POSTODO_22.DOC Revised 9/29/11
AppleOne Cards & ROSnet version
1. Select the Section Chart that you will use to start the A.M. Shift at a terminal in the dining room. Swipe your manager card, touch Section Charts, touch the chart you desire.
(OPENING STORES: Change Charts on desktop, Select the desired chart, Close.)
2. Swipe your manager card at each terminal, touch Unlock Files. This synchronizes the time on all of your terminals.
3. Visually inspect all terminals for proper operation and clean touch screens.
4. Check the paper supply in all printers. Restock each station with an adequate supply for the day
1. Adjust the section charts as needed when the servers are dismissed. Also, be sure to change the charts when the P.M. servers start their shift.
2. Near the end of each shift, be certain that there are not still tables open if the guest has gone. This can be done quickly by swiping your manager card and touching the QUERY BY TABLE key. Page through each station and discuss open tables with servers and bartenders.
3. If Wireless payment is used, review Batch Report for each handheld devise used on the Commerciant Website and verify that all of the Wireless transactions listed for your shift balance with the POS side.
- Click on Start, AAG Applications, Commerciant
- Sign in by entering your User ID, Password and then copying the text in the next box to the empty box below it
- Compare the ‘Approved Sales’ amount for your shift with the total Wireless amount on the Carside
- Compare the Totals on the Hand-Held receipts to the POS receipts. Trouble shoot and resolve any issues per shift.
2. In POS Restaurant System, select Daily, then Open Tables.
All tables should be closed by now. If not, the remaining tabs must be closed and a Server Checkout run for that server(s). (This should be an infrequent occurrence.) Click on Close.
3. Select Daily again, then Open Servers.
This will show servers that closed a tab today and have not yet run their Server Checkout Report.
There cannot be open servers in the system when the End-of-Day is done.
4. Select Employee, then Clock In/Out.
Verify that all employees have clocked-out.
Double Click on the VISA icon on your desktop for Apple One Cards.
5. Select Reports, then Failed Transactions
- If the response indicates “No Records in the Journal that have Failed, proceed to next step.
- If Items appear on the Report, call the ASI Helpdesk at 1-800-332-8958 prior to batching to have this problem resolved.
6. Select Reports, then Batch Detail.
- The Select Journal window will open. Click on OK.
- The Batch Detail Report will appear on the screen. This will display a listing of today’s credit card and gift card transactions
Scan the Trans Types in the left hand column of the Batch Detail Report for any AUTH trans types. They should all be “SALE, VD SALE, CREDIT. VD CREDIT, TIP,GC ACTIVATION, GC REDEEM, GC TIP”.
6a. If no AUTH Trans Type are listed, move ahead to Step 9.
6b. If an AUTH Trans Type is listed, you need to investigate and remedy the problem.**
** An AUTH is a credit card transaction that was not finalized by adding a tip after AUTHorization was received
- Do you have an open server or an open table in your system? You can check under Daily \ Open Server or Daily \ Open Table in the POS System. You may need to finalize that table.
- Look at the Server ID number and then go to that Server’s Checkout to verify that the credit card is listed as a completed transaction.
- Locate the credit card voucher and verify that the account number on the voucher is the same as the account number on the Credit Detail Report for the record starting with AUTH. If not, contact AII POS HELPDESK.
- This could be a credit card transaction that was on a check that was lost and re-rung. If so, void the AUTH.
The AII POS HELPDESK can help you correct problems with AUTH’s tonight before you send your batch. Contact them at 1-800-332-8958
7. Print the Batch Detail Report by clicking on the printer icon on the far left above the report.
7a. Compare the credit card totals at the end of the Batch Detail Report with the amounts listed in the Ideal column of the System Totals Screen found under Daily in the POS Restaurant System.
7b. If the amounts in Ideal equal the amounts on the Credit Detail Report, go to Step 9d.
7c. If the amounts do not match, trouble shoot and resolve.**
7d. You must close this print preview window before performing the End of Day. Close this Print Preview window by clicking on the X in the right end of the menu bar.
8. With the Print Preview window closed, Select On-Line, then End of Day – All Transactions.
8a. At the Confirm EOD box, Click on Yes button.
8b AppleOne Cards will then batch the credit cards and then the gift cards to SDC, our processor. When the batches are complete, the End of Day Status box should contain two lines stating OK:Batch Accepted. Both the credit card and gift card reports should print at this time. These reports will be submitted to AAG
8c If a Failed Transaction Report prints, .you must call Call the ASI Helpdesk at 1-800-332-8958 for a resolution to this problem.
