Sydney’s Writers’ Festival

Watch the following video:

I. Tick (√) the correct answer(s):

- This video features:

The festival’s artistic director extolling its virtues

Sydney’s Mayor making speeches at the opening and closing ceremonies

Writers speaking about the festival

An acceptance speech by the Laureate of this Year’s Festival Literary Prize

Audience members speaking about the festival

II. Answer the following questions:

- How often does Sydney’s Writers’ festival take place? At what time of year?

- How many people attend the festival on average?

- What is/are the location(s) of the festival?

- Name at least 4 types of writers invited to participate in the festival.

- Based on what you can hear and see in the video, name as many types of events organized by the festival as you can find.

- Which were considered to be the best features of the festival?

III. Say whether the following statements are true or false? Justify your answers.

All the invited writers are Australian.TF

The only way to watch the events is to come to Sydney.TF

Several speakers mention the strong sense of literary culture in Australia.TF

Some of the events are sold out.TF

Audience members must buy tickets to all the events they want to attend.TF

IV. Play the video again. Which of the following laudatory adjectives did you hear mentioned?













Answer key

I. Tick (√) the correct answer(s):

- This video features:

The festival’s artistic director extolling its virtues

Sydney’s Mayor making speeches at the opening and closing ceremonies

Writers speaking about the festival

An acceptance speech by the Laureate of this Year’s Festival Literary Prize

Audience members speaking about the festival

II. Answer the following questions:

- How often does Sydney’s Writers’ festival take place? At what time of year?

Every year in May.

- How many people attend the festival on average?


- What is/are the location(s) of the festival?

Walsh Bay, Bondi Beach, the Blue Mountains

- Name at least 4 types of writers invited to participate in the festival.

Novelists, performance poets, scientists, essayists, historians, critics, writers for film, television and music.

- Based on what you can hear and see in the video, name as many types of events organized by the festival as you can find.

Book signings, readings, Q&As, debates, interviews, performances,

- Which were considered to be the best features of the festival?

Great interaction with the public, authors who can meet other authors they admire, stunning location on Sydney Harbour, a day for kids

III. Say whether the following statements are true or false? Justify your answers.

All the invited writers are Australian.TF

Writers from Australia and around the world

The only way to watch the events is to come to Sydney.TF

Live streaming to regional areas

Several speakers mention the strong sense of literary culture in Australia.TF

Alan Cumming: “a country that values literature so much.”

Jonathan Lethem: “humbling encounter with the greatness of the national literary culture here.”

Some of the events are sold out.TF

When is a literary event sold out? But it happens here.

Audience members must buy tickets to all the events they want to attend.TF

So many free events

IV. Play the video again. Which of the following laudatory adjectives did you hear mentioned?











