Basic In-Text Citation:
· After the intervention, children increased in the number of books read per week (Smith & Wexwood, 2010).
· Smith and Wexwood (2010) reported that after the intervention, children increased in the number of books read per week.
o AND:
§ as in Smith and Wexwood above, written as an ampersand (&) inside parentheses and as the word and outside of parentheses
§ = outside of citation at the end of the sentence (in ex#1 above)
Direct Quotations:
· According to Palladino and Wade (2010), “a flexible mind is a healthy mind” (p. 147).
· In 2010, Palladino and Wade noted, “[A] flexible mind is a healthy mind” (p. 147).
· In fact, “a flexible mind is a healthy mind” (Palladino & Wade, 2010, p. 147).
· “[A] flexible mind is a healthy mind,” according to Palladino and Wade’s (2010, p. 147) longitudinal study.
· Palladino and Wade’s (2010) results indicate that “a flexible mind is a healthy mind” (p. 147).
§ only one
§ = outside of citation at the end of the sentence
§ at the end of the borrowed material & before the citation
o COMMAS after Introductory Verbs:
§ Intro Verb + Comma + Quot.Marks
§ in ex#2, note the comma after the intro verb “noted”
§ (the “a” needs to be capitalized b/c it starts a new sentence)
§ not used w/ellipses
§ are used with [sic] or [emphasis added] & statistics [n = 41]
§ & with any changes made to a direct quote (as in ex#2,4)
§ “If you must add or slightly change words within a quotation for reasons of grammar or clarity, indicate the change with square brackets (p.173).”
§ 3 dots for omitted words in the same sentence
§ 4 dots for omitted words over several sentences (4th dot = period)
§ *no brackets for either
§ “Typically, ellipses are used only within a quotation, not at the beginning or at the end of a quotation.”
§ When you have DIRECT QUOTES, you need to include page numbers from the source, as shown in the examples
§ APA Publication Manual says, “When quoting, always provide the author, year, and specific page citation” (p.170). – page # OR para.#
· https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
· http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2011/01/writing-in-text-citations-in-apa-style.html
· http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2010/03/how-to-cite-direct-quotations.html
· http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2011/04/ellipseswhen-and-how.html
· http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2013/06/block-quotations-in-apa-style.html
· http://rdc.libguides.com/content.php?pid=51657&sid=2837385