8 December 2010 at 11:00 (Dunedin Room, City Chambers)
Present: Councillor Norman Work, Councillor Cammy Day, Jim Davidson, Betty Stevenson, Angela Ritchie & Emma McEwanApologies: Councillor Allan Jackson, Councillor Maggie Chapman, Councillor Joanna Coleman, Councillor Paul Edie, John Daly,
Sarah Burns, Mike Wagner, Alistair Latona, Ewan Walker, Mike McCrossan, Colin Bellett, Carol Reid, Mark Henry,
John Adams, Maud Wylie, Linda Sime and Maureen Miller
Item / Subject / Discussion / Action / Timescale
1 / Welcome & Apologies / Councillor Norman Work (NW) welcomed the attendees to the meeting.
Jim Davidson (JCD) advised that due to the severe weather conditions he had asked for staff to remain in their operational areas to continue concentrating on the necessary work required.
Apologies from those who could not attend were accepted.
2 / Minute of Previous Meeting – 24 August 2010 / Minute was accepted as a true record.
3 / Matters Arising / Tenants’ Conference – Saturday 28 August 2010
The Tenants’ Conference was jointly hosted by Edinburgh Tenants’ Federation and the Council on Saturday 28 August 2010. A series of conversations took place that were themed around investment, repairs and new build; and a number of stalls promoting issues such as energy efficiency, community safety and private rented services complimented these.
Attendance had been anticipated as 60 tenants. However the final attendance figure was in the high 30s. Those who attended gave positive feedback and the event was well received.
Subsequent work has taken place, with a series of debrief sessions held and a Tenants’ Conference Report drafted. The report will be issued to tenants in the near future.
Post Meeting Note: The Tenants Conference report was issued in December 2010 to all participants after development of the actions related to the various issues raised at the Conference.
The Conference was the first of an annual programme and planning for the 2011 event will begin in the new year.
ETF are now also consulted in regards to HRA business planning; the first briefing was held on 8 November 2010 and a consultation has been scheduled for 10 January 2011. This work will be ongoing.
Community Alarm Service
Heather Laing met with the Block Managers on 25 August 2010 to discuss the future plans for the Community Alarm Service. This has built a closer relationship and better communication links between concierge and the vulnerable tenancy group.
JCD has asked Mike McCrossan (MMc) to draft a briefing paper setting objectives for this work, which will be reported back to the MSWG.
Fire Safety Update
Betty Stevenson (BS) advised the Group that Lothian and Borders Fire Rescue Service had attended one of the high-rise group meetings and that their presence had been well received and LBFRS had received a number of requests to carry out fire safety checks. / MMc
4 / Property Related Reports / 4.1 Multi-Storey Repairs Monitoring
JCD advised that Waste Services and the Severe Weather Team have been working over the weekend and week to clear paths and access to bins/chutes.
BS reported that the pilot of the new liquid lining in the chute at Gunnet Court had been successful and that there have been calls for the same at May Court. JCD agreed to relay this to John Daly and the local Neighbourhood Office to see if anything could be done.
JCD advised that a monthly report on blocked chutes and performance in this area would be drafted, to be distributed at officer level to help monitor progress and highlight any issues raised.
Councillor Day (CD) asked why there was no report regarding the awareness campaign for disposing waste in the chutes. It had been stated in the minute of 24 August 2010 that a report would be prepared for this meeting, and that the work was meant to have been completed by the end of September 2010. JCD advised that this would be highlighted to the Concierge staff as priority and that a report on progress would be made before the next MSWG Meeting on 22 February 2010.
BS advised that John Adams (JA) still required the issue regarding lift maintenance charges to be investigated. JA has reported an additional charge of £306 for work carried out, after the call out charge of £304.50 being issued for a contractor attending out of hours. JCD advised that Mike Wagner (MW) will look into this matter urgently and respond to JA.
4.2 EBS Performance Report – June 2010
JCD advised that the EBS Performance Update Report has now been brought in line with the quarterly reporting period of the Multi-Storey Repairs Monitoring Report.
JCD presented the EBS performance figures for Quarter 1 (1 April to 30 June 2010) and Quarter 2 (1 July – 30 September 2010) of this financial year.
NW noted that improvements in performance have been made compared to past figures reported, but that there was still room for improvement.
EBS joined the Housing and Regeneration division in April 2010 and JCD advised the MSWG that he now meets with Alex Burns (AB), Operations Manager for EBS on a routine basis.
Regarding repair appointments kept, mobile working has provided operatives with flexibility in reaching appointments and provided them with better communication links. In Q2 approximately 99% of repair appointments were kept.
