St. Theodore of Canterbury Anglican Church
111 Cactus Avenue Toronto ON M2R 2V1
Telephone: 416-222-2461
Office E-mail:
Priest E-Mail:
Sunday Services: 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
24th Sunday after pentecost
remembrance day
November 11, 2012
Priest:The Rev. Susan Haig
Music Director & Organist:Greg Paskaruk
Rector’s Warden:Bonny Hietala
People’s Warden: Violet Farquharson-Lambert
NOVEMBER11, 2012
Prayer Book page 67
Psalm 127 page 500
Collect see 10:30 service
Readings: 1 Kings 17:8-16 Mark 12:28-34
10:30 a.m. – SUNG EUCHARIST
Organ Prelude: Sarabande G. F. Handel (1685 - 1759)
Chorale Prelude: Melcombe
Sir Chas. H. Parry (1848 - 1918)
v 1 solo v 4 congregation 7
Processional Hymn:Where Charity and Love Prevail 487
vv 1,2,3,4,and 6
Laying of Wreath
Then we join in singing the national anthem. v 1 only659
LeaderThey shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
All We will remember them.
Leader Lord God of hosts,
Be with us yet, lest we forget.
All Lest we forget.
The Last Post
One minute of silence
Celebrant:The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
be with you all.
People:And also with you.
Celebrant:Almighty God,
All:to you all hearts are open,all desires known,
and from you no secrets are hidden.
Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
that we may perfectly love you,
and worthily magnify your holy name;
through Christ our Lord.Amen.
Glory to God
Celebrant: Glory to God in the highest,
All:and peace to his people on earth.
Lord God, heavenly king,
almighty God and Father,
we worship you, we give you thanks,
we praise you for your glory.
Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father,
Lord God, Lamb of God,
you take away the sin of the world:
have mercy on us;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father:
receive our prayer.
For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God the Father. Amen. oH
The Collect of the Day
Eternal God,
who caused all holy scriptures
to be written for our learning,
grant us so to hear them,
read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them,
that we may embrace and ever hold fast
the blessed hope of everlasting life,
which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Children’s Time The Rev. Susan
First Reading:1 Kings 17:8-16 Bonny Hietala
Response:Thanks be to God.
Second Reading:Hebrews 9:24-28 Viona Williams
Response:Thanks be to God.
Gradual Hymn:God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending 601
Reader:The Lord be with you.
People:And also with you.
Reader:The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
according toMark.
People:Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Mark 12:38-44
Reader:The Gospel of Christ.
People:Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Prayers of the People Bonny Hietala
Confession and Absolution
Dear friends in Christ.
God is steadfast in love and infinite in mercy;
welcoming sinners and inviting them to this table.
Let us confess our sins, confident in God’s forgiveness.
Most merciful God,
we confess that we have sinned against you
In thought, word, and deed,
By what we have done, and by what we have left undone.
We have not loved you with our whole heart;
We have not loved our neighbours as ourselves.
We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.
For the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ,
Have mercy on us and forgive us,
That we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways,
to the glory of your name. Amen.
Celebrant: Almighty God have mercy upon you,
pardon and deliver you from all your sins,
confirm and strengthen you in all goodness,
and keep you in eternal life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
People: Amen.
The Peace
Celebrant: The peace of the Lord be always with you.
People: And also with you.
Offertory Hymn:To God Be the Glory 371
Prayer over the Gifts
Gracious God,
your word to us is food indeed.
Receive all we offer you this day,
and let your loving-kindness be our comfort,
for the sake of Jesus Christ, your living Word. Amen.
Eucharistic Prayer 1 Celebrant: The Lord be with you.
People:And also with you.
Celebrant:Lift up your hearts.
People:We lift them to the Lord.
Celebrant:Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
People:It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Celebrant:It is indeed right that we should praise you,
gracious God, for you created all things.
You formed us in your own image: male and female you created us.
When we turned away from you in sin,you did not cease to care for us, but opened a path of salvation for all people.
You made a covenant with an ancient people, and through your servants Abraham and Sarah gave the promise of a blessing to all nations.
Through Moses, Miriam, and Aaron you led your people from bondage into freedom; through the prophets you renewed your promise of salvation.
Therefore, with them, and with all your saints who
have served you in every age, we give thanks and
raise our voices to proclaim the glory of your name.
People: 732
Holy, holy, holy Lord,
God of power and might,
heaven and earth are full,
full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest,
hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest,
hosanna in the highest.
