Charleston County School District
North Charleston High School
Biology Course Syllabus
Teacher:Mrs. Brandi Logan-Hubbard
Phone Number: 745-7140 Ext. 26401
E-mail Address:
Course Description
This course is an introductory, laboratory-based course designed to meet the SC Curriculum Standards in Science. Students will be introduced to the major concepts of biological science: the cell; molecular basis of heredity; biological evolution; interdependence of organisms; matter, energy, and science process skills. Critical thinking and an appreciation for the nature of science will be developed through laboratory experiences. Students planning on enrolling in a four-year college are recommended to take this course. A state mandated end-of-course examination is required and administered at the beginning of May, which counts as 20% of the overall grade.
Course Standards
Standard H.B.1: The student will use the science and engineering practices, including the processes and skills of scientific inquiry, to develop understandings of science content.
Standard H.B.2: The student will demonstrate the understanding that the essential functions of life take place within cells or systems of cells.
Standard H.B.3: The student will demonstrate the understanding that all essential processes within organisms require energy which in most ecosystems is ultimately derived from the Sun and transferred into chemical energy by the photosynthetic organisms of that ecosystem
Standard H.B.4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the specific mechanisms by which characteristics or traits are transferred from one generation to the next via genes.
StandardH B-5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of biological evolution and the diversity of life.
H.B.6. Conceptual Understanding: Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are important components of the carbon cycle, in which carbon is exchanged between the biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and geosphere through chemical, physical, geological, and biological processes. Course standards and indicators can be accessed at
Topics of study:
1st Semester / 2nd SemesterLab Safety / Cell Division
Scientific Inquiry / Genetics
Cells / Evolution
Photosynthesis/Respiration / Geochemical Cycles
DNA / Ecosystems
Protein synthesis / Populations
Grading Percentage and Quality of Work
Grade / Scale / Description of WorkA / 90-100% / Consistently demonstrates an exceptional level of quality and effort. Having all work in on time and completed to exceed expectations. Mastery in evaluating, synthesizing, and applying the principles of biology.
B / 80-89% / Consistently demonstrates proficient knowledge with a good effort and quality of work. All assignments are complete and on time. Demonstrates the ability to evaluate, analyze, synthesize and apply the principles of biology.
C / 70-79% / Demonstrates proficient knowledge and the ability to apply and analyze biological principles. Work shows average effort. A few assignments may be missed or late.
D / 60-69% / Work shows minimal effort and some assignments are late. Demonstrates a basic understanding of recalling or comprehending biological principles.
F / Below 59% / Understanding is below basic in relation to biological principles. Work is of poor quality and does not meet standards or expectations.
Assessment Plan
Category / Type of Task / Percentage of GradeUnit Test/ Assessments / Summative / 30%
Labs & Projects / Summative / 30%
Quizzes / Summative / 15%
Daily Grades/ Participation / Formative / 15%
Practice/Homework / Summative / 10%
Summative assessment is the process of evaluating (and grading) the learning of students at a point in time. Aformative assessment is evaluation of student learning that aids understanding and development of knowledge, skills and abilities without passing any final judgement (via recorded grade) on the level of learning.
Grade Calculations
Semester Grade:
(Quarter 1 X 2) + (Quarter 2 X 2) + Semester exam
The semester grade is 40% Quarter 1, 40% Quarter 2, and 20% semester exam.
Final Grade:
(Semester 1 X 2) + (Semester 2 X 2) + Final or EOC exam
The final grade is 40% Semester 1, 40% Semester 2, and 20% final or EOC exam.
Grade Reporting and Parent Contact
Parents can access their student’s current grades and progress through Power School. A password and instructions on how to access the program will be given within the first several weeks of school. Parents should feel free to ask about their student’s progress via the contact information listed at the top of this syllabus. If you call my extension during the day it will go to voicemail, and I will be sure to return your call as soon as possible. The easiest and fastest method of contact is usually email. A Biology 1 Remind101 class has also been created to keep you updated and informed on upcoming assignments and important events in class. You may join this class to receive messages via text message and/or email, and your phone number and/or email will not be shared with the teacher or anyone else in the class. To sign up for text messages, simply text @mrsbhub to 81010 and follow the rest of the instructions. To sign up for email messages, send an email to with a blank subject line and follow the rest of the instructions. Requests for teacher conferences must be scheduled through guidance.
Quarter / Interim Issue Date / Report Card Issue Date1 / September 25th / October 25th
2 / November 28th / January 20th
3 / February 17th / March 28th
4 / May 2nd / June 7th
Absences and Late Work
Participation in class lectures, activities, labs, demonstrations, and other assigned work are essential to success in any science class. Work missed due to absence must be made up within 5 days of return to school unless other arrangements are made with the teacher. Practice/homework is only 10% of the overall grade, so NO late practice/homework will be accepted for a grade. There will be a 10% penalty of the original point value for each day labs or projects are late for up to 3 days. Students that are absent on lab days may make up the lab with no penalty, but an alternate assignment may be given. Students that do not have proper attire for lab (including close-toed shoes) or a signed lab safety contract on file will not be able to participate in lab but will be allowed to obtain data from other students and turn it in for a 10% penalty of the original point value. Extra credit is rarely given. Students should attempt to complete all assignments on time.
