2014 MS Survey Recommendation Report

There were 66% of the Middle School membership who responded to the Middle School Survey generated after the November meeting. In going over the results from the cutoff date, I would make the following recommendations concerning the items listed:

#1. Replacing Selected Duets... and

#2. Require an etude + an exerpt from Blue Band music for WW and Brass...
Recommendation: I will convene a review committee of directors in all disciplines and classifications to review our current etudes with their recommendations coming back to me for further action. Also, we will remain with the current 2 etude format.
Rationale: It was close between yes and no with a definite leaning towards the need to review the current etudes. It has been several years since a review was done and this is a good time to do one. As far as the exerpt goes, sentiment leaned slightly towards going in the proposed direction, but there were several strong arguments for not going with this change. The biggest concern was adequate material available to make an assessment and not lessening the quality of the auditions. The logistics of this kind of change are also very complex. I believe that with a review of the current etudes in use, we can adjust what we use from there and don't really need to use an exerpt as part of the audition process.

#3. Possible fees...
Recommendation: I would recommend that we raise the partipation fee for all students selected by $3 to cover the music costs with an official vote taken on this recommendation.
Rationale: There was a very clear understanding that additional monies were necessary for the purchase of music for the festival. The sticking points appear to be in how to implement the fee equitably and when payment would be due. Several comments were received as to raising the participation fee $3. There was also concern raised as to when payment would be due. Currently it is due when the director receives their acceptance letter. Directors are concerned that to make the payment due any earlier would be difficult to turn around in their respective business offices.

#4. Performance of beginning band and current publication selections...
Recommendation: Do not implement this idea.
Rationale: Directors were clearly not on board with doing this. They are feeling that the festival should be about the kids, not making it a clinic for literature.