JUNE 10, 2013

Members Present: Alderpersons Bugni, D.Bauknecht and Kassis, Brady Koss, Sam Hardin and Denise Wendt

Members Absent: Heather McCann

Others Present: Alderperson Kapusta; Mark Desotell, Director of Administrative Services; and Sarah Repp, Park, Recreation and Cemetery Supervisor.

This meeting of the Parks, Cemeteries, and Recreation Commission was called to order by Alderperson Kassis, on the above date at 5:30 pm in the Multipurpose Room, City Hall. Julie Zack, Administration Clerical Assistant, recorded the minutes thereof.

1.  Approval of Minutes from May 13, 2013 Meeting

Bugni moved, D. Bauknecht seconded, to approve the minutes from the May 13, 2013 meeting. Carried 6-0, Absent 1.


2.  Bench Donation for Peaceful Valley; Kommers Family

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Sarah Repp, Park, Recreation and Cemetery Supervisor, stated the planned location for this bench would be the grassy area across from the Farmers Home restaurant.

Wendt moved, Bugni seconded, to accept the donation of a bench by the Kommers Family for Peaceful Valley. Carried 6-0, Absent 1.


3. Bench Donation for City Park West; Thrivent Financial

Ms. Repp stated this donation is from Thrivent Financial, Mid-Wisconsin Chapter. The bench will make for a total of four benches in City Park West as there are two now, one bench was approved last month and this one will go next to it.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Ms. Repp stated there are several locations for bench placement in City Park West and the other City parks. The Parks department can continue to accept donations toward benches until there becomes too many slated for a particular location and it can be addressed at that time.

Brady Koss stated he would like to see money being donated to the skate park as well as for benches for the City parks and looks forward to a time it can happen.

Bugni moved, Koss seconded, to accept the donation of a bench by Thrivent Financial, Mid-Wisconsin Chapter, for City Park West. Carried 6-0, Absent 1.


4. Thank You for Volunteer Efforts

Ms. Repp stated when writing her memo to the Commission she overlooked a very important volunteer effort and that was the Peace Lutheran Big Serve volunteers who helped to clean up the gravestones of veterans in preparation for Memorial Day. They did an excellent job and it was just an oversight they were not mentioned.

Ms. Repp stated the department appreciates the efforts of all volunteers and she wanted the Commission to be aware of their efforts. She continued explaining sometimes tasks are done just by citizens or groups with no recognition being given such as Lil Tower planting Robin’s Roost Park and citizens walking in the morning who pick up litter as they go. These citizens do these things without being on a committee or being part of an organized group and their efforts are greatly appreciated.


5. Apology for Warming House Vandalism

Ms. Repp explained there is a copy of a letter from Craig Hotchkiss of the Juvenile Court and a letter of apology from the person who vandalized the warming house. She added there is restitution being made for the damages this person caused as well.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Bugni, Ms. Repp stated the person was caught due to the use of cameras at the warming house. She assured the Commission there is signage at the warming house entrance when you enter, very clearly stating there is a camera present and that entrants are being filmed.

Ms. Repp added the Police Department staff, Sheriff Department staff, and the use of cameras have been very beneficial in catching the individuals when vandalism occurs, although sometimes it takes time to get the total restitution.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Ms. Repp stated there are places where installing cameras would be helpful and one was just installed at the campground. This camera will help with the honor system of the dump station as well as assist staff in seeing which campsites are full with first-come, first-serve customers. The warming house camera will be monitored from city hall in the near future much like the one at the campground.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Ms. Repp agreed a camera installed at the Optimist Skateboard Park would be beneficial but the expense has not been budgeted.

Alderperson D. Bauknecht stated the use of good video footage is unmistakably helpful when trying to find people who vandalize parks like this. Ms. Repp stated from her experience the staff at Langlade County has been great to work with on these cases.

Upon inquiry by Denise Wendt, Ms. Repp stated there are times when people do perform Community Service hours but we lack the staff to oversee and supervise these efforts so often times it cannot feasibly be done unless Mr. Hotchkiss is available to be present. There have been instances where persons will come on a city clean-up project to perform their hours though and this she encourages as does Mr. Hotchkiss.


6. Historical Society Unknown Remains Burial Update

Ms. Repp provided a memo for the Commission but neglected to provide the letter to the Commission. She stated the Wisconsin Historical Society appreciated the City making this space available for the remains and also gave some background on how the remains came to be in their possession. She stated if any Commission members would like to look at the write-up she has it available in her office and she provided a copy to the Antigo Daily Journal in case they elected to do a story.

Ms. Repp stated the Wisconsin Historical Society was great to work with and appreciated all the efforts made to inter these remains. They will be providing a monument in the near future.


7. Placement of Flag Pole at City Park West

Ms. Repp stated she has been in contact with Langlade Hospital about the flagpole and light project but has not received confirmation of a donation. Ms. Repp stated if the hospital does agree to donate the flag pole and light she would like the Commission to recommend accepting the donation.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Bugni, Ms. Repp stated the attempt is being made to have the flag pole and light up for July 1st. Sam Hardin stated there is a special musical tribute to veterans being performed at Music in the Park on July 1st and they plan to have the flag pole there.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Ms. Repp stated if the flag is lit it will remain up at all times with an all-weather flag and its condition will be monitored much like they are at the ball fields. She stated the electricity for lighting the flag will be paid by the City.

