Small box crayons (24 or less)
Big markers (8 or 10 basic/classic colors) - Washable
White 3-ring binder (1½ inch) w/ clear-view front pocket
2 pencils
Scissors – Fiskars blunt-end
Paint shirt (old, clean, over-size T-shirt works best)
Small pencil box for marker/crayon storage
Back pack
The following supplies will be shared throughout the year. These items do not have to be labeled with child’s name.
Clorox disinfecting wipes
1 Box Kleenex
Large bath towel or rug for rest (no plastic mats)
#2 plain yellow pencils (package of 12)
Crayons-box of 24 (regular colors, NOT scented or glitter)
(to be replenished quarterly)
Plastic school box (cigar box size for crayons and pencils)
Two bottles of Glue (plain white or clear – NOT colored or “No run” or gel)
2 large boxes of Kleenex (Kleenex will be given to teacher and distributed as necessary)
Scissors (left handed if needed) (Fiskars recommended)
Expo dry erase markers (to be replenished quarterly & given to teacher)
Two (2) plain pocket folders
One big, pink eraser
Book bag to carry home papers
Pkg. of baby wipes to be sent first day to give to teacher
Ziploc baggies (snack size, quart size, or gallon size)
Index Cards (3x5)
Ziploc Big Bag for rest towel or rug (Lg 15 in by 15 in or XL 2 ft x 20 in)
Grade 1
Box of 24 crayons
Scissors (Fiskars are the best)
Big Pink Eraser
3 pocket folders w/o brads
Kleenex (large box)
Black Composition Notebook
Small school supply box (NO large ones)
12 pencils (plain Yellow #2) (No decorated ones)
1 set Dry Erase Markers (Expo low odor) (boys bring)
Baby Wipes (girls bring))
Grade 2
Glue/glue stick
Pencils (Ms. Connie Wood requests #2 yellow only) 24 count
Baby Wipes
Small art box
1 Highlighter
Big pink eraser
Dry erase markers (Expo brand)
3 pocket folders
Colored pencils
2 spiral notebook (70 sheets)
Crayons (box of 24)
Kleenex – 2 boxes
Grade 3
2 large boxes of Kleenex
2 Composition Notebooks
Small art box
1 white Elmer’s glue
1 pkg. glue sticks
# 2 pencils
Colored pencils (box of 24)
3 plastic folders w/o brads
2 large erasers
Crayons (Box of 24)
1 box dry erase markers
Baby wipes
1 pkg loose-leaf wide-ruled paper
1 spiral wide-ruled notebooks (70 sheets each) (non-perforated)
Grade 4
2 Pocket folders (plain)
3 Pocket folders (with brads)
Small Art box
Dry erase markers (1 set)
White glue
2 Wide ruled notebooks – 5 subject
#2 pencils
Box of 24 crayons
1 Composition notebook
Colored pencils
Big pink eraser
Red Pen
1 clean sock
Baby Wipes (girls)
2 Big Boxes tissue
1 box of sandwich baggies (boys)
Grade 5
5 Pocket folders
Art box
White glue (no colored glue)
Colored pencils
Red pen
Tissues – Kleenex -2 boxes
#2 Pencils
1 large pink eraser
2 pkg. Wide ruled loose-leaf paper
1 highlighter
3 Wide ruled single subject spiral notebook
Please NO Trapper Keepers or Individual Pencil Sharpeners
Please label ALL of your child’s school items!