
XXXnnnn Title in English,XXcredits

Svensk benämning, XXhögskolepoäng



This syllabus was confirmed by [theDepartment/School/Academyof ….]onDD-MM-YYYY, and is valid from DD-MM-YYYY.

[In the case of revision, the following text is to be given:

This syllabus was confirmed by [the Department/School/Academyof ….] on DD-MM-YYYY, and was last revised on DD-MM-YYYY. The revised course syllabus is valid from DD-MM-YYYY.]

Participating Departments [this heading is not included if there is/are no department/departments specified]
[Department 1…..]
[Department 2…..]

Entry requirements

[Free text]

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course, thethird-cycle student is expected to be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

• [free text beginnning with verb – e.g. account for]

•[free textbeginnning with verb]

• [free textbeginnning with verb)

Competence and skills

• [free text beginnning with verb – e.g. account for]

• [free text beginnning with verb]

• [free text beginnning with verb]

Judgement and approach

• [free text beginnning with verb – e.g. account for]

• [free text beginnning with verb]

• [free text beginnning with verb]

[information regarding sustainability labelling is only printed out if the course meets one of the following requirements: sustainability-focused or sustainability-related, as the case may be)

The course is sustainability-focused, which means that at least one of the learning outcomes clearly shows that the course content meets at least one of the University of Gothenburg’s confirmed sustainability criteria. The contentalsoconstitutes the course’smain focus.

[Corresponding text in the Swedish version of the coursesyllabus: Kursen är hållbarhetsfokuserad, vilket innebär att minst ett av kursens lärandemål tydligt visar att kursens innehåll uppfyller minst ett av fastställda kriterier för hållbarhetsmärkning. Detta innehåll utgör även kursens huvudsakliga fokus.]

The course is sustainability-related, which means that at least one of the learning outcomes clearly shows that the coursecontent meets at least one of the University of Gothenburg’s confirmed sustainability criteria.

[Corresponding text in the Swedish version of the coursesyllabus:Kursen är hållbarhetsrelaterad, vilket innebär att minst ett av kursens lärandemål tydligt visar att kursens innehåll uppfyller minst ett av fastställda kriterier för hållbarhetsmärkning.]

Course content

[Free text]

Modules/Subcourses[this heading is not included if there are no modules specified)

  1. Title in English(Svenskbenämning), xxhigher education credits
    [Free text]
  1. Title in English(Svenskbenämning), xxhigher education credits

[Free text]

Types of instruction

[Free text]

Language of instruction:
[Free text]


The grade Pass or Fail is given in this course.

[Free text]

Types of assessment

[Free text]

Course evaluation

[Free text]

Other information

[Free text]


The course booklist is available in the form of an appendix

XXXnnnn Title in English,xxcredits / Svensk benämning, xxhögskolepoäng

ThirdCycle/ Forskarnivå