FM Excavation Project Guidelines/Checklist

For excavation greater than 2-feet in depth.

(To be completed by person coordinating the project.)

Project Name:

Start Date & Time:

Projected End Date:

Have you contactedDigAlert (811 on telephone) and University departments that may have underground installations in the excavation area before start of work? Yes No

Has the Competent Person been notified of work and made their assessment? (Obtain signature on this form) Yes No

Signature, Date & Name of Competent Person ______

If Trenching, has EH&S been notified? Yes No

Will project impact other departments/areas on campus, requiring special consultation? Yes No

  • Arborist
  • Structural Engineer
  • Transportation and Distribution Services
  • OIT
  • Facilities Trades & Irrigation

Upon Completion of work—

Has Competent Person been notified?(Obtain signature on this form) Yes No

Signature, Date & Name of Competent Person ______

Has EH&S been notified (949-824-6200)? Yes No

Notifying DigAlert(811on telephone)
The Facilities Management unit coordinating the project must contact DigAlert two days prior to work starting UNLESS the excavation will only involve hand digging to a depth of not more than to two feet (24").
1) The Facilities Management unit coordinating the project must also meet with any University department that may have underground installations in the area.
2) All work must be coordinated with a University Trenching & Shoring Competent Person.
Please see your supervisor if you have any questions. For more information on California Code Section 4216, please refer to

Competent Person Checklist/Responsibilities

Responsibilities - Competent Persons
Training Needed: Trenching & Shoring for Competent Persons (Sign-up on UC Learning Center. 12 hour initial training. Four hour refresher class required annually.)
1) Notify EH&S prior to the start of any excavation on campus (48 hours preferred) that will exceed a depth of two feet (24 inches) by e-mailing Activity Notification Form to .
2) Complete Hazard Assessment and Trench Entry and Authorization Form for regularly scheduled and emergency excavations.
3) Notify EH&S, via e-mail, when project has been completed. Forward project info (including start and end dates) to .
4) Keep copies of all Activity Notification / Hazard Assessment and Trench Entry and Authorization forms on file for a minimum of three years.
5) When working with contractors - obtain completed Activity Notification Form from contractor and e-mail to EH&S at . Contractors are to submit notifications directly to OSHA.

rev. 10/15