(s) you wish to serve on the board. If you mark more than 4 boxes, your vote will not be counted. No votes will be accepted after 5:00 pm Central on Thursday, December 9th.
Marlys Breon-Drish / _____
Kelly Kratz / _____
Lonnie Matthews / _____
Janet Phelps / _____
Shelley Sadler / _____

Fax this ballot to 804-278-9377 or email to by December 9th, 5:00 Central.

IA APSE Board Nominee Information

(In Alphabetical Order):

Nominee Name: Marlys Breon-Drish

History/Nature of involvement in employment for people with disabilities: I have worked with adults with disabilities for over 30 years; first as an adult service worker with the Dept. of Human Services for 3 years and currently at the Southern Iowa Mental Health Center for 30 years. My job history at the MHC includes developing and implementing Community Support, Day Treatment, Supported Community Living, and Elderly Outreach services. Since August 2001, I have been the coordinator of our drop-in center for adults with severe and persistent mental illness. I recently completed national certification in Supported Employment Services offered by ACRE through VCU’s webcourse. I have also participated in numerous related trainings and workshops. I have received SE consultation from SueAnnn Morrow since July 2010 and will continue to do so through September 2011.

Anticipated contribution to the Iowa APSE Board: Since my interest is in individuals with mental illness, I may have insights about that population as they relate to the world of work. There may be training needs that could be identified for mental health professionals in order to more fully integrate SE and clinical treatment. I feel that I have a lot more to learn and could better serve my customers with the knowledge gleaned from the board.

Nominee Name: Kelly Kratz

History/Nature of involvement in employment for people with disabilities: Kelly has worked at NIVC Services for 14 years in a variety of community employment positions including job coach, job developer, employment coordinator, and most recently Community Employment Services Manager. She currently provides leadership to 14 staff members who provide job placement, training and support services in a 9 county area in Northern Iowa.

Kelly is actively involved in NIVCs organizational change process to convert and focus agency resources toward integrated, competitive employment services. Kelly's flexibility and creativity enable her to navigate the ever-changing, complex funding for supported employment services. Her strong relationship with business and service partners is critical to our success as an agency and would benefit Iowa APSE.

Anticipated contribution to the Iowa APSE Board: I have worked closely with Kelly for many years and I admire her commitment to competitive employment. She is a hard worker and a dedicated supported employment professional. She understands how important work is to a person's identity and their quality of life. Her background, relationships and passion to advance employment opportunities for Iowans with disabilities make her a great fit and an asset to the Iowa APSE Board of Directors.

Nominee Name: Lonnie Matthews

History/Nature of involvement in employment for people with disabilities: President, Vice President. Board member of Iowa APSE since it’s development in the mid 80’s. Employer: Options of Linn County – 25 years- I’ve worked as a direct line supervisor in our sheltered workshop, job coach in the community, customer service representative. Currently hold the position of Community Employment Specialist – Job developer for 16 years.

Anticipated contribution to the Iowa APSE Board: I have a strong compassion and belief in Supported Employment and advocating for people with disabilities. I bring a strong background of experience and history in working to educate others about the value that people with disabilities bring to the work world and our community as a whole.

Nominee Name: Janet Phelps

History/Nature of involvement in employment for people with disabilities: In 1991 I created Van Buren Job Opportunities which was a unique employment service to the businesses and community which had a very high unemployment rate. Job Opportunities provided a new service that hired four individuals and started an employment agency, which eventually became an employment service for finding people with disabilities jobs. Since 1994 I have been the director of Job Opportunities that helps people find, assess, train for and maintain successful employment in the community.

Anticipated contribution to the Iowa APSE Board: I’ve been treasurer of Iowa APSE for over five years. I strongly agree in Iowa APSE’s mission to promote community employment and flexible supports responsive to Iowan’s with disabilities, and would work toward making supported employment available for everyone.

Nominee Name: Shelley Sadler

History/Nature of involvement in employment for people with disabilities: I have worked for Mosaic of south Central Iowa in the Vocational/ day services department for the past four years as the Program Coordinator. When I began my employment with Mosaic there were two sheltered workshop settings that people we supported attended. While the work was meaningful to the individuals supported, I felt there was more to be done to include community acceptance and integration. I have attended many training on supported employment, job development, and vocational services including the APSE MO Employment Summit for the past two years. Although I still support people in a workshop setting, I have assisted 10 people in obtaining employment in the community.

Anticipated contribution to the Iowa APSE Board: I have a great desire to see Employment First move forward. Working for an agency in rural southern Iowa has had positive as well as areas of opportunity to educate the population on the vast contributions that people with disabilities will make in the workforce. As a member of APSE, I believe in the foundational statements that every person is a person of worth and can make great contributions to society at large through the use of each person’s individual gifts and talents. If elected to the Iowa APSE Board of Directors, I would assist in reaching goals set by APSE to assist people of all abilities in reaching their dreams.


FAX your BALLOT to 804-278-9377 or email to by 5:00 pm Central December 9th. Ballots received after this time will not be counted.

Thank you for voting for your IA APSE Board of Directors.