



Rosshall Academy



Professional Development1
Your CPD Profile1

Professional Review1

The CPD Record2

The CPD Portfolio2

Career & Developmental Routeways for Teachers2

Career & Developmental Routeways for Teachers3

In Diagram Form

CPD Activities4

Continuing Professional Development

Professional Development

Rosshall Academy is committed fully to supporting the professional development of all staff throughout their career. Every member of staff has a valuable contribution to make in helping children and young people in the city achieve. The professional development of staff has consistently been regarded as a key element in the drive towards continuous improvement in Rosshall. The commitment to the professional development of staff will ensure that we maintain and develop competence, knowledge, expertise and confidence in delivering a service of the highest quality.

At national level the profile of staff development has been enhanced by the emphasis given to it within “A Teaching Profession for the 21st Century”, the national agreement on teachers’ salaries and conditions of service, and in the statement of National Priorities. Within the national priorities, the Framework for Learning priority includes explicit reference to importance of the professional development of teachers in helping to raise standards.

The national agreement requires that teachers have an ongoing commitment to maintain their professional expertise through an agreed programme of continuing professional development” and that teachers will maintain an individual CPD record. In addition teachers will undertake an additional 35 hour per annum of CPD. There is an entitlement for all teachers to have access to appropriate professional development.

Your CPD Profile

Continuing professional development should be seen as a professional entitlement and every teacher has a responsibility to ensure, with the support of colleagues where necessary and appropriate, that appropriate opportunities for staff development are identified and accessed. Moreover CPD is a condition of service, each teacher has to compile a CPD profile which comprises an annual CPD plan agreed once per year with the immediate line manager, and a personal CPD record.

Professional Review

Professional review is one method whereby the development and training needs of all staff are assessed and agreed in relation to their current practice, the requirements of the school development plan, the wider and longer term need of the education service, and taking into account national priorities. The process also includes making suitable arrangements to meet professional development needs, so far as possible, within available resources. It commences with self evaluation of performance, needs and aspirations.

Professional review is held annually and is now a formal requirement for teachers. It is the aspiration of Rosshall that the quality of professional dialogue between the teacher and his/her line manager will lend to the success of the process. At the review meeting the self-evaluation will be complemented by a management perspective from the line manager that will draw upon such elements as the outcome of monitoring of teaching and learning, the quality of pupil performance and other audits conducted by the school. This will enable strengths and development needs to be identified. Any particular successes of the previous year will be highlighted.

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The review of the past year will of course include the consideration of the extent to which the previously agreed CPD objectives have been achieved and the evidence that indicates the outcomes have been met, in addition to establishing the targets for the following year. The CPD plan should be agreed with the line manager at the annual professional review meeting and this will include identification of those CPD activities to be undertaken during the additional 35 hours. The process thus enables the contractual commitment to be checked.

A separate interface document is available on professional review

A separate Interface document is available on professional review

The CPD Record

Priority / Professional development
Objectives arising from
priorities / CPD activities
(include those on
additional 35 hours) / Record of activities – dates
Evaluation and impact

The CPD Portfolio

The school will encourage all teachers to maintain a CPD portfolio of material and information connected with significant staff development activity together with evidence of the impact of development opportunities on their professional practice. The portfolio would include the CPD profile and other professional information, including for example dissertations and materials produced by the teacher and materials provided at various staff development events. The portfolio remains the personal property of the teacher. The authority is developing an electronic version for use by staff.

This will facilitate the professional review process, compilation of the CPD record and the maintenance of the CPD record. The compilation of a portfolio is already required of probationer teachers and will be a requirement for those teachers pursuing the chartered teacher programme.

Career and Developmental Routeways for Teachers

Glasgow has developed a framework which provides a structure to support, in a progressive manner, the professional development of teachers with two main pathways


Teaching & Learning


Leadership & Management

- Probation programme
- Early professional development
- Advancing your skills
- Chartered Teacher programme / - Project Leadership
- Team Leadership
- School Leadership
- Strategic Leadership

The authority will extend formal accreditation for specific elements of the CPD programmes. It is anticipated this will be of assistance to those teachers interested in progressing to the chartered teacher programme.

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The department will issue regular updates on opportunities for continuing professional development within the education authority.

Career and Developmental Routeways for Teachers

in Diagram Form

/ Head Teacher / 4 / Strategic Leadership
Programmes for Heads
Deputy Head Teacher / 3 / School Leadership: On Track
programme leading to SQH
Chartered Teacher
6 / Action
Research / Principal Teacher / 2 / Team Leadership
4 / Optional
Modules / 1 / Project Leadership
3 / Introduction to Leadership and Management
Development Programme.
2 / Core Modules
And Self /
1 / Evaluation /
Your Skills
At this stage teachers will have reached top of the main scale and
The structured and accredited CPD programme, fully documented through the authority’s CPD portfolio, if fully completed, will have prepared teachers for entry to chartered teacher programme with strong potential for completed programmes to be considered for accreditation of prior learning
Early Professional Development
/ Further, and more in depth CPD support :
  • Teaching for Effective Learning
  • Pastoral Care – external support
  • ICT in teaching and learning
  • Further development programmes

Teacher Induction
Programme / Includes Mandatory Modules on :
  • Pastoral Care
  • Teaching for Effective Learning
  • ICT in Teaching and Learning & CPD

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CPD Activities

A wide range of activities can make contributions to the professional development of teachers. These can be undertaken at an individual or collegiate basis. In addition to collegiate activities organised at departmental, school or learning community level, Rosshall Academy supports a further range of opportunities and activities.

Individual Activities

  • Professional review
  • Focused professional reading and On-line learning
  • Personal action research
  • Undertaking specific activities as “project leadership”
  • Work toward accredited courses

Collegiate Activities

  • Working party membership
  • Participation in school committees
  • Departmental/school/learning community training programmes
  • Collegiate action research and self help groups
  • Class observation/visits to other classrooms
  • Job shadowing and “on the job” learning
  • Mentoring and use of visiting experts

Education Authority Activities

  • Formal CPD programmes (in-service and other programmes)
  • The Glasgow Educational Network
  • Nomination for external courses
  • Networking support
  • Induction and mentoring
  • Exchange visits and educational visits and work placements

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The authority has embarked on major programmes of delivering in-service courses and “events” in electronic versions which will be available as “on line” resources for teachers, working as individuals or in collegiate groups, to access and support school and individual professional development.

Each package will have the same structure
  1. How to use this package
  2. Aims and objectives
  3. Current research – context
  4. Teaching and Learning
  5. Good practice
  6. Workshops or investigations
  7. Contacts
  8. Bibliography
  9. Website references
  10. Further development opportunities

In addition, to support teachers engage in appropriate activities in the additional 35 hours of CPD, the school will extend its provision of twilight programmes and support development opportunities at weekends and during the holiday periods.

As a consequence the education authority will work towards a steady reduction in school day provision which can disrupt teaching and learning and create difficulties in providing absence cover.

It is expected that at local and national level and increasing range of materials will become available on the internet to support continuing professional development of teachers. This will support “anywhere anytime” learning for staff. The cascade model of still development will be replaced by an “access for all” model.

Ian Monteague

May 2003

Raising Standards

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