This is the process for Filling out the Standard Time Sheet for all Departments. This process is to be used as a general guide line. It is the responsible of each person to make sure he or she fills out the time sheet correctly before turning it in to the Work Order Coordinators (WOC)

All time sheets must be turned in at the end of every shift. If you have not completed a WO that you have put time in on for the day you are required to turn in a time sheet indicating the status of the WO and the time you spent on it.

How to Fill Out the Time Sheet

(Standard Time Sheet)

Each Employee will fill out a standard Time Sheet for each and every Work Order he orshe does.

Note: It is very critical that you use your very best handwriting. Other people will need to be able to read what you wrote.

  1. Fill out the “WO Number” .

This number will be given to you by the WOC (Work Order Coordinator). You can also find this number on any WO that is printed out from the WO System.

  1. Fill out the “Date Reported” Field.

The date needs to be entered Month/Day/Year. Example 06/22/2005.

  1. Fill out the “Description” Field.

The description should explain the reason for the WO.

Example: PCAire unit on Gate 33 is not working.

  1. Fill out the “Equipment Description” Field.

In this field you will put in as much information as you can to describe the equipment. Example: Jetway Gate E3 OG # 63245. Or Terminal C Breakroom 124 on the South side Ramp Level by Gate 16. It is very important that you give as much information as you can in this field so the equipment can easily be found in the system.

  1. Fill out the “Report By” Field.

In this field you will put the name of the person who placed the call.

  1. Fill out the “Contact Number”.

In this field you will put the phone number for the person who placed the call.

  1. Fill out the “Call Time” Field.

This will be the time you received the call. If this is not an immediate WO type ask the WOC for the time. You can also get the time off of any printed WO form.

Note: All time will be entered in military time: Example: 14:34 This would mean that the time you received the call was 2:34PM.

  1. Fill out the “Arrival Time” Field.

This will be the time when you get on-site and are ready to start the work.

  1. Fill out the “Completed Time” Field. This is the time when you have completely finished the WO. You should not have anything left to be done on this project when you enter the Completed Time
  1. Check the “WO Type” Field.
  1. CM = This is a Corrective Maintenance WO. This is to be used for all general equipment repairs that are not part of a PM or is not a Child WO.
  2. PM = This is a Preventive Maintenance WO.
  3. Inspections = This is to be used for all general building or equipment inspection when repairs are not performed.
  4. Escorting = This is to used anytime you are escorting a vendor or other personal around the site and you are not performing any other type of work that would follow under a CM or PM type WO.
  5. Child = This is a Child WO. A Child WO can be created from a PM, Inspection or a CM. Example: If you are performing a PM on a Conveyor Section and you determine the belt needs to be replaced and that is not part of the normal PM then you would open up a Child WO. Another example would be you get an Immediate WO that a Jetway would not move and you are able to fix the problem well enough to get the Jetway back into service. However the fix you did is only a temporary fix then you would open up a Child WO to make the Permanente fix.
  6. Management = This type of WO is to be used for those hourly personal who do not perform CM or PM type work. Example: WOC’s, Purchasing, Administrator and Warehouse personal.
  1. Check the “WO Status” Field.
  1. Onsite = This status means you are not completed with the WO and you are still working on getting the WO completed.
  2. Mitigated = This status means you have got the equipment back into service. However you still have something that needs to be done before you are 100% complete with the work.
  3. Waiting Parts = This status means you are waiting on parts before you can begin the job or that you have started the job and can not complete the job with the needed parts.
  4. Out of Service = This status means that the equipment is out of service. This status is to be used even if you are waiting on parts.
  5. Complete = This status is to be used whenever you have the WO 100% completed.
  1. Check the “WO Priority” Field.
  1. Immediate = This Priority is to be used for all WO that need to be done right now. WO that are for equipment that will effect operations, safety WO or Political WO.
  2. 24 Hour = This Priority is to be used for all WO that are not immediate but, need to be done within 24 hours. Example: Lights that are out and need to be replaced or a door that needs adjustment.
  3. Scheduled = This Priority is to be used for all WO’s that are not Immediate, 24 Hour, Scheduled, PM or Special Projects.
  4. PM = This Priority is to be used for all WO that have a WO type of PM or Inspection.
  5. Special Project = This Priority is to be used only for those projects that are outside of our everyday maintenance activities. Example: Refurbishment of Jetways, PCAire units and Building anything.

Note: All Special Projects and some Scheduled WO’s must be approved by Continental before any work can be started. See Gatekeeper approval process for more information.

  1. Check the “Problem Code” Field.
  1. Bag Jam = This Problem Code is to be usedfor all Bag Jams.
  2. Equipment Damage = This Problem Code is to be used for all Equipment that has been damaged. Example: the equipment has been run into by a tug and has been damaged.
  3. Hose / Connector = This problem Code should be used for all PCAire hose or Conector issues. This code can also be used for any other types of hose issues.
  4. Inoperative = This problem code should be used anytime you get a call saying the equipment is not working. Only use this code if one of the other problem codes will not work.
  5. Lights Out = This problem code is to be used for any lighting issue.
  6. Lock / Door = This problem code is to be used for all lock and door issues.
  7. Not Applicable = This problem code is only to be used for items such as escorting, Warehouse duties, WOC duties and any thing that absolutely will not fit in a another category.
  8. Painting / Carpenter = This problem code is to be used for all painting and Carpentry type WO’s
  9. Plumbing = This problem code is to be used for all Plumbing WO’s.
  10. PM / Inspection = This problem code is to be used only for PM and Inspection type WO’s.
  11. Tire / Wheel = This problem code is to be used anytime work is being done because of a tire or wheel problem.
  12. Too Hot / Cold = This problem code is to be used for all hot or cold WO calls.
  1. Check the “Cause Code” Field.