8d Verify that all transactions were successfully batched by going back to
- Reports, Batch Detail, Click on OK
- If the report is BLANK, all transactions have batched success
- If the report has transactions listed, the batch was not successful. Call the ASI Helpdesk at 1-800-332-8958
8e At this time, you can discard the preliminary Batch Detail Report
- Here is some information on the transaction types on the Gift Card EOD Batch Report:
- Sold gift cards are GC ACTIVATION Trans Types and go into the total as a credit (negative).
- Redeemed gift cards are GC REDEEM Trans Types and are included in the total for Gift Cards as a Debit (positive).
- Tips on Gift Cards are GC TIP Trans Types and are included in the total for Gift Cards as a Debit (positive)
- If today’s gift card transactions were all activation’s, you will have a negative total for Gift Cards.
If the batch was not successful, copy the error message, then click on End of Day Batch again.
If the first batch did go through, the screen will show "Nothing to Batch".
If the second batch is unsuccessful, contact the AII POS Help Desk at 800-332-8958
9. If Wireless payment is used at your Restaurant, you will need to run & print a batch report on the Commerciant Website for each hand held devise in use today.
- Click on Start, AAG Applications, Commerciant
- Sign in by entering your User ID, Password and then copying the text in the next box to the empty box below it
- Click on the Batch Report option on the left hand side in the middle of the screen.
- Compare the Batch Total(s) on the right side of the screen to the Wireless total amount listed in the Ideal column of the System Totals Screen found under Daily in the POS Restaurant System. If you used two hand held devises today, there will be two separate batches and you will have to add those totals together.
- If the amounts match the Wireless total, print the batch report(s) by clicking on the Batch # on the left side of the screen to display all of the transactions. Then click on the Print button in the middle of the screen. If there are two reports, use the Click HERE option (above the Print button) to get back to the Batch Summary Page. Click on the second Batch # to display all of the transactions on that report and then click on the Print button in the middle of the page.
- If the total(s) on the batch reports do not match the Wireless total, you can see the details of the batch(es) by clicking on the batch number on the left. Compare the amount of the transactions listed to the POS receipts closed to Wireless. You can see a copy of the handheld receipt by clicking on the Transaction number on the left side. Troubleshoot and resolve any issues found.
- The Wireless Batching process occurs automatically at 4 AM.
Go to the POS Restaurant System window.
10. Select Daily, then Systems Totals in the POS Restaurant System
- Enter the Actual amount of the total of the AM & PM Cash Deposits , (TAB after each entry)
- enter the Actual amount of each type of Credit Card (from the Electronic Payment Batch Report),
- enter the Actual amount of Cash Gift Certificates redeemed
- enter the amount of Gift Cards Redeemed from the Gift Card Batch Detail report. The redemptions are listed as (+) Amount & the Gift Card Sales are listed as (-) Amount.
- enter the ’Total’ amount of the Wireless from the Commerciant batch report(s) (if used).
- Click on OK when finished.
11. Select Daily, then Post D.S.R.
Be absolutely certain that you are posting to the correct day, the date should be when the sales started.
12. The screen will return to the Clock In/Out Screen. Click on Done.
The End of Day reports will now begin printing.
13. Transfer Sales and Credit Sales from AM & PM Bar Card and Carside Cards to today’s bartender(s) and Carbees.
- Employee, Modify Time Clock, Highlight AM Bartender Click on View. Double Click on the line that has today’s date and SALES. Note the amounts on the Sales, Credit Sales and Credit Tips lines. Tab down and type zero on both lines to zero out the amounts. Click on OK, Click on Done.
- Employee. Manual Entry, highlight bartender’s name, click on Sales. Verify the date, then tab down,
enter Sales, Credit Sales and Credit Tips. Click on OK, Click on Done. See your GM for store specific information.
- Repeat these two steps for all employees in the Carside Position also
14. Review these following three payroll reports for accuracy and make any adjustments needed in Modify Time Clock. (Print these reports on Tuesday)
Print this report for the pay period (one week). Check Calculate Overtime, must be sorted by last names, DO NOT group by department.
Print this report for the pay period (one week). Check Calculate Overtime, must be sorted by last names, DO NOT group by department.
- Reports, TimeClock, PAYROLL DETAILS
Print this report for the pay period. It is the store's permanent record of complete time detail for all employees. Check Calculate Overtime, must be sorted by last names, DO NOT group by department.