Celebrant:Holy God, source of life and goodness, all creation rightly gives you praise. In the fullness of time, you sent your Son Jesus Christ, to share our human nature, to live and die as one of us, to reconcile us to you,
the God and Father of all.
He healed the sick and ate and drank with outcasts
and sinners; he opened the eyes of the blind and proclaimed the good news of your kingdom to the
poor and to those in need. In all things he fulfilled
your gracious will.
On the night he freely gave himself to death, our Lord Jesus Christ took bread, and when he had given thanks to you, he broke it, and gave it to his disciples, and said, “Take, eat: this is my body which is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.”
After supper he took the cup of wine; and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and said, “Drink this,
all of you: this is my blood of the new covenant, which
is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me.”
Gracious God, his perfect sacrifice destroys the power of sin and death; by raising him to life you give us life for evermore.
Therefore we proclaim the mystery of faith.
All:Christ has died.
Christ has risen.
Christ will come again.
Celebrant:Recalling his death, proclaiming his resurrection, and looking for his coming again in glory, we offer you, Father, this bread and this cup. Send your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these gifts, that all who eat and drink at this table may be one body and one holy people, a living sacrifice in Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory is yours, almighty Father, now and for ever.
The Lord’s Prayer Page 211
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial,
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours,
now and for ever. Amen.
The Breaking of the Bread
Celebrant:“I am the bread of life,” says the Lord.
“Whoever comes to me will never be hungry;
whoever believes in me will never thirst.”
All:Taste and see that the Lord is good;
happy are they who trust in him!
Celebrant:The gifts of God for the People of God.
People:Thanks be to God.
Communion Hymn:We Hold the Death of the Lord 68
Anthem:O Healing River
Fred Hellerman ( 1927 - ) & Fran Minkoff
Prayer after Communion (please stand)
Living God,
in the eucharist you fill us with new hope.
May the power of your love,
which we have known in word and sacrament,
continue your saving work among us,
and bring us to the joy you promise.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Celebrant:Glory to God,
All:whose power, working in us,
can do infinitely more
than we can ask or imagine.
Glory to God from generation to generation,
in the Church and in Christ Jesus,
for ever and ever. Amen.
The Blessing
Recessional Hymn: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling 486
The Dismissal
Now Go in Peace
Now go in peace, now go in love, from the Father above.
Jesus Christ the Son stay with you till the day is done.
Holy Spirit encircle you in all you think and do.
Once again God’s blessing be with us. Amen.
Postlude:Grand Choeur François Benoist (1794 - 1878)
Assisting today
Servers:Elmer Highland and Nicole Angers Barber
Chalice Bearers: Elmer Highland and Gloria Dodd
In your prayers please rememberthe sick and those who have requested our prayersAba, Adrian, Andrew, Aneesa, Annette, Ansil, Barclay, Bishma, Chris, Christopher, Cicely, Claudette, Connie, David, Delton, Derek, Doris, Edna, Eileen, Felina, Gus, Gwen, Hamlin, Heather, Ivris, Ivy, Jean, Jim, Joan, Joke, Joyce, Kalina, Kevin, Kristoff, Lenny, Leonie, Linda, Lloyd, Marcel, Mark, Marla, Mavis, Nadia, Nancy, Neal, Olive, Patrick, Preston, Ratinee, Reon, Richard, Rishi, Rita, Riva, Ronnie, Ryan, Shalima, Sheila, Shirley, Sonia, Steve, Theo, Tim, Tricia, Vincent, Wayne, Wilhelmina, Yvonne, and Jean (rehab).
This week we pray for Dr. Frank Munkley, Aba Newton, Hilary Niles, Luke, and their families.
The Altar Flowers are in loving memory of Herman, Len, Vera and Nancy (Billie Godin and family) and in loving memory of Paget and Wilhelmina Winter (Doris Phillips).
The Aumbry Candle burnsin loving memory of Victor Rose (Maureen and Derek Rose).
*Fire Drill: We are required to practice a fire drill yearly. Please be aware that there will be a fire drill next Sunday, November 18th at the 10:30 am service.
*Leaf Clean-up: On November 25th following the 10:30 am service, theScouts will be here to assist us with clearing the Church grounds of leaves and garbage. There will be hotdogs and hot chocolate provided. Please add this date to your calendar. All ages welcome!