Note: See Examples of how to Fill out Cause Code in the Following Pages.

  1. Check the “Action Code” Field.

Note: See Examples of how to fill out Action Code in the Following Pages.

Proper Way to Fill out Problem, Cause and Action Codes

Bag Jam
Cause Code / Action
Abuse / Adjust
Controls/Programming / Bypass
Deterioration / Repaired
Equipment Power / Replaced
Mechanical Ware / Reprogrammed
Operator Error/Misuse / Reset
WX / Environment
Equipment Damage
Cause Code / Action
Abuse / Bypass
Equipment Power / Rebuild
Operator Error/Misuse / Removed
WX / Environment / Repaired
Hose / Connector
Cause Code / Action
Abuse / Adjust
Component Age / Rebuild
Deterioration / Repaired
Mechanical Ware / Replaced
Operator Error/Misuse
Cause Code / Action
Abuse / Adjust
Controls/Programming / Bypass
Deterioration / Rebuild
Equipment Power / Removed
Mechanical Ware / Repaired
Operator Error/Misuse / Replaced
WX / Environment / Reprogrammed
Lights Out
Cause Code / Action
Abuse / Repaired
Component Age / Replaced
Controls/Programming / Reprogrammed
Equipment Power / Reset
Operator Error/Misuse
WX / Environment
Lock / Door
Cause Code / Action
Abuse / Adjust
Component Age / Bypass
Controls/Programming / Install
Equipment Power / Rebuild
Mechanical Ware / Repaired
Operator Error/Misuse / Replaced
WX / Environment / Reprogrammed
Not Applicable
Cause Code / Action
Not Applicable / Not Applicable
Painting / Carpenter
Cause Code / Action
Abuse / Adjust
Component Age / Install
Deterioration / Rebuild
Mechanical Ware / Removed
Safety / Security / Repaired
WX / Environment / Replaced
Cause Code / Action
Abuse / Adjust
Controls/Programming / Rebuild
Deterioration / Repaired
Equipment Power / Replaced
Mechanical Ware / Reprogrammed
Operator Error/Misuse / Reset
Water / Air Flow
WX / Environment
PM / Inspection
Cause Code / Action
PM / Inspection / PM / Inspection
Tire / Wheel
Cause Code / Action
Component Age / Adjust
Deterioration / Rebuild
Mechanical Ware / Repaired
WX / Environment / Replaced
Too Hot / Cold
Cause Code / Action
Component Age / Adjust
Controls/Programming / Bypass
Deterioration / Rebuild
Equipment Power / Removed
Mechanical Ware / Repaired
Operator Error/Misuse / Replaced
WX / Environment / Reprogrammed
  1. Record you Time.
  2. Under the time section of the time sheet print your name in the “Name” field.

Note: All time is entered in percentage of hours. Smallest number recorded will 7 ½ minutes.

Minutes = Time on Time Sheet

7 ½ = .125

15 = .25

22 ½=.375


37 ½=.625


52 ½ =.875


  1. Enter your time in each of the appropriate spaces. Example: if you spend 30 minutes getting parts then you would write .50 hours in the parts section. If you then spend 2 hours on the WO performing Electrician work then you would write 2.0 Hours in the appropriate space.
  1. Parts = Time to do PR’s and time getting parts.
  2. Tools = Time to get and return tools.
  3. Waiting = Time waiting on access to equipment so you can work on it.
  4. Training = This is the time you spent on this WO getting Trained.
  5. Battery Charger Maint. = This is the time spend repairing Battery Chargers.
  6. BMU Maintenance = This is the timespent on repairing the Bag Systems.
  7. HVAC Maintenance = This is the time spent repairing and HVAC system.
  8. Systems/Controls Work = This is the time spend work on any Controls. This can be Bag System, Building or Jetway Controls systems.
  9. Electrical Work = This is the time spend doingany electrical type work that is not controls related.
  10. Carpentry = This is the time spend doing any type of carpentry work.
  11. Gen. Maintenance = This is the time spend doing things like Light Bulb and Filter Change Outs. This would also include time spend on general House Keeping and any other task that does not fit into one of the other categories.
  12. Jam Clearing = This is the time spend doing any Bag Jam Clearing.
  13. Manual Encode = This is the time spend doing Manual Encoding.
  14. Painting = This is the time spent on any type of painting projects.
  15. Plumbing = This is the time spent on any Plumbing projects.
  16. Support Staff = This is hours spent for WOC’s, Administrators, Purchasing, Escorting, etc.
  17. Warehouse Work = This is the time spent doing any warehouse activities.
  18. Welding = This is the time spent doing any Welding type work.
  1. Record the Parts used.
  1. Record the “Qty” used.
  2. Record the “UOM” (Unit of Measure) Ea (Each), Box, FT (Foot), Gal (Gallon), etc.
  3. Record the “Part No” of the part.
  4. Record the “Description” of the part. Try to record as much information as you can on the form.
  5. Record the “Location From” this is the warehouse in which you got the part from. Example: FXMain, BMU, Hobby, etc.
  1. Record you’re “Comments” about what you did on the WO.

Note: It is critical you give a good description of what you did on the WO. If you do not have enough room on the front of the form you can continue your comments on the back of the form.