Q2 reported that 86% appointments were within 5 days, compared to a target of 90%. JCD agreed to raise this with AB and establish what action was being taken to improve this performance.
North and East Neighbourhoods reported the lowest figures regarding non-appointed work. JCD will raise this with AB too and establish what the issues have been and what is being done to address these.
CD asked for future EBS Performance Reports to contain narrative and explanation on the figures presented. CD commented that any fluctuations seen with regards to performance figures should be commented on, allowing the MSWG to have a better understanding of the issues experienced. JCD will speak to AB regarding the content of future reports.
4.3 Update on Fire Safety in Multi-Storey Blocks
Since the significant fire that occurred in London during Autumn 2008, fire safety in multi-storey blocks has been a priority. John Daly (JD), Architectural Services Manager for HPS has developed a close working relationship with LBFRS to develop a programme of work relating to improving fire safety in Council homes. The report advised the MSWG of the progress made so far in multi-storey blocks.
JCD highlighted that, after an inspection of the building involving a Fire Officer, A Council Health and Safety Adviser and JD, Westfield Court has been confirmed as safe and satisfactorily served with fire safety measurements. Items such as clearer signage and emergency lighting have been noted and addressed.
BS raised a concern regarding vulnerable tenants being unsure of how to check battery operated smoke detectors, and asked if the fitting of hard-wire smoke detectors could be arranged in the properties of vulnerable tenants. JCD agreed to raise this at the next Mental Health Awareness Group meeting on 18 January 2011 to agree a way forward for this. / JCD/JD
5 / Minutes of the Multi-Storey Owners’ Group –
21 September 2010 / JA has raised an issue concerning VAT charges on fuel consumption. The new chair of Maidencraig Court Residents Committee is seeking advice from Citizens Advice regarding this. The Council have sought advice from Denise Pryde in Finance, who is the Council’s VAT expert and will continue to work with Maidencraig residents.
Maidencraig Court also has an outstanding issue regarding the changes put in place by “Heat with Rent” initiative. Stuart Orr (SO) had been in contact with JA to discuss this further. JCD will speak to SO regarding this and a decision will be made on how to take this forward.
It was noted that the relationship between Multi-Storey Billing and homeowners has improved and that more positive relationships have been built through the work of the MSOG.
/ SB
6 / Sighthill Demolition Update / The low-rise demolition at Sighthill is ongoing and no issues have been reported.
The work to appoint a contractor to demolish the three remaining multi-storey blocks at North Sighthill has progressed. Based on previous discussions the Notice was re-advertised and approximately 40 PQQs have been received. The PQQs are currently being marked with a view to shortlist for tender next week. Appointment of the contractor will take place mid February 2011, with a view to begin work in late Spring of 2011.
Legal advice is still being sought regarding the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO). JCD will get an update regarding this at the 21st Century Homes Project Board Meeting on 10 December 2010. / JCD
7 / Update from the Mental Health Awareness Group / The MHAG held a meeting on 27 July 2010 to review the achievements made so far and discuss the work programme for 2011.
A report was present to the Health, Social Care and Housing Committee on 7 December 2010 to advise them of the work of the MHAG so far.
The MHAG were due to meet on 14 December 2010 but due to the severe weather this has been postponed to January 2011.
JCD advised that the MHAG won the award for ‘Skills Development’ at the Guardian Public Services Awards in London on 23 November 2010.
The MHAG has been nominated for the ‘Breaking the Silo’ category at the Council’s Stand out from the Crowd Awards Ceremony due to be held on 9 December 2010.
Post meeting note: Due to the severe weather conditions, the Stand out from the Crowd Awards ceremony has now been postponed until 18 February 2011.
ETF received the Frances Nelson MBE Award for their contribution to the work of the MHAG in August 2010. In addition, the MHAG was a runner up for the ‘Best Employee and Equality Initiative’ award at the APSE awards ceremony in Derry on 9 September 2010.
BS commented on how proud she was of the achievements of the MHAG in raising the awareness of the nature of the work the group is involved in. NW also asked for the MHAG to be congratulated on their success so far.
CD advised the MSWG that at the Health, Social Care and Housing Committee on 7 December 2010 it was asked that the Lord Provost recognise the work of the MHAG.
BS is attending an event hosted by the Scottish Government at Victoria Quay on 9 December 2010 to give a talk on the work carried out by the MHAG.
8 / Any Other Business / JCD advised the MSWG that supplementary contractors have been called in to help with the snow clearing. 350 people were out over the weekend to help clear the snow, with 400+ working throughout the week.
9 / DONM / Tuesday 22 February 2011 @ 10:00.
Old Council Chambers.