*W.J. Islanders Seniors’ Christmas Dinner: Sunday, December 18th following the 10:30 am service there will be a Seniors’ Christmas Dinner. Please sign-up on the sheet that has been posted in the Narthex. All Seniors are welcome! Feel free to invite a friend.
*Noel Bazaar: St. Johns’ Rehab will be hosting its annual bazaar on Saturday,November 17th starting at10am. Don’t miss it! St. John’s Rehab285 Cummer Avenue.
*Invitational Committee: The first meeting of the Invitational Committee will meet after church on Sunday, November 18. A simple lunch will be served.
*Amaryllis bulb kits to help support DVRR:Buy an amaryllis bulb kit and help DVRR continue to sponsor and support refugee families who have to flee their homeland. The $15 boxed bulb kit includes a bulb, growing medium, a plastic pot and saucer, and instructions for care of your amaryllis. Your flower bulb kits will arrive in December. Please see Olive Masters for an order form.
* Prayer committee seeks new members: The Bishop’s Committee on Prayer is seeking new members. The committee runs conferences and area-wide prayer events, and it also acts as liaison with the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer. The committee meets the second Thursday of the month at St. John, York Mills, from 10 a.m. until after lunch. If you would like to join the committee, contact Tony Day at .
*2013 Church Calendars: A prayer reference from St. Luke, along with a short Celtic prayer, is featured each month. These beautiful calendars are available at the back of the church for $5.00.
*Calling all Volunteers: The Sides Teams require volunteers. If you are available to help out one Sunday a month, please contact George Darlington or the office.
*Coffee Hour: Please add your name to the sign-up sheet or speak with Olive Masters. Training can be provided if required! If you are able, please drop a loonie or toonie into the coffee donation box to help offset the weekly cost.
*Blessings: The last Sunday of the month we will becelebrating the special events in our Church with a blessing. These can include, but are not limited to, birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations. Please take a moment to add your special date to the binder in the Narthex.
Upcoming Dates:
Monday, November 12th 7:15pm / Sacred Dance$5.00 donation requested
Open to everyone
Tuesday, November 13th
Lunch at 12:30pm catered by Canterbury Place Retirement Residence
1:30pm speaker
Church of the Incarnation
15 Clairtrell Road / Young at Heart Club – Canadian film director Graeme Lynch will speak on his experiences in the Middle East while filming the National Geographic series “Living in the time of Jesus” and “The Bible CSI”
All are welcome.
Wednesday, November 28th at 7:30pm / Advisory Board Meeting at the Church
All are welcome
Thursday, December 6th 7:00pm / Choir to Thorne Mill on Steeles
Monday, December 10th 7:15 pm / Sacred Dance Circle
Tuesday, December 11th
Church of the Incarnation
15 Clairtrell Road / Eucharist at 11:15am followed by lunch and Carol signing. Open to everyone.
Saturday, December 15th 7:30pm / The fourth annual dramatic reading of “A Christmas Carol”
Music by “The Tunes” Youth Instrumental Ensemble. All proceeds to benefit North York Harvest Food Bank. Tickets $10
2012 Financial Position (to September 30, 2012)
General Account only
Cash Inflows $110,300
Cash Outflows$109,700
Net cash inflows/(outflows)$600
Opening cash$4,700
Cash balance, at Sept. 30, 2012 $5,300
Net Outstanding invoices (est.)$6,500
Net deficit, Sept. 30 2012($1,200)
Note: Deficit was about $21,000 at December 31, 2011
Outstanding invoices as at September 30, 2012 include 1 Synod and 3 Organist bills. Inflows include annual $4,200 GST/HST refund, Monks Cell contribution of $8,500 and a special donation of $5,000. NOTE THAT KUMON MATH IS NO LONGER A TENANT; THIS WILL REDUCE RENTAL INCOME BY ABOUT $1,000 PER MONTH
Sunday November 18, 2012
25th Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 am Holy Eucharist
10:30 am Sung Eucharist with Choir, and Sunday School
Readings: 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Sam 2:1-10 as Canticle, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18), 19-25, Mark 13:1-8
Saints’ and Holy Day observances this week:
November 12 – Charles Simeon, Priest, 1836
November 14 – The Consecration of Samuel Seabury, First Anglican Bishop in North America, 1784
November 16 – Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Helper of the poor, 1093
November 17 – Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, 1200
Office Hours:
Tuesday through Thursday 9-1:30pm
The Rev. Susan Haig’s office hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays barring Pastoral Calls