“We will risk it all, for such a time as this;
not to gain the world, but to make a difference.”
September 5, 2017
Dear Parents,
As a grade 6 team, we wish to welcome your children to ACMS. We count it a privilege to be partnering with you in teaching your children. We see each child as a unique and special individual who is created in God’s image. We want to encourage everyone to be the best that he or she can be and to develop his or her God-given gifts and abilities. May God bless us as we seek to educate our “children in the middle.”
These are a few things to take note of as we begin the school year.
PE: Students will need ACMS shorts and T-shirt (which can be ordered through the school’s website) and non-marking running shoes. Until you have your ACMS gym strip, appropriate athletic apparel may be worn. Students must have a cloth bag to store their gym supplies.
Homework: Homework may include completing in-class assignments, memorizing a Bible passage, studying for tests and quizzes, or re-enforcing math facts, etc. Study center is available for students to receive assistance with school work if needed. If you have any concerns with homework, please contact the subject specific teacher. If a pattern of incomplete assignments or homework develops, we will work with parents to arrange additional time after school to complete work.
Agenda Books: Students are required to provide their own agenda book this year. The homework will be posted on the white board in the classroom, the class web site/blog, and students will be reminded at the end of the day to write it down. Students will have a pocket folder with notices and homework that should go home and be returned daily.
Home Reading: Students will be receiving information about the expectations for the home reading program. They will be expected to read for a minimum of 75 minutes per week at home, confirmed by a parent signature. Once per term, students will be responsible to complete a short response on their reading.
Please keep us in your prayers, that God will give us a good year together and that the class will grow into a caring Christian community. We look forward to meeting you at the BBQ on Thursday evening. If you are unable to attend, please drop by another time to meet us.
In Christ’s service,
Mrs. Sandra Barthel & Mr. Paul Still 6A Mrs. Bethany Bakker 6B
Mrs. Amy Morrow 6C Ms. Sally Van Geest 6D Mr. Jonathan Zuidhof PE
Child’s name ______
Parent’s preferred email address ______
Parent signature ______