Required Materials
Textbook (CP = Biology by Miller and Levine)
½ inch or 1 inch 3 Ringed Notebook
Notebook paper
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner. Academic integrity includes a commitment not to engage in or tolerate acts of falsification, misrepresentation or deception. Such acts of dishonesty violate the fundamental ethical principles of the North Charleston High School community and compromise the worth of work completed by others. Examples are:
1. Cheating: Using crib sheets; preprogramming a calculator; texting with a cell phone, using notes or books during a closed book exam; etc
2. Copying on test/homework: Looking at other unsuspecting students' exams/homework and copying; copying in a complicit manner with another student; exchanging numbered exams for the purpose of copying; passing answers via notes; discussing answers on an exam; etc
3. Plagiarism: Fabricating information and/or citations; copying from the Internet or submitting the work of others from professional journals, books, articles and papers; submitting other students' papers or lab results or project reports and representing the work as one's own; fabricating, in part or total, submissions and citing them falsely; etc.
Should a student become involved in cheating or plagiarism by giving or receiving help or by using prohibited documents on an assignment then the teacher will give the student an “F” on the assignment. There will be no opportunity to make-up or do-over the assignment and no additional assignment shall be given in its place. The student(s) will be charged with cheating. The teacher will notify the parent(s) and Administration.
Class Rules and Expectations for Managing Student Behavior
1. Students will behave in a responsible and respectful manner— for example students will remove hats indoors, use proper English, speak in low voices, stay on task, follow safety rules, and adhere to oral and written instructions.
2. Students will be on time and prepared for class (book, notebook, pencil/pen) every day.
3. Unauthorized use of electronic devices (such as headphones, MP3 players, and cell phones) used in the classroom will be confiscated and will be turned in to the front office.
4. Any student misbehavior in lab will result in immediate removal and a loss of credit for that lab assignment. Continued misbehavior will be dealt with by administration.
Rewards for Appropriate Behavior:
1. Positive Postcards
2. School Supply Prizes
3. Game-Time Reviews
4. Bonus Lab Activities
Consequences for Failure to meet Expectations:
1. First Offense - Warning (verbal or non-verbal)
2. Second Offense - discipline essay
3. Third Offense – parent contact and behavior contract
4. Fourth offense – Parent/Student/Teacher/Guidance/Administrator conference
5. Fifth offense - Referral to the principal &/or removal from the Classroom
6. Extreme disruptions will be dealt with immediately
Lab Safety Expectations:
1. Students receive a copy of the safety guidelines which details procedures for safe behaviors in lab.
2. Lab safety will be taught, practiced and tested.
3. Violations of lab safety will be documented and punished according to the severity of the offense.
4. Extreme disruptions will be dealt with immediately and may result in removal from lab permanently.
Interventions and Opportunity for Extra Help
Tutoring is available for all students that need extra help or to make up work/tests. All tutoring times are posted in the classroom. Students may choose to attend any of my tutoring times. Other tutoring opportunities with me are available by appointment, but they must be made 24 hours in advance. Opportunities to remediate or recover work that is below proficient (failing) will be available at the end of a unit (after a test) and the quarter level for a maximum grade of a 60.
Classroom Routines:
Students may write in pencil or blue/black ink.
Students with readmit slips should hand them to the teacher upon entering the room. The slips will be returned once attendance is taken.
Trash may be thrown away and pencils may be sharpened at anytime except while the teacher is instructing the entire class or students are presenting to the class.
Fire and other emergency drills will follow the instructions provided by the school. We will practice these procedures.
Hall passes will NOT be issued. Use the restroom and take care of your business BEFORE class begins.
If a principle, counselor, or attendance clerk sends for a student, the student will be allowed to leave.
Procedures and Policies
Testing Procedures
· All materials other than a pencil or pen (black or blue ink only) should be placed in a binder or backpack.
· All binders, backpacks and other materials should be placed at the front of the classroom before any test is passed out.
· Students will be separated where there is only one student per desk.
· Students should keep their eyes on their own papers.
· Students should not talk while any test is out. If there is talking, the teacher will assume that the student is cheating.
· If students have a question, he should raise his hand and wait until the teacher comes to their desk.
Nurse Policy
· Students can only leave the classroom if they have a pass written in their agenda by the teacher.
· Students will only be allowed to go to the nurse in a true emergency.
Field Trip Policy
· Field trip forms will NOT be signed unless you have a C or higher (70-100) in the class.
Parents/Guardians please feel free to contact me during school hours at 745.7140 ext. 26401 to check on your child’s progress and to set up conferences. You may leave a message and I will return your call promptly. I may be reached via email at .
I look forward to meeting you,
Brandi Logan-Hubbard
Science Department
North Charleston High