15. Record Deposits and Transmit to ROSnet. (Tuesday Night insure all employees are off the clock)
- Launch ROSnet Form and Transmit by double clicking on the icon on your desktop
- Verify the business date displayed at the top of the window
- Click on the Drop Log icon to display the Drop Log form, verify business date
- To record the AM deposit, place a check-mark in the box corresponding to the first available line on the form in the section you wish to enter the drop/deposit. AM Section (Left), PM Section (Right) NOTE: You can see the Section name above the check-boxes
- Type your initials and press the Tab key
- Enter the AM deposit amount in dollars, decimal and cents (example: 1084.62). DO NOT USE $ signs or commas. Double check the number you entered and then press the Tab key.
- To record the PM deposit, place a check-mark in the box at the beginning of the first available line in the PM column on the right side of the screen
- Type your initials and press the Tab key
- Enter the AM deposit amount in dollars, decimal and cents (example: 1084.62). DO NOT USE $ signs or commas. Double check the number you entered and then press the Tab key
- You will notice a Total Drop Label that will display the total drop of both Sections. Verify that this total is correct
- When satisfied that the entries are correct, click on the Close button. The deposit will be saved.
- Once a number is entered in this log, it cannot be changed. If you make a mistake, enter a correction on the next line in the appropriate AM or PM column to reverse the mistake (For example, if you enter 12000.00 instead of 1200.00, create another entry of -10800.00 to correct the problem.). This should adjust the Balance for that deposit to the correct amount.
- Transmit to ROSnet by clicking on the icon for Full Transmittal. Verify the business date and click on the Go! Button
- A Trial Balance screen will appear in a few seconds. Verify the over or short amount and type your initials and click on the Send button.
ROSnet will only load sales / deposit information once so if you transmit incorrect deposit totals to ROSnet, you will need to contact accounting to have them release your store to send the data a second time to correct the first transmittal. The ROSnet helpdesk will not release your store to re-transmit the information a second time
16. Review the End of Period Validation Screen on ROSnet and make all corrections needed in the POS Software to keep your payroll up to date.
- Log onto ROSnet through Start, AAG Applications, ROSnet
- Payroll>Payroll Completion> End of Period Validation
If today is Tuesday, turn to the next page and complete the preparations for Preparing the Employee & Payroll Information & Transmitting Labor to ROSnet.
If today is Sunday, turn two pages to the ROSNET INVOICE & INVENTORY END OF WEEK GUIDE Section and complete those steps.
If this is not Tuesday or Sunday, have a safe trip home!
TUESDAY NIGHT: Payroll Validation: Preparing Employee & Payroll Information.
All information about employees and payroll must be complete prior to the final payroll validation. You must Post the DSR for Tuesday do a ROSnet full transmittal before you finalize the weekly Payroll Information.
1. Log onto ROSnet through Start, AAG Applications, ROSnet.
2. Review the Payroll Reports in ROSnet to find and resolve issues with your payroll files in the POS
- Access the Payroll reports through the gray navigation box on the left side of the screen. Click on Payroll, click on Reports to reveal the report list.
- Review the Payroll>Reports>Employee Punch Report. Verify that this is a complete list of the shifts worked this week by each employee and that the Job (Pay Department) and Pay Rates are correct. Make any needed adjustments in the POS Software.
- Review the Payroll>Reports>Employee Payroll Summary. Noting any OT warnings and issues with wages & tips not meeting wage & hour guidelines. Make any needed adjustments in the POS Software.
- Review the Payroll>Reports>T.R.A.C. Detail report noting any shortfalls in tips reported and making certain that at this time, there are no sales remaining on the Bar, Carside or To Go cards. Make any needed adjustments in the POS Software.
- Review the daily sales report found at Reports>Management Reports> Daily Summary to insure ROSnet has processed you sales.
- Before you go to the validation screen you must insure the payroll information ROSnet has is accurate and complete. Unfortunately we have issues each week because stores fail to check the payroll reports and the daily summary report each day and we do not have accurate and complete information.
- Access the End of Period Validation screen Payroll>Payroll Completion> End of Period Validation. Review and correct all sections of the Period Validation screen making any needed adjustments in the POS Software.
3. If you find a mistake in ROSnet that you corrected in POS, Re-transmit the adjusted labor information from the POS to ROSnet using the ROSnet Forms & Transmit screen and then double check the Period Validation screen in ROSnet and the Payroll Reports in ROSnet to make sure that all issues have been resolved and that no new issues were created with your fixes.
4. Continue to transmit to ROSnet, check and correct in the POS and re-Transmit the Labor until you are sure that you do not have any issues with the reports or the Validation screen