Upon inquiry by Ms. Wendt, Ms. Repp stated solar lighting for the flag has been considered but there were enough concerns regarding it that she would rather use the traditional means of lighting the flag to make sure it is illuminated correctly at all hours.

Hardin moved, D. Bauknecht seconded, to approve accepting the donation of the installation of a flagpole and light by Langlade Hospital at City Park West. Carried 6-0, Absent 1.


8. Annual Ball Field Light Fee

Ms. Repp stated there is currently a $2 fee charged to baseball teams for baseball games which lights are needed. This has become increasingly hard to track and she would therefore like to institute an annual fee for lighting in which each team using Lake Park and wishing to have lights would pay a $10 annual fee. She feels this will actually work out better for the teams as well; once they have paid their fee they will be given the numerical code to get into the maintenance room where there are the controls for the lights. The $10 fee would still not cover the cost of the lighting but would solve a lot of the administrative difficulties involved with using the lights at Lake Park.

Ms. Repp explained there is another option in which teams use coin-operated light controls but she does not recommend this solution.

Hardin moved, Bugni seconded, to approve a $10 annual ball field light fee for baseball teams using the lights at the ball field at Lake Park. Carried 6-0, Absent 1.


9. Tree Purchase, Capital Improvement Plan for Parks and Boulevards

Ms. Repp stated June 20th will be an Arbor Day celebration in Antigo with trees being planted in Peaceful Valley. American Transmission Company, Wisconsin Public Service and Thrivent Financial, Mid-Wisconsin Chapter have all contributed to the cost of the trees which are being planted, about 41 of them. Most of the trees will be planted in the center area of Peaceful Valley much like the park plan which has been approved by the Commission in the past.

Ms. Repp stated with the budgeted $5,500 from CIP the remaining trees in the center section, in boulevards, and in City Park where trees had to be removed last year can be planted.

Wendt moved, Bugni seconded, to approve using the budgeted $5,500 from Capital

Improvement Plan for trees in the parks and boulevards. Carried 6-0, Absent 1.


10. Playground Surfacing Purchase for Parks

Ms. Repp stated the department is slowly removing the sand at Lake Park playground and replacing it with woodchips because sand does not meet safety guidelines.

Bugni moved, D. Bauknecht seconded, to approve $5,000 of budgeted CIP funds for woodchips for the playground with main focus on Lake Park this year. Carried 6-0, Absent 1


11. Elimination of Resident and Non-Resident Recreation Fees

Ms. Repp explained she would like to eliminate the additional $13 which is charged to non-residents of the City when they register for a recreation program through her department.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Ms. Repp stated the reason for doing this would be to try to get more community residents to participate in the positive programming the City is offering. It has been brought to her attention that sometimes the cost of a program can be prohibitive for parents and the way to build strong varsity programs is to have strong community programs.

Alderperson Kassis stated the reasoning behind having the two rates for program registrations was to allow those City residents a break in the cost due to the fact they are paying taxes to support the programming. He stated he does not want to see enrollments drop because of programming costs but feels it is important to give residents some benefit of being a resident of the city. Ms. Repp explained it does state this in the activity guide and when people call and ask this is the response they receive.

Upon further inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Ms. Repp stated she would like to try the reduction in non-resident registration fees beginning with flag football this year and see what kind of response is received by parents. She continued stating there was an increase of approximately 100 registrations by creating the flag football program last year; if the fee for non-residents is reduced and we get an additional 147 registrations over all the year, the loss is negated.

Upon another inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Ms. Repp stated the department is hearing from other parents that the cost of increased registration is the reason there are not more rural children participating. She further explained there are costs for hats and t-shirts as well and the eradication of these items is being looked at as well in favor of just wearing a certain color t-shirt based on the team as a way to help cut program costs.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Ms. Repp explained the cost for residents who live outside the city limits, which means they are not paying city resident property taxes, is $26.00 per program.

Mr. Kassis stated he is not in favor of the decreased cost as the city resident is being burdened with the cost of upkeep of the parks and he is not sure the cost is what is prohibiting rural children from participating.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson D. Bauknecht, Ms. Repp stated there would be a loss in revenue but an additional 147 additional registrations would offset that loss so the department would indeed have to boost its registrations but the only way to truly find out if this could happen is to try it. She reiterated the creation of the flag football program did result in 100 registrations the department did not have before.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Ms. Repp stated it will probably take more than one year to see if the results are what we need them to be since it takes a while for the message to spread that the department has dropped the extra cost. She stated the only way to know is to try it and see but this is what is being said at community meetings regarding children’s sport programs.

Upon inquiry by Mr. Koss, Ms. Repp stated she would like to start the change with flag football because all the other sports are already completed, or almost completed with enrollments. She would like to see the one registration fee carried forward into all sports though and would use the $13 amount for the 2014 program registrations.

Upon another inquiry by Mr. Koss, Ms. Repp explained that each community does things in whatever method best fits their residents so a comparison is hard.

Alderperson Kassis stated he feels there are other ways of managing this that allows the city resident to feel some benefit of paying their taxes and there should be some separation, maybe just a lesser amount of increased cost for the non-residents.