Woodville Tompkins Technical CareerHigh School
Business Communications
Course Syllabus2017-18
/ Dr. Berthenia K. Colonel / Room # / 720Email Address
/ / Telephone / 912-395-6750Course Description
Business Communications is the third course in the Business and Technology pathway in the Business
Management and Administration cluster. In this course, students will explore the value of communication in their personal and professional life. The digital presence and impact of written and visual communication in a technological society will be addressed. Students will create, edit, and publish professional-appearing business documents with clear and concise communication. Creative design along with persuasive personal and professional communications will be applied though research, evaluation, validation, written, and oral communication. Leadership development and teamwork skills will be stressed as students work independently and collaboratively. Presentation skills will be developed and modeled for students to master presentation software in this course.
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Competencies in the co-curricular student organization, FBLA are integral components of the employability skills standard for this course. FBLA activities are incorporated throughout this course and the rest of the Business and Computer Science courses. Students are strongly encouraged to join FBLA ($20) to benefit from the wealth of opportunities the organization has to offer.
Course Curriculum Content
Course StandardsBMA-BC-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry.
BMA-BC-2 Examine and practice grammar, mechanics, and process of composing professionally written business communications.
BMA-BC-3 Apply effective oral communication by communicating in a clear, courteous, concise, and professional manner.
BMA-BC-4 Use active and intentional listening skills to respond appropriately to oral communication.
BMA-BC-5 Master word processing software at an expert level to create, edit, and publish professional-appearing business documents.
BMA-BC-6 Integrate multiple forms of communication in the successful pursuit of a career/employment.
BMA-BC-7 Apply skills and strategies for the delivery of effective oral communication and presentations.
BMA-BC-8 Use digital technologies, communication/networking tools, and social networks appropriately to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information to successfully function in professional settings.
BMA-BC-9 Master presentation software to create, edit, publish, and deliver professional appearing business presentations.
BMA-BC-10 Explore how related student organizations are integral parts of career and technology education courses through leadership development, school and community service projects, entrepreneurship development, and competitive events.
First Nine Weeks:
- FBLA—leadership development, community service, and employability skills
- Basics of Communication
- Effective Communication Skills
- Workplace Communication
- Business Ethics
- Word Processing Applications
- Societal Communications
- Interactive Presentations
Instructional Supplies / Grading Scale
3-ring binder
Paper, Pen and Pencil
Flash Drive / A: 90-100
B: 80-89
C: 70-79
F: 69 and below
Evaluation and Grading
Assignment Categories / Grade WeightsClasswork
Unit Tests
Late work will not be accepted. Make-up work from excused absences isdue 3 days after return to school. / Formative Assessments 40%
- Class Work—35%
- Homework—5%
- Projects—30%
- Unit Tests—30%
Microsoft Office Specialist Certification
Students will have the opportunity to take the MOS Certification Examination in Microsoft PowerPoint provided they pass ALL three (3) practice exams with a score of 700 or above.
Weekly tutorials will held on Tuesdays from 3:00 - 4:00 pm.
Classroom Expectations
1)Adhere to all district and school policies in the student handbook.
- Respect others: Your teacher and your classmates. This includes not talking while the teacher is talking.
- Respect all equipment, furniture, and materials that are provided for your use.
- Keep your hands to yourself and to your work area.
- Use appropriate language at ALL times.
4)The student will be recorded tardy for arrival in the classroom after the signal
bell has sounded.
5)Conversations must be conducted at a volume no louder than may be heard
by a classmate seated next to you. Conversing across the room is
never allowable.
6)Remain SEATED in your assigned seat during class time unless otherwise authorized.
7)The student will leave the classroom only with the permission of the
8)Unplugging cables, playing with another students’ computer, or damaging any equipment is
Unacceptable. Violation of the computer use policy may result up to a loss of computer access.
9)Personal electronic devices may be used only with instructor permission—electronic devices are to
remain in your book bags at ALL times.
10)Students will bedismissed by the instructor, and not the signal bell.
11)Clean-up your work area: log-off, push chair under the table, and remove all trash from the work area.
Please notify the instructor quietly,privately and politely of concerns that arise, and they will be addressed and resolved with you.
Consequences for violation of rules/procedures may include:
- Verbal warning
- Documented warning/Parent contact
- Loss of privileges
- Referral to administration
*The order and type of consequences depends on the severity and nature of a violation
Please return the following acknowledgement. This is your first required homework assignment for Business Communications.
______Student Name ______Grade Level
______Parent or Guardian Name(s)
Best parent contact telephone number(s) ______
Best parent email address: ______
We acknowledge that we have read and understand the course syllabus criteria and classroom expectations provided by Dr. Colonel for the course Business Communications.
Student Signature______
Parent/Guardian Signature______
Syllabus—Business CommunicationsPage 1 of 4
*Note: Subject to change at the discretion of the Instructor