February 3, 2003
What’s New?
What’s New? is a bi-weekly, electronic newsletter produced and distributed free of charge to the members and constituents of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). For a complete listing of ANSI news and events, please visit our website, ANSI Online.
A summary of this issue’s top stories…
Report to Congress Stresses Key Role of Standards in Homeland Security
The Congressional Research Service recently released a Report for Congress entitled “Homeland Security: Standards for State and Local Preparedness,” outlining four policy approaches that may affect state and local governments and the establishment of standards for terrorism preparedness.
Winter Weather on Both Coasts Generates Calls to Send Power Lines Underground
Revised American National Standard Keeps Underground Connections Uniform
The power outages and damage done by ice-heavy tree limbs or wind knocking down overhead lines has provoked many residents and local officials to call for burying power lines underground.
Hybrid Vehicles Lead the Way to Energy Independence
SAE standards increase acceptance of new technologies
SAE International is developing standards for hybrid vehicles and stimulating the development of improved alternate power technology.
ANSI Policy Committee to Meet with USTR Representative for Briefing
Negotiations in the Americas to be Primary Focus
A “Briefing on U.S. Trade Negotiations within the Americas” will cover recent USTR negotiations and developments in Latin and South America with emphasis on standards and conformity assessment issues.
ISO Advisory Group Addresses Corporate Social Responsibility
A newly formed advisory group of ISO’s Technical Management Board (TMB) met in Toronto recently to consider the viability of developing International Standards in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Consumer Advocacy Update: Access and Identity Theft
Mary Saunders Appointed as New Chair for RSC-E/ME/A
Pacific Area Standards Congress to Convene in Vietnam
ANSI Welcomes New Members
Federal Register notices of potential interest …
Standards and Conformity Assessment Notices from the U.S. Federal Register, January 11-25, 2003
National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993 Notices from the U.S. Federal Register, January 11-25, 2003
For detailed schedule/program information, please see the events section of ANSI Online.
It’s always a good time to learn more…
For a complete list of ANSI’s upcoming Education and Training Courses, please see the
2003 Schedule of Upcoming Open Sessions
Take advantage of more great information…
Standards Action – January 31, 2003
The latest issue of ANSI’s key public review vehicle.
If you like what you read on ANSI Online, you’ll really appreciate the in-depth coverage of the standards and conformity assessment community in ANSI’s quarterly magazine, the ANSI Reporter. An annual subscription to this publication is $100 (four issues). Both display and classified advertising space may be purchased in a variety of sizes and formats. In addition, ANSI Online is currently accepting banner advertising on a monthly basis. For more information, please contact Leanne Lowry at 212.642.4979.
Buying standards? The Membership Discount Program allows 10% savings on the single-user purchase of standards from an inventory of thousands of documents available from the Electronics Standards Store (ESS). For more information about this exclusive ANSI member benefit or any of the Institute's other electronic sales services including the ESS, the NSSN, Network Site Licenses or placing online orders, please contact the Institute’s Customer Service Department at (t) 212.642.4980, (f) 212.302.1286 or (e) .
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For information on becoming an ANSI member and enjoying all the benefits of membership, contact Susan Bose at 212.642.4948.
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