OASIS Model Task Order Sustainability Reporting Requirement
NOTE: The sustainability reporting requirements are intended for task orders expected to last one year or more.
In support of Executive Order 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade and other applicable statutes, regulations and Executive Orders, and in recognition that harm to the environment, including from greenhouse gas pollution, has quantifiable costs and negative impacts on the economy and federal agency operations, it is the Government’s intent to understand and reduce as far as practicable the environmental impacts of IT services provided under this task order. The Contractor shall provide evidence of ongoing measurement and reduction of the environmental impacts of its operations and, to the extent possible, of the specific services provided, including but not limited to, use of energy and nonrenewable resources and emissions of carbon pollution, via annual “sustainable practices and impact” disclosures.
(a)The Sustainable Practices and Impact Disclosures shall be submitted online using one or more of the systems listed below. These online reporting portals provide efficient means for Contractors to share standardized Disclosures with the Government and, if desired, with other interested customers, investors, and other stakeholders.
i. Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) “Investor” or “Supply Chain” carbon report.
ii.Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) sustainability report (GRI G3 or G3.1 application level C or above, or G4 “In accordance – Core” completeness level or above, posted to GRI Sustainability Disclosure Database).
iii. B Lab Impact Self-Assessment †
† B Lab Impact Self-Assessment is an option for designated Small Businesses only.
(b)Not all individual content specified in these reporting systems is required. Contractor shall use its best efforts to complete responses related to carbon emissions, emissions reduction strategies, and risks and opportunities related to climate change.
(c)Within 12 months of the Task Order Notice to Proceed, the contractor shall submit online their Sustainable Practices and Impact Disclosures, and provide notification to the Ordering Contracting Officer as to when the report was filed and the online reporting option used to file the reports. Thereafter the Contractor shall update the Disclosure annually until the expiration of the task order.
(d)The value of the above reports is the methodical identification, quantification and management of use of energy and nonrenewable resources, emissions of pollutants, and opportunities to save money by improving contractor’s energy efficiency and other aspects of corporate operations.
[NOTE: OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE - CO TO REMOVE THIS NOTE IF INCLUDING THE LANGUAGE, OR DELETE THE ENTIRE PARAGRAPH]: The ordering contracting officer and/or ordering activity technical representative, with guidance and support from the ordering Agency and/or GSA Sustainability Offices, will review the Disclosures, and work with the Contractor to assist them in their identification of environmental and sustainability measures that best address the ordering Agency’s and GSA’s environmental and climate change initiative goals.